Agreement in Principle Reached Between The TWU IAM Association and American Airlines

January 30, 2020

Agreements in Principle 

Sisters and Brothers,

After more than four years of bargaining, the TWU-IAM Association is proud to announce we have reached Agreements in Principle with American Airlines for five new joint collective bargaining agreements (JCBAs) worth $4.2 billion, covering more than 30,000 Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, Maintenance Control, MLS/Stores and Maintenance Training Specialist members. 

The Association negotiating committees must finalize and proof contract language on agreed upon provisions of the tentative contracts, and the parties will continue to meet to accomplish that task. This process could take a few weeks. Preliminary highlight sheets are attached to this bulletin, but the final, complete contract language will be available to all members. In addition to being posted on union websites, the complete agreement will be mailed to each member’s home before voting begins.

After the final language is finalized, membership ratification details and voting information will be announced. 

When negotiations began, the Association negotiating committees were faced with the tremendous challenge of combining dissimilar, mature contracts negotiated by different unions with different airlines into JCBAs for the new American Airlines. From the outset, we had a decision to make: get a quick agreement, or get the right agreement for Association members, regardless of how difficult, lengthy and contentious that process would be. As you review the complete terms of the contracts, you will see that we chose the correct path.

Your negotiating committees recommend the ratification of these agreements.

These Agreements in Principle will provide all Association members with wages, benefits, work rules, job security and retirement income that had never before been accomplished. Total compensation (wages, premiums, retirement, and profit-sharing) is the richest in the industry. Not only are all Association members’ jobs protected in their locations, but more importantly, we were able to protect the work we do. The considerable benefits to all members will be immediately apparent.

Nothing in these Agreements in Principle would have been possible without the support, solidarity, and patience of the membership. We ask for your continued patience as we complete and proof every word so you can be presented with all the information you need to make an informed decision when you vote on ratification.

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Click to See the Agreement Highlights


Negotiations Update

January 29, 2020

Negotiations Update

Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations between the Association and American Airlines resumed today in Washington, DC. with some progress made. The remaining outstanding issues are few, but are some of the most important elements of a collective bargaining agreement, including wages and job scope language.

The parties will continue negotiations tomorrow, and the membership will be updated as developments occur. Your solidarity has brought us close to an agreement, and your committee thanks you as we try to conclude these negotiations. 

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IAM Safety Committee Issues Coronavirus Update

IAM Safety Committee Issues Coronavirus Update

2020 Novel Coronavirus Update

Concerns centered on Coronavirus are very much on our minds, especially as we work with the traveling public and provide cleaning and maintenance on our aircraft. Members of the IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee have been very involved in these issues that concern the varied jobs that our members perform.

We have participated in conference calls with our respective airlines that have included the Medical, Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and operating departments to discuss the adequacy of current policies and procedures.  

JATSC members are also sharing information with other aviation union affiliates of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department along with principles and senior officials from agencies charged with aviation safety, health and security about a coordinated response to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak.  

JATSC members will continue to participate in these discussions, providing input concerning our member’s protection.

As this issue continues to unfold we will likely learn more about this virus and how to effectively protect ourselves, but there are some basic precautions that you should take:

  • Know and understand your company’s policy on protection from the virus and follow the policies. Don’t take short cuts.
  • Good personal hygiene is also very important. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. The use of hand sanitizers (60% or more of alcohol) can be used when water is not readily available. It is always a good idea to wash your hands for 20 seconds as soon as the water is available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Use the proper disinfectant that is approved for use on the aircraft or ground facilities and follow the directions as most disinfectants require a dwell time on the surfaces to be effective prior to wiping off.

Make sure that you are aware of any bulletins, alerts, or protocols that your employer has communicated concerning the Coronavirus. The CDC (Center for Disease Control), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) all have a lot of current info on the virus as well. Take a few moments to review:

U.S. Department of Labor/Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 2019 Novel Coronavirus Webpage.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2019 Novel Coronavirus Webpage.

Joint Air Transport Committee representing IAM members at DL 140, DL 141, DL 142.

Recording Secretaries: please post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards

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Negotiations Update

January 20, 2020


Sisters and Brothers,

Talks continue by phone between the Association Leadership and
American Airlines in reaching a JCBA. As such, we wanted to update
the membership and dispel any false narratives, speculation, or rumors
some may be spreading.

We are set to meet again with the NMB on Wednesday, January 29,
2020 at 10:00 AM through the close of business on Friday, January 31,
2020. We are hopeful these dates with the NMB will not be necessary,
however, if needed they will be utilized.

Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

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Joint Union / Company Safety Audit at Sea-Tac

Joint Union / Company Safety Audit at Sea-Tac

Union safety inspectors and company representatives conducted a safety walk-through audit last week at Sea-Tac airport in Seattle. The exercise was sponsored by Local 1351 and the unionized workers at American Airlines.

The planned safety audit was joined by company partners from American Airlines’ Absence Management, the department that studies injuries and workplace dangers. Overseeing the inspections was Tony D’Aloiso, Safety Director at District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, as well as Systems Safety Expert, Thomas Merrick from Transport Workers Union Local 539. 

Airlines and their unionized employees can often adopt an adversarial stance towards one another, particularly during contract negotiations. However, when it comes to airline safety, both sides agree that strong partnerships are in the best interest of everyone involved. Passengers, investors, management and front-line workers alike all benefit from a strong safety culture. 

“Today we had corporate and our union guys here, doing a safety audit (and) working together, and that’s our big thing right now,” said Pam Flaherty, a Safety Rep from IAMAW Local 1351, which is based in Seattle.


HA Negotiations Update

HA Negotiations Update

Brothers and Sisters,

District Lodge 141 and 142, along with Hawaiian Airlines, have agreed to enter into a ‘Limited Issue/Expedited Negotiation’ process in an effort to reach new contract agreements prior to the amendable date of the existing Agreements.

This process will permit the parties to identify a limited number of issues that, if successfully addressed, will allow the parties to reach an agreement, subject to membership approval The parties have agreed to meet a minimum of 2 weeks each month, with a target date of April 30, 2020, to resolve the issues.

As part of the process, if the parties reach new ratified agreements under the expedited process, the Company has agreed that, at a minimum, any pay raises that are agreed to in negotiations will be effective on the date of ratification, which will bring raises to our membership much faster and far before the amendable date of the current contracts.

If the parties do not reach agreement by the target date, they can mutually agree to continue the process if sufficient progress is being made. If either party feels the progress looks like a deal cannot be reached, that party can end the expedited process and negotiations will revert back to original Railway Labor Act Section 6 negotiations.

Your Negotiating Committee fully supports this process and they have been hard at work identifying those issues that we will be addressing during the expedited process.

Below is a calendar of meeting dates and what is scheduled.

January 20 – 24 Negotiating Committee will be meeting to internally finalize our expedited issues.

January 28 – Meeting with the company to jointly discuss expedited issues for both the Union and Company.

February 3 – 7 Negotiations will begin in Honolulu and expedited issues will be exchanged with full Negotiating Committees.

Thereafter, beginning February 17, negotiations will occur generally every other week until the end of April or earlier, if agreement is reached.

Although this process is different than has been used in the past, it provides the opportunity to address the important issues identified by the membership and gives us the opportunity to gain value for our membership sooner than the traditional negotiating process.

And, most importantly, the membership retains its right to vote on any tentative agreements.


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