Alaska Air and Hawaiian Airlines Bulletin

Alaska Air and Hawaiian Airlines Bulletin

October 31, 2024

Aloha Sisters and Brothers of Hawaiian and Alaska Airlines,

The IAM Districts 141 and 142 reached a Transition Agreement with Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines for the Alaska COPS and RSSA agreements, and the Hawaiian COPFS agreement, respectively.

Reaching a Transition Agreement is an integral step in pursuing Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements with the Company. The content of the Agreement will be communicated with Stewards, Chief Stewards and Shop Committees in the coming days. In Solidarity,

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AA Tentative Agreement Ratification Results

AA Tentative Agreement Ratification Results

October 29, 2024

RE:  Economic Extension Vote Results

Dear TWU-IAM Association Brothers and Sisters:

The leadership of the TWU/IAM Association would like to thank you for your unity and participation in the 2024 JCBA Extension Ratification Vote. The Association membership turned out in great numbers to express themselves and sound their voices for the economic contract extension proposal. There were significant wage increases across all five contracts governed by the Association with an overall interaction of 68% of membership participation. The economic contract extension passed at 90%. This action affords our members’ securities and protections now rather than later, and the financial stability to address any unforeseen challenges that may lie ahead.

The Negotiating Committees for both Fleet Service and Maintenance & Related had similar goals and expectations when compiling the data and charting the course to entertain these proposal requests. Your voices and commitment to ratify these proposals speaks volumes and carries tremendous weight. This signifies that the right decisions were made considering the proposals, and further represents the times we live in today. We appreciate all of you for your support and steadfastness while the necessary steps were taken to get the proposals to you. Together, we will build a better and brighter future!!!

We are pleased to announce the results of the three Economic Extension votes, and the results are as follows:

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AA Tentative Agreement Ratification Results

AA Contract Extension Update

October 24, 2024

TO: Association Fleet Sisters and Brothers

RE: AA Contract Extension Vote

As a reminder, voting on the American Airlines contract extension opens at noon central on Friday, October 25th and closes at noon central on Tuesday, October 29th.

Voting will be done via telephone, internet, or QR code. You may vote only one time. Once a ballot is cast, a vote may not be changed.

To request a replacement ballot, beginning on October 25th send an email:


Subject: VOTE

You will receive an email within 30 seconds (you may need to refresh your email program). Follow the instructions in the email to cast your vote. The link in the email will be valid for only 15 minutes.

If you have questions/problems with casting your vote:


The Association Leadership

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Alaska Hawaiian Airlines Merger Update

Alaska Hawaiian Airlines Merger Update

Alaska Hawaiian Airlines Merger Update

30 September 2024

The IAM and the Alaska/Hawaiian Leadership teams met last week to discuss and negotiate a Transition Protocol Agreement (TPA) for the Alaska COPS and RSSA contracts and the Hawaiian COFPS contract.

Negotiating a TPA is the first step towards opening our contracts for collective bargaining with the goal of reaching joint collective bargaining agreements.

Our discussions centered around ensuring job security for our members at both carriers. Job Security and Work Protection are critical for us to be successful and ensure long and fruitful careers at the combined carrier. We cannot and will not accept any deal that doesn’t protect our members ability to work.

While an agreement has not yet been reached, the conversations were overall productive. Our next meetings with the Company are scheduled for October 24th and 25th .

30 September 2024

The IAM and the Alaska/Hawaiian Leadership teams met last week to discuss and negotiate a Transition Protocol Agreement (TPA) for the Alaska COPS and RSSA contracts and the Hawaiian COFPS contract.

Negotiating a TPA is the first step towards opening our contracts for collective bargaining with the goal of reaching joint collective bargaining agreements.

Our discussions centered around ensuring job security for our members at both carriers. Job Security and Work Protection are critical for us to be successful and ensure long and fruitful careers at the combined carrier. We cannot and will not accept any deal that doesn’t protect our members ability to work.

While an agreement has not yet been reached, the conversations were overall productive. Our next meetings with the Company are scheduled for October 24th and 25th .

Michael G Klemm
President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

John Coveny
President and Directing General Chair,
District 142,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

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Association Update

Association Update

 September 25, 2024 

TO: All Association Sisters and Brothers 

RE: Contract Extension Vote 

The contract extension vote will be conducted by electronic voting through BallotPoint Election Services. Voting instructions and pin numbers will be sent to each member’s home address on file with American Airlines, as well as via e-mail to their company email address. 

Please make sure your mailing address is correct with American Airlines prior to October 5. 

We anticipate that the vote will take place from October 27 – 31. The Association is still in the process of finalizing the exact timeline and further information will be forthcoming. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding. 


The Association Leadership 

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Tentative Agreement at American Airlines Will Create Industry-Leading Wages.

Tentative Agreement at American Airlines Will Create Industry-Leading Wages.

Tentative Agreement at American Airlines Will Create Industry-Leading Wages.

23 September 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers, By now, you’ve probably seen that your Association negotiating team and American Airlines reached a tentative agreement (TA) last week.

Over the weekend, we received a high number of inquiries that I will address in this communication.

First and foremost, this is a Tentative Agreement that must be voted on and ratified by the Association membership. The details of when that vote will take place are still being decided. When they are finalized, the Association will send out a communication.

If the majority of the Association members who vote do, in fact, vote in favor of the TA, the industry-leading wages will go into effect the first Monday after January 1, 2025. You will also receive 3% increases the first Monday after January 1, 2026, and 2027.

We reduced the pay scale by one year, so if ratified, all Association members will reach the top of the pay scale one year quicker.

For those members who serve as Crew Chiefs, your premium will be raised to $3.00 per hour.

If ratified, the new contract’s Amendable date will be June 26, 2027. Under Article 29/B/15/a/ii, our IAM members who chose to be in the PPO90/70 Legacy US Airway medical plan would no longer have that option on December 31 of the year the contract becomes Amendable. If ratified, that option will now be available to you until December 31, 2027, instead of 2025. Under Article 6/F/7, normal and customary catering work at CLT and PHL is covered and protected work under the current agreement up to one day before March 26, 2025.

If this TA is ratified, the protection of that work will be extended to one day before June 26, 2027.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank the Association negotiating team that is comprised of six TWU members, Brian Oyer, Michael Szwed, Jennifer Platt, Juan Elvira, Tim Hughes, and Kevin Sullivan, as well as 6 of our own IAM members, Mark Baskett, Billy Wilson, Pat Rezler, Rodney Walker, Todd Peck, and Mark Romonowski. If not for the vision and passion of these 12 individuals to come together and do what they felt was best for our members, which is to put our Association members back at the top of the industry for compensation with the ability to go right back into negotiations in less than two years we could never have reached this tentative agreement.

At the end of the day, it comes down to how the membership feels, and as always, you have the final say. As soon as the voting details are firmed up, the Association will share that information. In solidarity,

Michael G Klemm
President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

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