Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

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IAM Family at the District 5 Labor Day outing

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Thirteen years after President Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark Civil Rights Act, IAM delegates made history at the 1976 Grand Lodge Convention in Hollywood, FL by voting for the creation of a union-wide civil rights program to address the social, cultural and racial needs of a growing number of minority members.

Months later, in the spring of 1977, thirty-five Machinists met at the union’s headquarters in Washington, DC to create the IAM Civil Rights Program, the precursor to the organization’s current Women’s and Human Rights Department, which is now under the leadership of IAM General Counsel Carla Siegel.

During the two-day conference then-IAM President-elect William W. Winpisinger promised to make the program a priority for the union and proclaimed, “it will be a program with far-reaching effects.”

In response, the multiracial group of delegates, offered the Executive Council a long list of suggestions on how to initiate and build the program, most notably, training shop stewards on how to handle discriminations cases on the job.

To aid the IAM in its planning, delegates at the conference received advice from William Pollard, then AFL-CIO civil rights director; Charles Bradford, former president of IAM Local 41 in St. Louis; and Leo Perils, former AFL-CIO community services director.

The 1970’s saw a rise in powerful union-based activist organizations aimed at advocating for minorities. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, or CBTU, was founded in 1972 under the leadership of William “Bill” Lucy, former AFSCME International Secretary-Treasurer. The same year Hispanic union leaders founded the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, also known as LCLAA. Soon after, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, or CLUW, would be founded in 1974 under the guidance of the late Olga M. Madar, the first woman to serve on the United Auto Workers (UAW) International Executive Board.

The IAM’s efforts grew along with the civil rights movement and today, thousands of IAM members are active participants in these and other constituency groups. The IAM has Board members on CBTU, APRI, LCLAA and CLUW as well as Pride at Work, APALA and others.  Hundreds of IAM Lodges have their own Human Rights Committees and are actively engaged in effectuating change in their communities. Our Executive Council is one of the most diverse Executive Councils in all of labor while the Union continues to be active in expanding civil rights among our ranks.  Most recently, the IAM, initiated its LEADS program to mentor IAM Sisters and encourage more participation in leadership roles.

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines announced a plan to reduce the carrier’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050. In a statement released earlier this week, CEO Scott Kirby said that the program would combine several strategies to reduce the airline’s carbon footprint, including partnering with other major companies and purchasing mass quantities of renewable fuels.

Air transportation makes up more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Working with the airline, more than a dozen leading global corporations will collectively contribute towards the purchase of approximately 3.4 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) this year. With its nearly 80% emissions reductions on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel, this is enough SAF to eliminate approximately 31,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions or enough to fly passengers over 220 million miles.

United has made the airline industry’s single most significant investment in SAF and has purchased more SAF than any other airline in the world. World Energy, a long-term partner of United, will supply the SAF to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which makes it conveniently accessible to United’s operations.

United has a track record of promoting eco-friendly practices. In 2017 the airline was ranked #1 among global carriers in Newsweek’s2017 Global 500 Green Rankings, one of the most recognized environmental performance assessments of the world’s largest publicly traded companies. In 2016, United was the first major airline to regularly use biofuels and invested more than $40 million towards developing sustainable jet fuel sources. Additionally, United has invested millions in purchasing electric ground service equipment and other vehicles. 

The Machinists and Aerospace Union has been a leading voice in calling for greener, more sustainable aviation, including the greater use of eco-friendly fuels. Efforts by the union also include upgrading and better managing the life cycles of aircraft. 

Learn more about how the Machinists & Aerospace Union has promoted a more eco-friendly aviation sector HERE>



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Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

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The pandemic has nearly destroyed the commercial aviation industry. Many airlines did not survive. Let’s kill this virus once and for all. Wear masks. Keep a safe distance from others. Avoid crowds. And, get vaccinated. Help others get vaccinated. Do your part in ending this pandemic. 

KILL the Virus. Find a vaccine near you >

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

All adult Americans, regardless of age or health conditions, are expected to be eligible to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination by Monday, April 19, 2021. But for many, finding a vaccine has been a daunting task.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can help with its VaccineFinder tool. All you need is a zip code to locate an appointment. The website also offers information about what to expect before, during and after you receive the vaccine.

Click here to search a COVID-19 vaccine near you.

From hospitals to grocery stores, the vaccine is being offered at a variety of locations, most of which will require an appointment. The White House expects that nearly 90 percent of Americans will be able to secure a vaccine appointment within five miles of their home address. 

But until everyone is vaccinated, it is still important to wear a mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing whenever possible.

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We hope this communication finds you safe and healthy. As you are well aware, we had suspended negotiations due to the pandemic and associated travel and meeting restrictions. We are pleased to announce that we have agreed with the Company to resume negotiations beginning the first part of May 2021.

Our position will be to pick up where we left off in March 2020. We recognize your hard work and sacrifices during this very trying time. We will make sure that Hawaiian Airlines also recognizes this fact. You have contributed greatly to HAL being able to successfully navigate through the last several months and fully deserve to share in that success moving forward.

In closing, thank you for all you do. It is with your support and solidarity that your Negotiating Committee will be able to secure a great Contract on your behalf.

In Solidarity,


Mike Klemm

PDGC, IAMAW District 141

David Supplee

PDGC, IAMAW District 142

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Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

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Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

Mensaje en Español  ///

Gary Welch, an experienced organizer and Grievance Committee Chair from Local 811 in Houston, Texas, was named District 141 Vice President at Large by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He had previously served as a District 141 Trustee.

Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

His steady and effective leadership has protected the rights, working conditions, and benefits of the members of IAM Local 811, one of the largest and most active locals in District 141. Using his excellent negotiation and communication skills, Gary has helped preserve the health and safety of workers and has saved the jobs and livelihoods of dozens of Machinists Union members.

Gary was elected District 141 Trustee and also Local 811 Grievance Committee Chair in 2018. He is serving a second term as Committee Chair after his reelection in January 2021.

“I am pleased to announce the promotion of Gary Welch to Vice President at Large for District 141,” said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair. “Gary’s organizing skills and his passion for democracy and justice on the job set an example for all of us. I am excited to work more closely with Gary so our contracts are respected and we continue to build power for working people,” said Klemm.

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

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In his two decades as local president, Brother Al has prioritized members’ education and skills development. Several members have taken early retirement in the past year, so he is working closely with the local’s vice president and younger members who have stepped up to fill leadership roles to continue the essential work of representing members.  

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

A 35-year veteran of United and second-generation Machinist, Al Yamada keeps building the leadership team at Local 1351.

We travel via Zoom to Sea-Tac to speak with the president of one of the oldest local lodges in District 141. When it was founded in 1941, members of IAM Local 1351 worked at airlines that are now part of history, like Flying Tigers, Northwest, and TWA. Today, the local represents 315 members who work for United, American, and Hawaiian Airlines at SEA and UGE workers at Payne Field (PAE). 

Local 1351 President Al Yamada worked for United in Chicago and San Francisco before he settled in Seattle and became active in the Machinists Union. He has roots in the area, as the son of a Machinists Union member who worked at Boeing for 30 years. Al served as Shop Steward and Conductor-Sentinel before he was elected president 20 years ago. 

In his two decades as local president, Brother Al has prioritized members’ education and skills development. Several members have taken early retirement in the past year, so he is working closely with the local’s vice president and younger members who have stepped up to fill leadership roles to continue the essential work of representing members.  

“Solidarity and strength in numbers makes the union go,” Al tells Dave. We couldn’t agree more.