141 Report: Women’s Appreciation at Newark Local 914

141 Report: Women’s Appreciation at Newark Local 914

141 Report: 141 Report: Women’s Appreciation at Newark Local 914

1 April 2022

1 April 2022 | In this week’s 141 Report, our viewers and listeners meet Sister Djenane Sauls, who talks about the recent Women’s Appreciation event at Newark Local 914. Our sister also talks about the personal journey that she underwent to complete her new book,  “Beaten,” Dsauls.com. 

Also, look for it on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.com.

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

DOJ Expected to Block JetBlue / Sprit MergerIAM141.org March 6, 2023According to two anonymous sources familiar with the matter, the Justice Department plans to file a lawsuit as early as Tuesday to prevent JetBlue's proposed $3.8 billion acquisition of Spirit...

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Peer EAP volunteers:        This month Helping Hands features the "find treatment.gov" part of the SAMSHA.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency) web pages. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the electronic version of Helping Hands. I encourage you to...

Scholarship Contest is Now Underway!

Scholarship Contest is Now Underway!

The Scholarship Contest is Underway!IAM141.org February 27, 2023Calling all high school seniors and college and trade school students! Prepare to prove your worth in the arena of the written word by taking part in the 2023 essay competition. This year's theme is "The...

JetBlue’s Paid Time Off Scheme

JetBlue’s Paid Time Off Scheme

JetBlue’s Paid Time Off Scheme

Justice at JetBlue
29 March 2022

Many Americans would be surprised to learn that, in many countries, it’s normal to work only 11 months of each year. Most workers in nations like Brazil, Finland, and Germany, among many others, expect to take an entire month of vacation every year. In the US, such a thing is almost unheard of. Unions are trying to change that.

Union membership comes with a lot of well-known perks. Unions enjoy higher pay, better job protection, and get to vote on work rules. While pensions have been almost entirely wiped out for most Americans, an incredible 91% of union members will get monthly payments after they stop working.

But, the highlight reels often overlook a seemingly small but actually very critical benefit: time off.

“Time Off” from work is a feature of unionism that is far too often looked down on by American workers. Too often, workers who value their personal and family time are viewed as lazy, selfish, or as lacking commitment to their careers.

This toxic work habit has led more than half of Americans to work through nearly half of their vacation time each year. In 2017, according to one study, 54% of American workers did not take all the time off they had available. There are several causes. Corporate culture, the fear of becoming replaceable at work, or missing out on opportunities to advance are just a few. And the issue doesn’t end with vacations. Workplaces with an unhealthy emphasis on presenteeism also allow less sick time and fewer paid lunches and breaks.

It’s a problem.

Unions are pushing back on the harmful and abusive tendency of too many companies to try and take more and more personal time away from workers. The Machinists and Aerospace union, the largest collection of aerospace and airline workers in North America, is known for negotiating agreements emphasizing a healthier work/life balance for workers. Namely, union members have demonstrated an ability to overcome gimmicky corporate efforts to steal time, such as the Paid Time Off program at JetBlue.

The PTO scheme at JetBlue is designed to steal the personal time of Crewmembers at the lowest possible cost. Machinists Union Members have negotiated sick, personal, and vacation time off at rates as much as 300% higher than Ground Operations workers at JetBlue. 

This scheme grants a specified bank of 512 hours a year for ground-based crewmembers to use for time off from work. It sounds like a good idea in theory; JetBlue crewmembers can use their Paid Time Off (PTO) banks in whatever way they want, which sounds okay. However, JetBlue uses PTO to cover virtually all outages – not just vacation and personal time off. Crewmembers who are forced to miss work because they get sick or need to care for a loved one also have to draw pay from their limited PTO banks.

The 500 hours in PTO banks can run out fast. Most workers can’t really use PTO to cover time off until they know how much sick time they will need that year, which is impossible to calculate. While the scheme may sound good in theory, most crew members are afraid to use the hours they have for fear that doing so might leave them with no income while dealing with an unexpected illness.

Like most other labor groups, the Machinists Union always negotiates “sick banks” to cover pay during illness. Having a separate sick bank may sound like a simple policy. But, in practice, union members get 300% more vacation and personal time off than their JetBlue counterparts, a truly astonishing figure. A typical sick bane for unionized ground workers at United is more than double the entire yearly allotment at JetBlue by itself.

