Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

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Incoming EAP Coordinator for the Northwest Region, Noelle Sakamoto has been active in Community Service and Outreach efforts at Local 1781 in San Francisco since the mid ’90’s.

Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm has tapped San Francisco Community Services Co-chair Noelle Sakamoto to be the new Coordinator for the EAP Northwest Region. She will be replacing Roberto Mendez, who recently retired. 

“I want to congratulate the District for appointing Noelle Sakamoto as the new EAP Regional Coordinator for the Northern California Region,” Mendez said of the announcement. “I know she will do a great job.”

Noelle’s career with United Airlines began in 1994 when she first started working in the Reservations center at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. Two and a half years later, she transferred to the Stores Department, where she became active in the IAMAW as a Union Steward.

Noelle grew familiar with the Local 1781 Steward Program over the next few years, becoming a vital and trusted voice for her coworkers in the process. After returning from Winpisinger Center Leadership training in 2018, Noelle helped rebuild the Local 1781 Women’s Committee as co-chair.

Noelle has spent years working to make union activism more accessible to front-line members. She has been involved in projects designed to get more of her coworkers involved and educated. For example, she served on a committee that designed commemorative jackets for members that attend six or more monthly Union Business Meetings in a year. She has also worked alongside a team of six members who organized a successful food distribution program for furloughed union members.

But, Noelle is probably best known in San Francisco for her dedicated and compassionate work with the Employee Assistance Program.

With the help and support of IAMAW District 141 Assistant General Chairs Troy Rivera and Olu Ajetomobi, Noelle was trained in her EAP role by Roberto Mendez, who she eventually replaced when he retired in July of 2020. Noelle was appointed the EAP Coordinator of Local 1781 in October before her new appointment to the District 141 Northwest Regional position in December.

In her new role, Noelle will be responsible for helping members in need to find competent, professional assistance as they face challenges related to their mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

“I want to join EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson in welcoming Noelle to the position of Regional Coordinator,” said IAMAW District 141 President, Mike Klemm. “Her work over the years has set her apart as a committed and compassionate advocate for our membership. Her kindness, generosity, and unwavering spirit of activism are qualities that are needed now more than ever.”

The IAMAW District 141 Employee Assistance Program offers free and confidential help to union members seeking professional counseling and crisis intervention services. By partnering with hundreds of caring and trained professionals, the IAMAW District 141 EAP can quickly connect members to a wide range of mental health and wellbeing services. If you would like to learn more, please contact an EAP Representative at


Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

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Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2020 – IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. issued the following statement regarding the current state of COVID-19 relief negotiations:

“Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans must pass long-overdue, comprehensive COVID-19 relief legislation before Congress takes yet another vacation. Millions of working people are out of jobs, going hungry, being evicted from their homes, and losing hope. The failure to pass desperately needed relief is squarely on the shoulders of Senate Republicans, who are more interested in playing games with people’s lives and going on vacation than fulfilling their obligations to the American people. It is outrageous.

“As the largest airline, defense, and aerospace union in North America, we have seen Machinists Union members act heroically during this pandemic to keep our nation and our economy moving. It has been a slap in face to them and their families to allow critical lifelines, like the airline Payroll Support Program, to expire and put hundreds of thousands of hardworking men and women out of a job. These are the working people who will continue to be critical front-line workers as we undertake the massive task of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to hundreds of millions of Americans. We need relief now for them and every working family struggling through no fault of their own.

“My message to Mitch McConnell is this—it is time for you to make the needs of our people a priority and put aside petty politics. We need passage of comprehensive economic relief now.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion

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Roberto Mendez, Longtime Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, Retires After a 36 Year Career

Roberto Mendez, Longtime Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, Retires After a 36 Year Career

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Roberto Mendez is retiring after a 36 year career at United Airlines. His work as a union activist has helped deliver thousands of meals, toys and vital assistance to thousands of grateful recipients within his community. Over the years, Roberto has served as a Union Steward, a Local Lodge Trustee, an EAP Rep, and Regional EAP Coordinator. 

(Below, Roberto Mendez with incoming Regional EAP Coordinator, Noelle Sakamoto at a recent food drive.)

Roberto Mendez, Longtime Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, Retires After a 36 Year Career

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Labor groups praise the career of Machinists & Aerospace activist Roberto Mendez on his retirement from United Airlines after 36 years of service.

Roberto Mendez could not have known how important his career path would become when he was hired to work in the United Airlines Flight Kitchens more than three decades ago. In 1984, Roberto was a young, modest employee at the airline’s peripherals, working his way from food prep to Cabin Cleaner, ultimately earning a position at the Maintenance Base. 

With a reputation for kind honesty and a willingness to work hard, Roberto became an active member of IAMAW Local 1781 in the San Francisco Bay Area. He quickly established himself as a trusted voice on behalf of his coworkers, serving as Shop Steward, Local Lodge Trustee, and Chairman of the 1781 Community Service Committee. As Chairman, he helped lead the 1781 Committee to become one of the nation’s most effective Community Service operations. 

After 9/11, Roberto began partnering with the San Mateo Labor Council to expand the role of unions in historically under-represented communities. Working alongside Labor Council Community Services Director Rayna Lehman, their partnership set up programs that helped thousands of union members in the region. The collaboration also led to the creation of a large-scale, labor-run food distribution network in San Mateo County involving the Second Harvest Silicon Valley Food Bank. The food distribution program is still operating, helping families on a regular, ongoing basis. 

As the efforts grew in complexity and size, Roberto became instrumental in food-distribution efforts that have lasted over 17 years. 

In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Roberto partnered again with the San Mateo Labor Council to help provide for union families, delivering more than 1,700 free and healthy meals a month. Dubbed the “Union Grab and Go Food Distribution,” the program was run from the Local 1781 parking lot. 

In 2003, Roberto was named the District 141 EAP West Coast Coordinator, a position he used to “save jobs and save lives,” according to the San Mateo Labor Council, who recently praised his years of activism at their August Membership Meeting. At the ceremony, a member rose to give credit to Roberto for saving his life after the member fell victim to a downward spiral of substance abuse. 

IAM Local and District officers were quick to thank Roberto for his years of service and sacrifice. 

 “Roberto is the epitome of a service-oriented EAP professional, always there when needed,” said District 141 EAP National Director, Bryan Hutchinson. “How can I help?” “Tell me what you need. That’s Roberto,” he said. 

 San Mateo Labor Council Executive Secretary-General Julie Lind also praised Roberto for his “unity and thoughtfulness.” Noting Roberto’s years of partnership with the Council and other community groups, Lind said, “He always put the good of the Council before any and all potential divisive issues that arose; always a calm, analytical voice,” she told the assembly. 

 Roberto’s work in community service and food distribution efforts inspired his longtime partner, San Mateo Labor Council Community Service Director Reyna Lehman, to offer some of the most heartfelt praise. “In the world of work, the highest compliment you can give is to call a coworker a colleague and in the world of life, the highest compliment is to call someone a friend. And, Roberto is both of those to me.” 

 Lehman described the millions of pounds of food they had distributed, the thousands of toys, and the hundreds of workshops and training programs they had provided to those in need. 

 “Roberto has been a source of pride for our district and our union,” said IAMAW 141 President and Directing General Chair, Mike Klemm. “I want to congratulate, from the bottom of my heart, Brother Roberto Mendez, for his years of service and his well-deserved retirement. He’s helped establish our union as a compassionate, professional, and dedicated group of workers who want to work together to make the world a better place.”

 Now that they are both retired, Roberto and Maria, his wife of 45 years, plan to enjoy more baseball games and time with grandchildren.


LETTERS: SFO and RNO Keep Community in Mind for Thanksgiving

LETTERS: SFO and RNO Keep Community in Mind for Thanksgiving

Noelle Sakamoto alongside EAP West Coast Regional Director Roberto Mendez at a food drive in April. To find out how you can volunteer with Local 1781, contact the Women’s Committee at the link below. Thanks!

Contact the 1781 Women’s Committee

Community Service

Hi Cristina!

How are you? Here at LL1781 Thanksgiving was….. different.

I heard from many of our members they were doing a small only immediate family gathering, or like myself, a single day of giving thanks with my dogs. My family and I took a vote that we’d rather have a Zoom Thanksgiving than an ICU Xmas and more holidays than more funerals.

But, in the midst of it all, we still found time to keep our communities going. We gathered coats and comforter for the homeless in Reno.

Attached are the items I mailed from SFO and Angela Christensen, from AA Ramp in Reno taking her donations to Lisa Ross, Director of Community Service for the Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada.


Take care and STAY SAFE!


Noelle Sakamoto
Co-Chair of The Women’s Committee of LL1781


Have a great story about your community? Want to share an idea that could make a difference? Share them in the comments below. We’d love to hear about it!




Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

141 Report: Houston’s Community Service and Veterans Committees

For Thanksgiving weekend, we feature a Community Service project at Local 2198. 

Rose Lopes-Harris and Brenda Douglas join us to talk about the Houston local’s Community Service and Veterans Committees’ drive to help IAM members currently on furlough. The committees will collect essential items for “furlough care packages” that will be offered to members who are facing hardship during the holiday season. 

Watch the short video for details and remember to check in with our Brothers and Sisters on furlough wherever you are. We must stand in solidarity, especially during tough times. The UNION makes us strong! 

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Struggling? Help Can Happen Now.

The District 141 EAP offers free, confidential, and compassionate help to Machinists and Aerospace Union members at times of crisis or when they face personal challenges. The EAP also evaluates treatment options for addiction and mental health issues and helps members prepare for life changes in a positive and healthy way.

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