Association Update: Attendance Arbitration Notice

Association Update: Attendance Arbitration Notice

Recording Secretaries – Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards. GET PRINTABLE COPY >>

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Machinists Honor Hispanic Heritage Month

Machinists Honor Hispanic Heritage Month

Machinists Honor Hispanic Heritage Month

16 September 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month is observed each year from September 15 – October 15 to pay tribute to the contributions, rich legacy, culture, and influence of the Hispanic and Latino community in the United States.

The celebration dates back to 1968 when President Lyndon B. Johnson created Hispanic Heritage Week beginning September 15 to honor the contributions of this growing community and to mark the anniversary of the independence of a few Latin American countries. The observation was then expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period.

The IAM honors the history-making power of past and present Latino leaders who have been critical to the advancement of the labor movement – within our union and beyond.

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, the IAM recommits to keep fighting for a more equal and just workforce and takes pride as having one of the most diverse Executive Councils with Latino representation in the labor movement. 

International President Robert Martinez Jr. made history as the first Hispanic ever elected to the IAM Executive Council and the first Latino in labor to head a major North American international union. General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes also paved the way as the first Hispanic to serve as General Secretary-Treasurer in the history of the IAM.

In order to mentor and build the next generation of Latino leaders in the union, the IAM created the Spanish Leadership Program at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center. The program provides IAM members with the skills and tools they need to effectively represent and fight for workers’ rights.

IAM also partners with many Latino advocacy organizations to address and educate about issues affecting Latino working families. This includes groups like the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), an AFL-CIO constituency group committed to improving the rights and conditions of Latino workers.

If you are an IAM member and want to get involved, you can reach out to Julie Frietchen, IAM Director, Women’s, Human Rights & Young Workers at (301) 967-4747 or

La IAM Conmemora el Mes de la Herencia Hispana 

El Mes de la Herencia Hispana es celebrado cada año desde el 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre para rendir homenaje a las contribuciones, el rico legado, la cultura y la influencia de la comunidad hispana y latina en los Estados Unidos.

La celebración se remonta a 1968 cuando el presidente Lyndon B. Johnson creó la Semana de la Herencia Hispana a partir del 15 de septiembre para honrar la contribuciones de esta creciente comunidad y para conmemorar el aniversario de la independencia de algunos países latinoamericanos. La celebración fue luego ampliada por el presidente Ronald Reagan en 1988 para cubrir un período de 30 días.

La IAM honra el poder histórico de los líderes latinos del pasado y el presente quienes han sido fundamentales para el avance del movimiento laboral, dentro y fuera de nuestra unión.

Mientras celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la IAM vuelve a comprometerse a seguir luchando por una fuerza laboral más equitativa y justa y se enorgullece de tener uno de los Consejos Ejecutivos más diversos con representación latina en el movimiento laboral.

El presidente internacional, Robert Martinez Jr., hizo historia como el primer hispano elegido para el Consejo Ejecutivo de la IAM y el primer latino en el movimiento laboral en encabezar una de las uniones internacionales más grandes de América del Norte. La Secretaria-Tesorera General Dora Cervantes también rompió barreras al convertirse en la primera hispana en desempeñarse como Secretaria General-Tesorera en la historia de la IAM.

Con el fin de guiar y formar la próxima generación de líderes latinos en la unión, la IAM creó el Programa de Liderazgo en Español en el Centro de Educación y Tecnología William W. Winpisinger. El programa brinda a los miembros de la IAM las habilidades y herramientas necesarias para representar y luchar de manera efectiva por los derechos de los trabajadores. 

La IAM también colabora con muchas organizaciones que ayudan a la comunidad latina para abordar y educar sobre los problemas que afectan a las familias trabajadoras. Una de estas organizaciones es el Consejo Laboral para el Avance del Trabajador Latino Americano (LCLAA, por sus siglas en inglés), un grupo afiliado a la AFL-CIO que está comprometido con mejorar los derechos y las condiciones de los trabajadores latinos.

Si eres un miembro de la IAM y quieres involucrarte en este tema, puede comunicarse con Julie Frietchen, directora del Departamento de Mujeres, Derechos Humanos y Trabajadores Jóvenes de la IAM al (301) 967-4747 o

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United – Emirates Codeshare: Labor is Watching

United – Emirates Codeshare: Labor is Watching

United – Emirates Codeshare: Labor is Watching

16 September 2022

Justice at JetBlue requires Just Cause at JetBlue.

“That’s evidence that they are not focused on profitability. They are just focused on flying the airplane somewhere and having the government subsidize it.” -United CEO Scott Kirby.

“Those airlines aren’t airlines. They’re international branding vehicles for their countries.” -Former United CEO Oscar Munoz.

After years of highlighting the unfair business practices of state-owned enterprises (SOE) such as Emirates, Airlines, and other Middle East carriers, United’s announcement of a new codeshare agreement demands scrutiny.

To protect the jobs of U.S. airline workers, there must be continued financial transparency and improved labor standards that ensure fairness is maintained in all Open Skies and codeshare agreements.

Since the beginning of its existence, Emirates Airlines has been sustained by massive government subsidies, unrelated to the global pandemic, used to expand far beyond what market forces could ever support. Their growth, including the Dubai-Athens-Newark service and Milan service, was only possible because of the enormous Emirati funding the airline received. These subsidies put U.S. airlines at a tremendous economic disadvantage and threaten U.S. airline workers’ jobs. American workers can compete with any foreign airline when on a level playing field. We cannot compete against entire countries.

Although the United States and United Arab Emirates signed an agreement in 2018 regarding these issues, the fact remains that there are currently no independent labor unions in the United Arab Emirates. This has led to a systemic, unacceptable assault on airline workers’ rights, with alarming accounts of unfair labor practices and intimidation by employers.

United Airlines employees and union leadership will be watching closely to ensure our scope provisions are rigorously followed and demand the highest labor standards are adhered to across all partnerships. We will act swiftly if needed to protect our long-term career security.

In Unity,

Ken Diaz MEC President AFA-UAL

Richard Johnsen General V/P IAM-UAL

Mike Hamilton Master Chair ALPA-UAL

Craig Symons President PAFCA-UAL

Joe Ferreira Dir. Airline Div. IBT-UAL


United Airlines Contract Negotiations

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JetBlue Management Ramps Up Write-Ups and Terminations After Peak Summer Travel

JetBlue Management Ramps Up Write-Ups and Terminations After Peak Summer Travel

JetBlue Management Cracks Down on Discipline, Write-Ups and Terminations After Peak Summer Travel

15 September 2022

Justice at JetBlue requires Just Cause at JetBlue.

Reports around the system are that JetBlue supervisors are turning up the heat and starting to discipline and terminate GO Crewmembers for things that supervisors looked the other way on when they needed all hands on deck during the peak summer travel season.

When GO Crewmembers have a Union Contract, unjustified discipline and terminations will stop. GO Crewmembers will have access to a fair grievance procedure that is NOT controlled by JetBlue management. GO Crewmembers will have trained GO Crewmember Union Representatives that will defend GO Crewmembers who are disciplined or terminated without “Just Cause.”

Every Union Contract contains a “just cause” provision, which has seven tests. If any of the seven tests are not met, then discipline cannot be issued. 


These are the seven tests:
(1) Did the employee know the company’s policy;
(2) Is the company’s policy reasonable;
(3) Did the company investigate to determine if the employee violated the policy;
(4) Was the investigation fair and objective;
(5) Did substantial evidence exist of the employee’s violation of the policy;
(6) Was the company’s policy consistently applied; and
(7) Is the discipline reasonable and proportional (did the punishment fit the crime?).

If any of the above tests are not met, then the discipline is unjustified.

Without having “just cause,” JetBlue management can discipline and terminate Crewmembers at any time for any reason. It’s called “at will employment.” The CBB states in part: The guidelines presented in the Blue Book are not intended and will in no way be considered to be a contract of employment between JetBlue and any Crewmember…no Crewmember of JetBlue has a contract of employment. [JetBlue] reserves the right to accept a resignation or to separate the employment relationship at any time within the Company’s discretion…JetBlue management has the sole prerogative and discretion to determine the seriousness of violations.

It’s time for change.


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Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

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IAM 141, United Meet in DC to Discuss Path Forward

IAM 141, United Meet in DC to Discuss Path Forward

IAM 141, United Meet in DC to Discuss Path Forward

13 September 2022

Last week, the principal negotiators from the IAM and United Airlines met in Washington DC to discuss the path forward after negotiations stalled in late July over the critical issues of job security and compensation.

The IAM once again conveyed to the Company that their current positions on wages and job security, the top two priorities IAM members identified, are still unacceptable. Both sides did engage in discussions centered on job security and wages, which were somewhat productive.

The full IAM 141 Negotiating Committee will review and analyze the Company’s latest proposals this month. When that assessment is done, we will report back to the membership.

Future negotiation dates will be communicated to the membership when they are scheduled.

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,

IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all Union Bulletin Boards.

Frontline Power Is Essential to Rebuilding the Labor Movement

Frontline Power Is Essential to Rebuilding the Labor Movement

Frontline Power Is Essential to Rebuilding the Labor Movement

Labor Notes
Excerpted from Democracy Is Power: Rebuilding Unions from the Bottom Up by Mike Parker and Martha Gruelle, available from the Labor Notes store ($15).

Union democracy—defined as rank-and-file power—is the essential ingredient for restoring the power of the labor movement.

Many leaders of the labor movement know that they need members in motion if they’re to win anything. But too many envision a mobilized labor movement as troops ready to respond to the commands of their officers. Top-down control seems so efficient, and times are desperate. Do we really need democracy to have a movement? After all, aren’t people interested in results—not procedures?

There’s a grain of truth to this argument. Among many members, there’s a desire for a “powerful provider” to fight management for them. But even if top-down leadership could get results in the short term, in the long term a union without active members is a union without power—and the bosses know it.

One reason is the very conditions of global capitalism. Global competition means first and foremost that the labor movement must constantly spread. There is no security in organizing one workplace, one industry, or one company. If the organizing does not keep spreading to “take labor out of competition,” union conditions will die.

This process of continuous organization requires not thousands but millions of organizers—millions of workers who tell their sisters, cousins, friends, and lovers they’d be crazy not to join a union. Not millions of members who, when asked, answer, “Yeah, I was in a union once, they didn’t do anything for me.”

If we want members to go out and recruit, then the union has to deliver in the workplaces of the already organized. Members who see their union as a partner with management or as another boss will not carry a strong union vision to their non-union sisters and brothers.

After all, workers who want a union where they work are the ones that management calls troublemakers. It takes only a few moments with these troublemakers to understand that those who refuse to accept injustice from management will not accept it from union leaders either. If we are to recruit, organizers have to be able to look these potential members in the eye when they say, “Your union will belong to you.”


Unions have grown the most in surges, when hundreds of thousands of workers were inspired to act, rather than by slow accretion, one drive at a time. No one knows what will touch off the next upsurge in American history. We do know that we can’t make it happen just by having the right ideas and working hard. Movements grow in part when people respond to big changes in the economy and society.

Does this mean we should just sit back and wait? Far from it. We need to do everything we can to grow now, but in a way that prepares our organizations. We need democratic unions today, to train thousands of leaders and members who’ll be able to step up when the time demands.

In the end, the goal of our movement is not just bigger unions. It’s for working people to function as human beings—not bootlickers, not cogs—starting with our jobs, where we spend most of our waking hours. When we leave our jobs at the end of the day, we should be as healthy as when we started. We should be able to look at the next day, and our retirement years, with a feeling of security, not dread.

Our larger goal is for workers to exert power collectively in the workplace and society—and for that you need much more than bigger unions. You need powerful workers.

The above is an excerpt from Democracy Is Power: Rebuilding Unions from the Bottom Up by Mike Parker and Martha Gruelle. The book is back in print and available from the Labor Notes store ($15).

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

A federal, pro-lobbyist judge has ruled in favor of a group of major airlines, blocking the enforcement of Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law for their flight and ground crewmembers. The ruling is a blow to thousands of workers who are denied the right to earn sick...

Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

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