This is why we're Fighting

District 141 Dept info

Find department-specific information and news here. 


Find digital copies of all District 141 Contracts and follow ongoing negotiations here.

Contact Information

Get contact information for all District 141 Officers and lookup Local Lodge Information here. 

Democracy in Action

Find governing body rules, election information, and District By-Laws here. 

District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

Download Lost Time Forms, Grievance Documents, Steward Notes and many other official union forms here. 

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2019 IAM Photography Contest

2019 IAM Photography Contest

This is the official announcement of the 2019 IAM Photography Contest. It is open to all IAM members in good standing. Entries should catch IAM members at work in unposed photos. Winning entries will win a cash prize and will appear in the 2020 IAM Calendar. Two...

MLK Was a Union Man

MLK Was a Union Man

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is recognized around the world as a leader of civil rights. What many people don’t know is that he had strong ties to the American labor movement. When Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, he was...

Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU/IAM Association Executive Negotiating Committee this week met in full session with American Airlines under the auspices of National Mediation Board Mediators, Jim Mackenzie and Eva Durham, in San Francisco, CA. In addition to the...

The Blue Flu

The Blue Flu

The Four Most Important Things to Know About the TSA Sick Calls. Hundreds of TSA screeners are calling out sick during the government shutdown, now entering its fourth week. Here are four fast facts that people need to know about TSA while we all watch them get jerked...

How the Government Shutdown is Affecting Airports and Airlines

How the Government Shutdown is Affecting Airports and Airlines

Updated: 1/17/2019 The Federal Government shutdown began back in December, screwing over about 2 million workers and everyone who depends on them. This includes 51 thousand TSA Agents that keep our airlines moving. Here’s a running list of how the shutdown is...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter