This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Union Forms Library

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New Officers of Local 1731

New Officers of Local 1731

New Officers of Local 1731 in Cleveland had the help of District Lodge 141 Education team Instructors Warren Glenn VP District 141, Instructor Alice Potter AA SLC and Education Director Mac McGovern. The class ran this past Tuesday the 28th and in this video comments...

The Association Fleet Bulletin

The Association Fleet Bulletin

February 24, 2017 Brothers and Sisters: The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of February 20th in Dallas/Fort Worth. This week the Association received the following counter proposals: ? Hours of Work – upon receipt we...

The Association Fleet Bulletin

The Association

February 17, 2017 Brothers and Sisters: The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of February 13th in Orlando Florida. This week the Association received the following counter proposals: Vacations – Substantial progress was made...

IAM Local 1932 Members Speak To District 141

IAM Local 1932 Members Speak To District 141

February 3, 2017 Two IAM members from Local 1932 comment to District 141 about being shop stewards and why they became active in their union. If you're interested in becoming a shop steward reach out and contact your local Lodge leadership at your station. View this...

The Association Fleet Bulletin

The Association

January 27, 2017 The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of January 23, 2017. This week the Association worked on the following proposals: Reduction in Force – The proposal was passed from the Union to the Company. After much...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter