This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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District 141 Events

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A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

Good Morning, I hope this letter finds you well. There is no question that the past year has been a struggle for us all, in so many ways and on so many levels.  while at the same time we all look for ways to create some resemblance of normal.  Last year COVID-19...

January Helping Hands: Gambling

January Helping Hands: Gambling

Mensaje en Español  ///EAP Peer Volunteers:      With the beginning of a new year and signs of hope that we at at the beginning of a return to normalcy, we need to turn to a problem that is becoming as large as the substance abuse and mental health issues that are...

Bienvenidos al 2021

En este año desafiante, el Distrito 141 logró éxitos significativos e incluso históricos. Debemos estar orgullosos del trabajo que todos hicimos para proteger nuestros trabajos, beneficios y sueldos en los tribunales y en el Congreso. -Mike Klemm,Presidente y Director...

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

In this challenging year, we were not without significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress. -Mike Klemm, IAMAW District 141 President & Directing...

Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

[supsystic-social-sharing id='4']Earlier this month, 114 Registered Nurses from CHI Franciscan Hospice Care Center in University Way, WA joined hands to vote for the IAM by an 82 percent majority. Just two and a half weeks ago, their co-workers who work as Master...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter