Members of the Machinists Union only pay to send their kids (or themselves) to school if they want to.

Thanks to a partnership with Eastern Gateway Community College, members of the world’s largest transportation and aerospace union and their families can earn an Associate’s Degree online, for free, in their spare time… from a recognized and accredited community college.

The IAM Free College Program pays for any tuition and book costs union members may have left after they use scholarships and financial aid. If the student doesn’t qualify for any other aid, all costs are still covered.

It really is free, and virtually everyone that completes the registration process is accepted.

Skeptical? Check out the program here.

Here are 5 New Courses Being Offered to IAM Members this Spring.


These classes train students for careers in education, with options to receive specialized training in Pre-K childcare and more. Machinists Union members who love working with kids can begin earning their Associate’s Degree this spring, at no cost.


From Eastern Gateway: “When is hacking legal? When you use it to secure your own network. This new method of hacking, called ethical hacking or white-hat hacking, uses common and readily available hacking tools and techniques to audit your network so you can locate and close security holes. Whether you’re running a small home network or you’re an enterprise network administrator, Eastern Gateway training and courses will teach you how to better protect your system against those who wish to gain unauthorized access.”


From Eastern Gateway: “One of the biggest challenges for most business owners is to find a continuous supply of new customers. Over the past decade, some have differentiated themselves by leveraging the Internet and social media to do just that. Whether you consider yourself a social media novice or a seasoned veteran, this course will give you a solid foundation and thorough understanding of what social media is and how you can use it to grow your business.”


Looking for ways to promote your cause or business? Attracting new customers, and new profits, isn’t easy. It requires a professional with the training and expertise needed to help nonprofits and businesses stand out. The Machinists Union, in partnership with Eastern Gateway Community College, is proud to make a range of Marketing and Advertising learning options available to members.


Even if you’re new to the world of programming and development, Eastern Gateway Community College offers classes and degree programs that will make you an invaluable part of the programming team at your organization.

Enrollment is now open for Spring 2019. Visit Eastern Gateway Community College for more information about the school and programs offered. Visit The GoIAM Free College Page for more information about how to get the process started this week.

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2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Open for Applicants

2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Open for Applicants

Each year, our District awards several of these scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship amounts usually range between $1,000 and $2,000.

An independent committee selects the scholarship winners on the merits of essays submitted by the applicants. The topic for this year’s scholarship competition is “How can our Local Lodges better serve our communities?”

The rules of the competition are bellow, along with an application.

We urge you to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity for you or someone in your family. The scholarship can be used to help pay for tuition, fees, books, living expenses — it’s up to you, as long as it makes your life as a student easier!

Our union has always been about working people building better lives for themselves and their loved ones. The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship is one of the ways our District helps its members reach for their dreams.

Download the Official Call Letter and Entry Form Below.

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Competition Rules


This essay competition is open to children, spouses and dependent grandchildren (as defined by the IRS) of members with one year or more of good standing (as of June 1, 2018) in District Lodge 141 who are graduating high school seniors or who are currently enrolled full time and/or commencing college full time. The competition is also open to any members with one year or more of good standing (as of June 1, 2018) in District Lodge 141 who are enrolled in college with a minimum of six units per semester. District Lodge 141 officers and their families are not eligible. Only one award per family is allowed per year. Past winners are not eligible. Applications must be signed by your Local Lodge President or Recording Secretary.

A bibliography of sources for essay material must be included. The essay must be the work of the entrant or the entrant will be disqualified. The winners may be interviewed by the Scholarship Chairperson. The application must be filled out completely or the entrant will be disqualified.

Essay Rules

The subject of the 2019 essay competition is “How can our Local Lodges better serve our communities?” All essays must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and printed on 8 1/2” x 11” white bond paper with a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 1,000 words. Please include a recent photograph of the applicant. The title must be placed on the top of the paper. The entrant’s name or identification must appear on each page of the essay paper.


One each — $2,000 overall winner
Six each — $1,000 placement winners

Awards will be presented at winners’ Local Lodges after confirmation of student enrollment at an accredited college or university (copy of valid registration or class schedule confirmation).


The Essay Competition will be open March 15, 2019, and will end at midnight, July 15, 2019. Winners will be announced by Aug. 1, 2019.


Judging will be done by an impartial Scholarship Chairperson who is not a member of District Lodge 141 and the impartial Scholarship Committee. The decisions of the Committee will be final.


Previous winners and all entrants not conforming to the contest rules will be disqualified. Disqualification decisions of the Committee are final.


All essays received become the property of District Lodge 141 and may be published in the future using the contestant’s name.


All entry forms must be mailed and postmarked no later than midnight, July 15, 2019. The entry form and essay must be placed in an envelope and mailed to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson at the address shown below. The word SCHOLARSHIP must be written in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Also, the electronic version of the essay (as a Microsoft Word document) must be submitted to dan@bleicomm.com.

Scholarship Committee

Daniel Brin, Chair; Frank Casciato, Vice Chair; Mike Delano and Richie Castaneda, Committee Members.


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What do attorneys and shop stewards have in common?  A lot, according to one lawyer.

What do attorneys and shop stewards have in common? A lot, according to one lawyer.

Anyone who has ever watched union shop stewards in action has probably noticed a lot of parallels between the work they do and that of a defense attorney. According to one lawyer, there are good reasons for the comparison.

Father Bob Lindell (left), AJ Lindell (Right)

AJ Lindell, J.D. is a practicing attorney admitted to the Minnesota State Bar Association.

He’s also the President and Grievance Committee Chairman of IAM Local 1833 in Minneapolis-St. Paul. A 24-year employee of United Airlines, Lindell is the primary enforcer of the contractual agreements made between the airline and the 300 Machinists at MSP airport.

If all that weren’t enough, Lindell graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Mitchell Hamline School of Law and passed the Minnesota State Bar exam on his first attempt.

Whether representing members of his hometown rural farming community in a court of law or representing unionized airline workers before managers at United Airlines, Attorney AJ Lindell knows what he’s talking about.

According to Lindell, representing the rights of the accused before a judge and jury is comparable to representing the rights of members before company management.

In fact, his experiences as a union steward directly inspired his decision to enroll in law school.

A family affair: AJ with his wife Tiffany, a Ramp Services Agent in MSP. His father Bob Lindell also worked there for 20 years, retiring in 2016.

“I became a shop steward because I noticed that there was a need for someone with the right skills to stand up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves,” Lindell said in a recent interview. “I found that I could provide a voice for that.”

“I could use the rhetorical skills I had developed to stand up and speak for people when they couldn’t speak for themselves.”

“It’s just a natural evolution to a courtroom situation. When I was representing people as a shop steward or in hearings as a Grievance Committee member, it just became a natural outgrowth to think, ‘what if I could take this to the next level? What if I could do this in a courtroom setting and be an advocate for those individuals?’”

“After finding success in union grievance hearings and representation, I wanted to find out how well those skills would translate into a courtroom setting,” said Lindell. “And, I found out, they translate pretty well.”

The son of an airline worker, Lindell has a keen interest in labor law, yet he also maintains a close connection to the farming community values he grew up with. He plans to serve as a voice for these two communities over the coming years.

IAM141 AGC Kris Hannah (right), AJ Lindell, J.D. (left) recently used Machinists Union college benefits and IAM-negotiated contractual guarantees to earn a law degree from the Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Machinists Union has a range of student aid resources, including scholarships and free college benefits. Find out how you can access these valuable resources at your Local Lodge’s monthly Business Meetings.

“It isn’t just because there’s a JD behind your name,” Lindell explained. “You build credibility through being a shop steward that investigates a particular situation, you build credibility when you’re a committeeperson and you advocate zealously on behalf of the employee.”

“The need for a union is absolute,” Lindell said of the importance of union activism. “When it comes to job protections when it comes to identifying issues for contract negotiations… when you have a union and a membership standing behind you… it’s incomparable. There is simply no other advocacy that is on par with having a group of individuals collectively working towards something and collectively advocating. If that means better healthcare, better wages, better pensions, nothing that exists is better than a group of individuals moving in one direction. And, companies have a very difficult time overcoming that. The more collective we are as a group, the easier we can get to that point that we want to get to.”


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2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners

2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners

District 141 is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarships. Skye Balfour, daughter of United Airlines CSR Julie Balfour, a member of Detroit Air Transport Local 141 earned the top $2,000 prize.

The topic for this year’s scholarship competition was “How can our Local Lodges better serve our communities?” Skye wrote a poignant essay narrating how her adoption by the Balfour family when she was just three months old changed her life. She described how the IAM could help raise awareness of the needs of children living in foster care and those awaiting adoption, and how the union could support adoptive and foster parents. She also mentioned the need for job opportunities for children who “age out” of the foster care system. Skye has grown into an accomplished musician who is planning to major in music performance in violin and viola.

Other finalists who each won a $1,000 scholarship are listed in alphabetical order:

Meron E. Aria, daughter of Ermias A. Goitom, Local Lodge 1886

Tyrone Bullock, Jr., son of Adam Kramer, Local Lodge 1776

Jessica Li, daughter of Nestor Li, Local Lodge 141

Robert Alexander Perla Ventura, son of Alexander Perla, Local Lodge 811

Jocelyn Shin, daughter of Cindy Shin, Local Lodge 1782

Giancarlo Royal, son of John Royal, Local Lodge 1322

Congratulations to all the winners!


Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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