Taking time off isn’t selfish. It’s something that unions are still fighting to maintain for American workers. Whether they like it or not, companies do not own the lives of their employees. The pushback does not just include sick banks. The Machinists are also fighting at every major airline to make mandatory overtime much more expensive. Machinists have made carriers pay time and a half, double-time, and double-time and a half pay rates for mandatory overtime. Employers of Machinist Union members tend to think twice before demanding that their workers give up hours of their personal lives because it can get expensive.

Time with family is sacred. Wasted time is not time wasted; employers have no right to workers’ personal time – and companies like JetBlue need to learn this.

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Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

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Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Peer EAP volunteers:        This month Helping Hands features the "find treatment.gov" part of the SAMSHA.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency) web pages. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the electronic version of Helping Hands. I encourage you to...

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Negotiations Drag Along in Chicago; District 141 Negotiators Leery with Pace of Talks

Negotiations Drag Along in Chicago; District 141 Negotiators Leery with Pace of Talks

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Negotiations Drag Along in Chicago; District 141 Negotiators Leery with Pace of Talks


26 March 2022

The IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United Airlines negotiators met this week in Chicago. The week started slowly, with no progress made. However, by the week’s end, each side presented and considered proposals from the other. We agreed to a deadline of August 1, 2022, to reach tentative accords on new contracts for approximately 25,000 IAM members covered under seven different agreements. The Union and Company have scheduled six weeks of additional talks between now and August 1, 2022, at hub locations across the system.

The proposals exchanged by both sides primarily dealt with modifying existing contract language regarding system bid rules, uniforms, company-mandated equipment requirements, and vacation rules. These issues are essential to the IAM membership at United. We hope to resolve them fairly and expeditiously, so we can move on to the other priorities of IAM members at United.

We remain cautiously optimistic that we will be able to achieve success in this expedited process. We define success as gaining improvements regarding the issues prioritized by IAM members in the survey and proposal process. This week, we reminded United management that the expedited negotiations process provides excellent value to the Company. It can lock in contracts for the near future in an expedited fashion. This gives the Company certainty regarding the labor costs of over 25,000 Machinists, the most prominent workgroups at the carrier, and avoids labor strife during United’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We remain committed to achieving the industry-best contracts that we deserve at United. Much more work needs to be done to achieve our goal, and we ask that IAM members at United stay informed and focused on these negotiations. Please read and distribute these bulletins. Our power in negotiations comes from a unified membership that demands fairness.

Thank you for all your support and solidarity and your work to make United the successful airline it is. Without you, there is no United Airlines.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

141 Report: New Communicator Joins District 141

141 Report: New Communicator Joins District 141

141 Report: New Communicator Joins District 141

25 March 2022

On this week’s 141 Report we meet District Lodge 141’s newest communicator. United Airlines’ San Francisco-based Brian Vega talks to host Dave Lehive about the work he has done and his recent appointment by 141 PDGC Mike Klemm.

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

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Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Peer EAP volunteers:        This month Helping Hands features the "find treatment.gov" part of the SAMSHA.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency) web pages. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the electronic version of Helping Hands. I encourage you to...

Scholarship Contest is Now Underway!

Scholarship Contest is Now Underway!

The Scholarship Contest is Underway!IAM141.org February 27, 2023Calling all high school seniors and college and trade school students! Prepare to prove your worth in the arena of the written word by taking part in the 2023 essay competition. This year's theme is "The...

141 Report: Protecting the Right to Organize

141 Report: Protecting the Right to Organize

141 Report: Protecting the Right to Organize

18 March 2022

The Protect the Right to Organize Act is the focus of this week’s 141 Report. The Northern Virginia President of the AFL-CIO, Virginia Diamond, fills the viewers and listeners in on why this federal legislation is vital to American workers. Sister Diamond describes the action that union workers are taking to get Virginia’s Senators to sign on to support passing the Pro-ACT.

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

Justice Department Expected to Block JetBlue / Spirit Merger

DOJ Expected to Block JetBlue / Sprit MergerIAM141.org March 6, 2023According to two anonymous sources familiar with the matter, the Justice Department plans to file a lawsuit as early as Tuesday to prevent JetBlue's proposed $3.8 billion acquisition of Spirit...

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Helping Hands March: Finding Help

Peer EAP volunteers:        This month Helping Hands features the "find treatment.gov" part of the SAMSHA.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency) web pages. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the electronic version of Helping Hands. I encourage you to...

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United Airlines Safety Bulletin

United Airlines Safety Bulletin

GSAP Event Review Committee (ERC) team members

Rachel Shultz – Management AO
Ashley Maddox – Management AO
William Salo – IAM District 141
Brian Leifker – IAM District 141
John Woodring – FAA
David Lilja – Program Mgr/Sr. Analyst

 ERC upcoming events 

 The ERC meets Wednesdays from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

Ground Safety Action Program News is cooperatively published by United Airlines, IAM, and the FAA. The Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is a joint partnership designed to improve the safety of United’s operations by offering the IAM, management, and administrative employees the ability to report safety concerns and/or self-disclose inadvertent Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and company policy violations.

File a GSAP at ASAP.UAL.COM OR call the GSAP Hotline at 844-280-ASAP

Scan me to download the My Safety App to your smartphone

My Safety App (MSA): Available now!

We’re excited to introduce the My Safety app (MSA) – a mobile solution for Safety reporting available to AO frontline employees and M&A employees across the company.

MSA is available across all mobile platforms, including MAP devices, TC75 handheld scanners, and all personal mobile devices.

The app provides a user-friendly experience for the submission of GSAP and AO IOR reports directly from your work or personal mobile device. Airport Operations Safety listened to your feedback about the limitations and frustrations associated with the completion of safety reports on desktop computers. We addressed this feedback by partnering with the Digital Technology team to bring mobile safety reporting to the Airport Ops team.

The app was designed from the ground up, using feedback from CS, Ramp, MoveTeam, and IAM union leaders. The same groups were involved in testing the mobile app to ensure proper functionality. Some of the exciting features of the app include voice dictation and photo and video attachments. ETQ (the web-based tool you’ve traditionally accessed through Flying Together) or asap.ual.com will remain fully functional to users and will continue to serve as the database for safety reports.

Employees may file new reports or access old reports on the desktop platform or via the new mobile app.

As a reminder, the use of hand-held electronic devices while operating any motorized vehicle is strictly prohibited.

Ground Safety Action Program News is cooperatively published by United Airlines, IAM, and the FAA. The Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is a joint partnership designed to improve the safety of United’s operations by offering the IAM, management, and administrative employees the ability to report safety concerns and/or self-disclose inadvertent Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and company policy violations.

Your feedback is welcome:




File a GSAP at ASAP.UAL.COM OR call the GSAP Hotline at 844-280-ASAP

Scan me to download the My Safety App to your smartphone

14 CFR Part 5 Requirement

Thank you for doing your part in creating a safer environment and helping United comply with 14 CFR Part 5, which requires employees of every Part 121 carrier to communicate hazards and/ safety concerns they identify at work. Your reporting has led to many improvements to policies and procedures, and much-needed technology updates. Keep up the good work!

Current NLC items under review by the Safety Review Committee

1. Flights Departing without Final Weights

Current phase: Investigation

Updated 2/25/22

Flights Departing without Final Weights have been reported and are being processed through the Flight Operations Safety Action Program (FSAP) along with a review by United’s FAA Principal Operations Inspectors (POI) for resolution.

2. PRC Weight Change Errors

Current phase: HI Draft Updated 3/1/22

As a result of multiple GSAP reports related to ATW Weight Changes, AO Safety is currently drafting a passenger weight error discrepancy Hazard ID. The goal of the Hazard Identification is to take a closer look at the errors and determine appropriate mitigations such as adding controls or technology that may help alleviate passenger weight change errors.

3. Difficulty Contacting Stations

Current phase: Project Planning Updated 3/1/22

Both GSAP and DSAP reports have identified occasions where contact information for stations is inaccurate or unavailable. As a result, a project team of subject matter experts is currently looking at a replacement for, or a rebuild of the AGH and Airport Database that is more accurate. The team will also create a process to correct station information in a timely manner. In the meantime, a quarterly audit of the AGH is being conducted to ensure the phone data is updated appropriately.