This is why we're Fighting

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NMB Mediators Assigned Company Continues to Delay

NMB Mediators Assigned Company Continues to Delay

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU-IAM Association was notified this week that the National Mediation Board has assigned two mediators to our negotiations. The mediators have indicated that, due to Federal budget concerns and scheduling, they will not schedule mediated...

Company Propaganda

Company Propaganda

Many of you have read the Special Jetwire issued by American Airlines regarding our negotiations. If you don’t read anything else in this bulletin, read this: Beware of any negotiations propaganda issued by the Company. It contains partial examples, misleading...

NMB Mediators Assigned Company Continues to Delay

Section 6 Openers for all Association Agreements

Brothers and Sisters, Today, September 12, 2018, American Airlines delivered Section 6 notices for all open TWU-IAM Association collective bargaining agreements. Simply stated, a Section 6 notice officially opens contracts under the Railway Labor Act. The TWU-IAM...

Education Training: September

Education Training: September

The following is the current training schedule for September 2018. Wednesday 9/12 SAT, Shop Steward Training Monday-Tuesday, 9/17+18 Guam, Shop Steward Training Wednesday 9/19 Guam, Local Lodge Officer Training Wednesday 9/26 SJC, Shop Steward Training For more...

BOS Remembers 9/11

BOS Remembers 9/11

When Mike Bucci first learned about the events of September 11, his instinctive response was to find out which flights were involved. As a ramp agent for United Airlines since 1992, Mike wasn't thinking about newsreels or terrorism. His concerns were similar to those...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter