Airline Workers Are Winning.

Airline Workers Are Winning.

When airlines spend millions to influence public policy, they don’t always have the best interests of their workers in mind. 

The Machinists Union Non-Partisan Political League was formed to ensure that airline workers are not forgotten as critical legislation is drafted.

Activists like District 141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick have worked from the MNPL to help advance the interests of front-line airline workers around the nation. Thanks to these efforts, gate agents are better protected from assault and more airline workers are getting adequate rest periods, protecting their safety and that of the flying public. These victories have helped improve the entire industry.

But, there’s still more work to do. Airline workers are under threat by well funded corporate lobbyists. Our pensions, our health care, and our contracts are under constant threat. Your help is urgently needed.

Visit the MNPL tab at to sign up for voluntary, recurring donations to the IAM141 MNPL.

And, Thank You For Your Support

Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch

After 18 years as president of Local 1776, Rich Howell handed the gavel to Larry Reeves, the newly elected president of the local, at a moving ceremony in Philadelphia last week.

Howell’s family, and Obie O’Brien, President of the Pennsylvania State Council of Machinists who served as Secretary-Treasurer of Local 1776 for 45 years and is a mentor to Howell and other members of the local were also present.

Local 1776 was named after O’Brien in 2015 in recognition of his work and dedication to workers in the Philadelphia area.

The “Rich Howell Wall of Leadership” was unveiled at the meeting. The names of Howell and Reeves, the youngest person and first African-American to serve as president of Local 1776 were installed on the display. Gil Simmons, who initiated in Local 1776 and rose to leadership positions in the local and District 141 and was recently appointed Special Representative in the Transportation Territory, was also honored on the wall.


Federal Judge Rules in Favor of IAM

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of IAM

Anti-union forces suffer a big setback as “Janus copycat” lawsuit dismissed

In a major victory for unionized workers in transportation, a Federal District Court in New Jersey dismissed a lawsuit filed against the IAM, District 141 and Local 914. Plaintiffs Linda Rizzo-Rupon, Susan Marshall and Noemio Oliveira sought to be exempted from the payment of agency fees that support our union’s representation activities.

Our Brothers and Sisters of Local 914 erupted in applause when District 141 Assistant General Chair Rich Creighton announced the decision last week at the local’s business meeting. Quoting parts of the judge’s ruling, Creighton stated that “The judge based his decision on two main items: First, the union is not a state actor so our activities are not subject to the Janus decision, and second, Article 8 of the Railway Labor Act (RLA) contains a union security provision that protects our contract. We were victorious based on those two items. This decision allows those agents, if their lawyers and the anti-union group decides they want to push it, the right to appeal, but as of this moment the case was dismissed against Local 914 and District 141 under the Railway Labor Act.”

US District Judge William J. Martini dismissed the case with prejudice on December 16, 2019, in a big setback for the Mackinac Center, the Michigan-based anti-union group that financed the lawsuit. In a 5-page decision, Judge Martini ruled that the 2018 US Supreme Court Janus decision does not apply in this case, since the plaintiffs work for a private company, not the government. He also cited Railway Employees Dep’t vs Hanson , a 1956 Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of the “requirement for financial support of the collective bargaining agency by all who receive the benefits of its work.”

The full text of the court’s decision can be read here.

I am delighted to share this good news with every proud Machinists Union member. We agree wholeheartedly with the judge’s decision and thank our legal team for their fine work. We can now turn our undivided attention to the important work we do every day improving the lives and working conditions of all our members and our communities.

In Unity,

Mike Klemm
President and Directing General Chair
District 141, IAMAW

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Sisters and Brothers,

Over the past several weeks, the Association, the NMB and American Airlines have been working to reach the tentative agreement our members have been promised and rightfully deserve. As most of you know, we also agreed to limit communications in a manner that would not create more rumor or inuendo from either side.

Management Negotiators are frequently absent from these negotiations which was the primary reason for not continuing face-to-face negotiations this week. We also had requested that the NMB allow us to negotiate the week of Thanksgiving, but the Company Negotiators passed on that opportunity as well. We have yet to see Robert Isom or Doug Parker, who we believe are calling the shots from Texas, engage in any negotiating session since the day negotiations started.

With that said, we felt it was imperative at this point to provide a fact-based update to our members about some of the key items that remain open. Below represents a few of the outrageous items Management Negotiators have not provided acceptable solutions to. Please keep in mind that while you may not see an issue listed, others are open, and we cannot agree to a Tentative Agreement until they are all resolved.

Compensation: Management negotiators have walked backwards from their previous public statements and are now only offering the Pay of Delta or Southwest, and with managements 2% out year raises, our members will fall behind in pay once again. This is something CEO Parker has stated would not happen.

Retro Pay: Company Negotiators have flat out insulted our members with their demand for a zero retro payout and have offered a “bonus” that will not cover the missing payday loan they are asking of nearly three quarters of the Association Membership. Remember, retro is a one-time payment to our members for the labor we provide that earns billions of dollars for this company. Our retro pay is no different than management’s stock buy backs of 3.8 billion in 2015, $4.5 billion in 2016, $1.4 billion in 2017 and $2 billion in 2018, except it is in the millions – NOT BILLIONS!

Payroll System: Management is also demanding our members who aren’t paid two weeks in arrears agree to a self-funded Company payday loan demand, so they can switch payroll systems. Obviously, we are fighting this demand since they must pay members weekly by law in some locations. We know the system will accommodate the way our members are currently paid, it just takes more effort on Management’s part to do. Management Negotiators have not offered any other solution to their payroll problem, other than demand our members accept the change to two weeks’ pay in arrears. Just this past week, they made another insulting attempt to convince us the switch was not as bad as we say. Later, Management finally admitted they are demanding TWU members, who are paid biweekly, would be funding an 80 hour payday loan to themselves in order for American to make the payroll change.

Scope Protection: We also remain apart on Scope Protection for our members. Management Negotiators continue to make demands that we accept their proposal that we do significantly less work in the future than we do today. These open items are Scope provisions that we currently have, and are fighting to protect, not additional items.

Vacation: Finally, we are so significantly apart on Vacation that every member should be disgusted with how American views us compared to Management. Their proposal insults all of us by demanding a 5th week of vacation at 25 years and a 6th week of vacation at 30 years, even though management enjoys a 5th week of vacation at 17 years “right now.” Our members have earned the 6th week of vacation at 25 years through the sacrifices made in the work we do.

We are in ongoing discussions with the NMB to solidify additional days and continue negotiations in person or by phone. We remain willing to meet anytime and anywhere, for as long as it is necessary, to achieve the long overdue JCBA our members deserve.

Local 914 Honored by Mentoring Program in Newark

Local 914 Honored by Mentoring Program in Newark

Community Services Committee Chair Debbie Inverno received the Humanitarian Award and Local 914 was recognized with the Community Impact Business Award.

Award presented to Local 914 for their Community Service in Newark, NJ

In early November, the 12th Anniversary Committee of the Vashti School of Future Leaders, a mentorship program for teens in Newark, New Jersey presented United Local Lodge 914, District 141 of the Machinists Union with the Community Impact Business Award. Debbie Inverno, Chairperson of the local’s Community Services Committee was recognized with the Humanitarian Award.

In the past year, members of United Local Lodge 914, with Debbie Inverno’s leadership, have delivered food and supplies to needy people in over a half dozen locations throughout New Jersey. Debbie was inspired by Cristina Odoardi’s appeal at the 2018 District 141 Convention to start with “one can…and keep going.”

Beginning with the first organized trip to drop off food donations at Hope House, an emergency shelter for families located a few miles from Newark Liberty Airport, Debbie would ask administrators about their immediate needs and would target collections to their requests, ensuring that every item donated would be put to use.

Members of the Local 914 Community Services Committee with Chair Debbie Inverno (standing, second from left), District 141 AGC Mitch Buckley (seated, left) and Director of Community Services Cristina Odoardi (seated, center).

Debbie listened intently, and as she developed relationships with administrators of several non-profit organizations, she sought groups that served families in and around Newark. She wanted to prioritize the committee’s efforts to reach the communities where many members of the local live. While driving home one afternoon early last summer, Debbie went into the Newark YMCA and ask how Local 914 could help. Nicole Washington, Director of Youth Development, welcomed her and laid out an immediate need: The Newark YMCA houses 300 families, and many children could not enjoy the swimming pool because they did not own a bathing suit. Debbie went to work and after the next collection effort, the committee delivered bathing suits for everyone at the “Y” who needed one. Along with bathing suits, the committee collected arts and crafts supplies for the kids’ summer projects.

Thank you notes received at Local 914 from children at the YMCA in Newark, NJ

After several conversations and visits to drop off donations, Debbie learned about the Vashti School for Future Leaders, an after-school teen mentoring program that Nicole Washington runs with the support of the Newark YMCA. Impressed with the program’s mission, Debbie renewed her commitment to be a resource to Ms. Nicole, as she is known to the teens who take part in the program. The Vashti School’s mission “To develop model citizens and future leaders” is supported by the donations that members of Local 914 deliver every month to families who benefit from the program. The school’s announcement of the awards praised Debbie and Local 914 for being champions of “The advancement of youth and their empowerment through access to education including financial edification as a method of social change.”

Hand-made thank you card received by Local 914

District 141 Director of Community Services Cristina Odoardi joined the members of Local 914 at the awards ceremony. “Debbie Inverno and the members of Local 914 have set an example of what it means to ‘act locally.’ They work all year to address the needs they see in their community, and I am excited and proud to join them as they receive this well-deserved honor.”

“None of this would have happened without Cristina’s encouragement,” said Debbie. “All we do is facilitate our members’ donations so they get to where they are needed most.”

Lee Carpenter, Debbie’s steadfast committee partner, added: “We make donating easy for our members and they are confident that it will go to the right place. They trust us.”


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District 141 participated in Guide Dogs of America Charity Weekend

Members of District 141 participated in activities to benefit Guide Dogs of America during the 3-day Charity Weekend recently held in Las Vegas, Nevada. After the popular Hawgs for Dogs motorcycle ride, Sporting Clay shoot and Golf Tournament, attendees got their groove on, put on their tie-die and headed over to “Woofstock,” the 39th Annual William W. Winpisinger Charity Banquet. District 141 Vice President Andrea Myers, Cristina Odoardi, Trustee and Director of Community Services, Safety Chairman Erik Sternberg, Director Bill Salo, Jeff and Jennifer Carlson and others presented donations from District 141 members collected at several fund raising activities throughout the year, which helped push the evening’s grand total raised to over $1.6 million dollars!