Machinists & Aerospace Union Recognized at Inauguration Welcome Ceremony

Machinists & Aerospace Union Recognized at Inauguration Welcome Ceremony

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The Machinists Union was recognized Saturday by the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) during its programing America United: An Inauguration Welcome Event Celebrating America’s Changemakers.

Machinists & Aerospace Union Recognized at Inauguration Welcome Ceremony

The Machinists Union was recognized Saturday by the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) during its programing America United: An Inauguration Welcome Event Celebrating America’s Changemakers. The video congratulates the incoming administration and pays tribute to IAM essential workers who have been on the frontlines during the pandemic.

The PIC hosted a welcome event to celebrate America, reflect and honor its history, and highlight the incredible diversity of the nation. It featured musical performances, celebrity appearances and remarks from some of the most popular leaders from across the country. The event kicked off five days of programming leading into Wednesday’s inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Watch the entire program.

Baltimore County Library Staff Want to Join the Machinists & Aerospace Union

Baltimore County Library Staff Want to Join the Machinists & Aerospace Union

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“These hardworking men and women are the keepers of history in the community.  They provide an essential service for families in and around Baltimore. They deserve to have a voice and a vote on the job,” says Fitzgerald. 

Baltimore County Library Staff Want to Join the Machinists & Aerospace Union

For nearly two years, the Baltimore County library staff have been trying to organize.

And then, COVID-19 hit and the need became even more crucial. Citing better transparency and communication from management, alongside health care benefits for nearly half the staff, the employees of the Baltimore County library want the IAM in their corner. 

But since local library systems are state agencies, state legislation has to be passed for this to happen. Bills, filed by Maryland House Del. Cathi F. Forbes (D-District 42a) and Maryland State Sen. Shelly Hettleman (D-District 11) would allow the nearly 600 employees to bargain and form a union.

Lead organizer Grand Lodge Representative Bridget Fitzgerald says the onset of the pandemic has brought to the surface the underlying issues of these employees. Especially since so many of the staff do not have health care benefits.

“This group of workers love what they do and just want to make sure it’s safe to come to work,” explains Fitzgerald. “They want to know that management has their best interests at heart when making decisions that will affect them, especially with the cases of COVID-19 on the rise again.”

A statement put out by the library and its board of directors says they “support the right of employees to pursue collect bargaining.” Hearings on the bill are scheduled for February, and the Machinists Union is working with the library staff to assist in any way possible, believing a union contract is the best way to make sure these workers are heard and protected during a time that’s rewriting the history books they shelve.

“Collective bargaining rights should be the basic principles afforded to every worker in our country,” says IAM’s Director of Organizing Vinny Addeo. “Unfortunately, because of the intricate county laws that apply to the State of Maryland’s Baltimore County Library staff, they currently do not have these basic rights. I am confident that with the combined professional teamwork of IAM GLR Bridget Fitzgerald, Assistant Political and Legislative Director Monica Lee Silbas and Associate General Counsel Laura Ewan, we will get the job done and bring justice to these workers.”

“These hardworking men and women are the keepers of history in the community.  They provide an essential service for families in and around Baltimore. They deserve to have a voice and a vote on the job,” says Fitzgerald. 

READ: Baltimore County librarians seek to unionize through legislation that’s going before General Assembly The Baltimore Sun

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IAMAW Artwork by Victor Acosta Featured at SUNY Empire State College

IAMAW Artwork by Victor Acosta Featured at SUNY Empire State College

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IAM District 141 member Victor Acosta’s artwork appeared on the back of the calendar. The painting entitled “Helping Hand” shows a greyish white background with two brown arms extending and shaking hands. Acosta says it represents the relationship between union members and the district’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), an employee benefit program that assists workers with personal problems such as mental and emotional well-being. 

IAMAW Artwork by Victor Acosta Featured at SUNY Empire State College

Handcrafted artwork from two IAM members appeared in a 2021 SUNY Empire State College calendar. The pieces were part of an annual calendar distributed by the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies in New York, an associates, bachelors and master’s degree program that includes prominent IAM alumni.

“Everyone who has received a copy of the calendar loves it – not only because it celebrates the incredible creativity of our students but because it also offers a snapshot of labor history at your fingertips,” says university spokesperson Solomon Syed. “Too many people are not familiar with labor’s rich history and how it has benefitted all working people.”

A photo of an album cover for a re-mixed version of the popular labor song “Solidarity Forever” represents the month of January and was created by IAM Organizing Grand Lodge Representative Gabrielle Rogano. The original image is a collage composed of union literature, images of women workers and colorful font.

“It took me a full day of crafting. The center piece is made from a canvas which is glued onto a piece of cardboard,” said Rogano. “It feels phenomenal to have my artwork featured.”

IAM District 141 member Victor Acosta’s artwork appeared on the back of the calendar. The painting entitled “Helping Hand” shows a greyish white background with two brown arms extending and shaking hands. Acosta says it represents the relationship between union members and the district’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), an employee benefit program that assists workers with personal problems such as mental and emotional well-being.  

“The artwork is an oleo or oil as it is known and took three hours to complete. The canvas size is 18×24 inches,” said Acosta, District 141 EAP Department Regional Coordinator. “I’ve been an artist since early childhood. Early in my youth I learned how to produce acrylic, watercolors, pastel and oil art.” 

The first calendar was released by SUNY Empire State College in 2020 and the university plans to create another edition in 2022. Invitations to submit artwork are offered to students who are enrolled in the Labor Studies program. Since 2014, the IAM has partnered with SUNY Empire State College to offer degrees in labor studies through the Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. Center for Labor Studies.

More information on the IAM’s partnership can be found here.


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Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

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Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

The hard work of IAM members from the Southern Territory, Transportation Department and Grand Lodge, who volunteered their time over the past months, has paid off with historic wins for pro-worker candidates, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, in the Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs. The victories will shift the balance of power in the Senate.

“I would like to thank all Machinists Union members who sacrificed their time by mobilizing for months to ensure the futures of all working people,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The results in Georgia make the passing of the PRO Act, pension reform and real COVID relief that all families desperately need and deserve more attainable. The hard work to deliver on these promises to heal our country begins now.”

IAM members contacted thousands of Georgia Machinists via member-to- member phone calls, robocalls, local mailers, door hangers, text messages and emails. TCU/IAM and NFFE-IAM Federal District 1 members also volunteered.

Click here to watch how IAM members in Georgia and from across the country voluntarily campaigned for two pro-labor candidates in Georgia.

The two Senate races went to a runoff because no candidate won more than 50% of the vote on Nov. 3. Their wins will shift the balance of power in the Senate and will facilitate how President-elect Joe Biden can enact his legislation priorities.

During their campaigns, Ossoff and Warnock emphasized affordable health care, workplace safety, labor rights, infrastructure investment, paid family leave and more.

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    Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

    Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

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    Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

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    Earlier this month, 114 Registered Nurses from CHI Franciscan Hospice Care Center in University Way, WA joined hands to vote for the IAM by an 82 percent majority. Just two and a half weeks ago, their co-workers who work as Master Social Workers and Bereavement Counselors at the same facility chose the IAM as well.

    The two successful organizing victories were made possible through the team work between the Organizing Department and the Western Territory. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both were 100 percent virtual campaigns.

    “We now represent approximately 160 health care workers at this location and this latest victory sends a clear message that these front line workers want and deserve better,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “These workers winning a voice on the job is a result of the hard work and dedication of GLR Gabby Rogano, and the assistance of District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden and District 751 Organizing Director Jesse Cote.”

    “These RN’s stuck together and overcame the adversity they faced because they knew that joining the IAM was going to give them the professional representation that they need,” said IAM Grand Lodge Representative Gabby Rogano.

    “Our efforts to fight for healthcare workers continues with this very impressive win,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “We will always help those who strive for a better standard of living through collective union power. I congratulate and welcome our newest members and assure them all that we will be fighting alongside them as they negotiate a first contract.”

    “I couldn’t be happier for these nurses and healthcare professionals who worked so hard to join the Machinists Union and have a seat at the table,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I am so proud of this organizing team that helped these workers join together and have their voices heard.”

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    Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

    Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

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    Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

    IAMAW 141

    Machinists Non-Partisan Political League

    Legislative action by Machinists & Aerospace Workers has protected jobs and paychecks, and promoted the interests of airline workers on Capitol Hill. Help support these efforts by signing up for recurring donations of any amount today. 

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    The Machinists Union, along with allies in labor and on Capitol Hill, won critical provisions to help IAM members and working people who remain deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis in the latest emergency relief legislation poised to be passed by Congress.

    Top-Line Impacts for IAM Members

    – Direct Payments: An additional round of Economic Impact Payments of $600 for individuals making up to $75,000 per year and $1,200 for couples making up to $150,000 per year, as well as a $600 payment for each child dependent. This means a family of four will receive $2,400 in direct payments.

    – Airline Worker Relief: The airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) has been extended until March 31, 2021. Thousands of IAM airline members will go back to work. This extension prohibits any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program.

    – Transit Worker Relief: The package includes extended and enhanced unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the seven-day waiting period. Amtrak is restricted from furloughing additional employees.

    – Unemployment Assistance: Those who are out of work will get an extra $300 per week in federal cash through March 14, 2021. The legislation also extends employment benefits to self-employed individuals, gig workers and those who’ve exhausted their state benefits. 

    – Eviction Ban Extended: A federal eviction ban has been extended through the end of January

    Click here for a full detailed summary of coronavirus relief provisions.

    “Working people are receiving a down payment of much-needed assistance with Congress’ long overdue passage of a relief package,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The IAM has been leading this fight on Capitol Hill and with the help of our sisters and brothers in organized labor, we were able to secure assistance for our members, their families and communities.

    “The bill includes a long overdue clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program, which will help bring thousands of laid-off frontline airline workers back to work. While this bill affords many of our members some of the aid they need, far more relief is needed for members in other industries, like aerospace and manufacturing. 

    “We urge Congress to return next year and immediately work with the incoming Biden-Harris administration to expand upon this legislation with a more comprehensive package that will safeguard the livelihoods and futures of all IAM members and working people.

    “I want to thank our Legislative Department, as well as Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja and TCU/IAM National President Arthur Maratea for all their hard work and unrelenting pressure behind the scenes to get this deal done.

    “We will not relent in our pressure until every member and their family has the support they need during these unprecedented times.”

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