This is why we're Fighting

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Machinists Union from Capitol Hill: JetBlue Must Repay Workers

Machinists Union from Capitol Hill: JetBlue Must Repay Workers

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']The Machinists Non Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to...

Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal a Win for Machinists

Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal a Win for Machinists

The Machinists Union will be in attendance as President Joe Biden signs the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. Once passed, the legislation will provide funding to modernize airports, railways, and lower prices for things like jet fuel.  On...

141 Report – Philadelphia is a Union Town

141 Report – Philadelphia is a Union Town

On this week’s 141 report Host, Dave sits down with 4 leaders from the American Airlines Grievance committee who represent 1400 Fleet Service Brothers and Sisters at Philadelphia International Airport. Chairman Derrick Monk, Committee members Maria Davis, Jonathan...

Veterans Day Message from the Machinists Union

Veterans Day Message from the Machinists Union

Robert Martinez, Jr. is the International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers union. A former aircraft assembler at Lockheed Martin's facility in Fort Worth, Martinez knows personally how vital service members are to this...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter