This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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IAM141 Member Elected to Lead State Council of Machinists

IAM141 Member Elected to Lead State Council of Machinists

IAM141 Communications Coordinator and MNPL Activist Ines Garcia-Keim has been elected to lead the New Jersey State Council of Machinists, AFL-CIO. As Council President, Garcia-Keim will join Machinists around the nation to promote public policies that support working...

Recognizing Outstanding Leadership

Recognizing Outstanding Leadership

IAM141 Coordinator, Ines Garcia-Keim presented the Frank Darcy Leadership Award to outgoing State Council President Vinny Addeo at the New Jersey State Council of Machinists. Addeo is leaving the State Council after being named Director of Organizing for the IAM....

American Blows  Another Chance for Agreement

American Blows Another Chance for Agreement

Brothers and Sisters, The Association Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in Washington, D.C. to continue the discussion about Scope proposals. Your Executive Committee presented the company with comprehensive proposals. The...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter