United Ground Express

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Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Talks Mega Mergers Praises Union Activism

Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Talks Mega Mergers Praises Union Activism

PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AMY KLOBUCHAR TALKS MEGA-MERGERS, PRAISES UNION ACTIVISM Presidential Candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Mn) spoke before hundreds of Machinists Union members at its conference of railroad and airline workers. For Senator Klobuchar, the event...

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: “You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage.”

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: “You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage.”

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: "You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage." In a fiery speech delivered before a packed gathering of Machinists Union leaders, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called out the CEO of American Airlines for...

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IAMAW District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139


1 (847) 640-2222