Endorsed Safety Programs

United Airlines

IAM Members at United can report safety concerns, near misses and more with the Ground Safety Action Program. All reports are shared with reps from the union and the company, as well as the FAA. (Login Required)

American Airlines

IAM Members at American can report concerns directly to union safety reps from their cellphones through the UnionSafe 141 Program. 

Hawaiian Airlines

The HA Safety / Security Reporting Program is an award-winning safety program that allows all HA employees to identify and report safety, security, and operational concerns.
(Login Required)

Federal Safety and Regulatory Agencies

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Please report all safety incidents and concerns to airline management and union representatives as soon as possible. If you are not satisfied with the results, please follow up by filing a report with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

. Tasked with  providing the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world. Ground Safety Action Program reports at United are automatically reviewed by the FAA. In addition.  FAA.Gov offers access to laser reporting, hotlines, and additional resources.

National Safety Council (NSC)

The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Working to prevent the transmission of diseases in the United States through travel notices, advisories, research and education.  

Safety Representatives

Erik Stenberg

Erik Stenberg

Safety Chairman/ AGC

Cell: 224-387-6228
Office: 847-640-2222

Station Assignments:

Dennis Spencer

Dennis Spencer

Director of Safety – American Airlines & Spirit Airlines


Cell: (484) 630-5114

Bill Salo

Bill Salo

Director of Safety – United Airlines

Office: 847-640-2222


Ku'ulei McGuire

Ku'ulei McGuire

Director of Safety – Hawaiian Airlines

Office: (808) 723-0111


Daniel Fumar

Daniel Fumar

District Safety Coordinator Stores Safety Coordinator

Cell: 209-814-8895


Michael Moser

Michael Moser

District 141 Safety Coordinator


Cell: 980-722-4614


Mike "Bosco" Buonpastore

Mike "Bosco" Buonpastore

District 141 Safety Coordinator - American Tower

Office: (215) 260-2644


Union Safety

Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka after Hurricane Delta strikes Louisiana: The entire labor movement offers our heartfelt prayers to the people of Louisiana, who continue to show amazing strength in the face of too many natural disasters. Hurricane Delta...

Union Safety Doesn’t Stop for Pandemic

Union Safety Doesn’t Stop for Pandemic

The goal of a Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is to enhance aviation safety by preventing personnel injuries, accidents, and incidents. Its focus is to encourage voluntary reporting of safety hazards and events that come to the attention of members of IAMAW...

Video Report: Airline Safety During the Pandemic

Video Report: Airline Safety During the Pandemic

A Conversation About Union-Level Safety Activism With Dennis SpencerGate-Side Airline Safety Activism, Created, Directed and Maintained by Front-Line Union MembersBrother Spencer has been fighting for workers safety since 2008, when he became the Safety Chair for his...

Airplane Air is a Lot Cleaner Than the Public Thinks It Is

Airplane Air is a Lot Cleaner Than the Public Thinks It Is

As the numbers of air travelers inches ever closer to pre-pandemic levels, one question keeps popping up: "Is Flying Safe?" Amid shutdowns, botched re-openings, anti-mask histrionics, and travel bans, air travel has been stuck in a perpetual holding pattern. A Harris...

Here’s How You Can Become a Certified COVID-19 Contact Tracer

Here’s How You Can Become a Certified COVID-19 Contact Tracer

Johns Hopkins University, the world’s foremost research facility in the war against COVID-19, is offering a free online course for anyone interested in training for a job as a contact tracer.  A key strategy for confronting the COVID-19 pandemic has become...

This 4th, We Can Help Create a More Perfect Union

This 4th, We Can Help Create a More Perfect Union

This weekend Americans proudly celebrate our independence and ability to self-govern. We must also acknowledge that not every American is able to enjoy our freedoms equally. Our country has come a long way since 1776, but there is clearly much work to be done before...

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IAMAW District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139


1 (847) 640-2222