Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2)

Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2)

June 30, 2020

Brothers and Sisters at United Airlines,

Hopefully, you have all seen the latest Voluntary Separation Program 2 (VSP 2) that United Airlines has offered. 

As we all try to navigate through these very tumultuous times together, I know we all wish there would be more value in this package. I also know that many of us, after seeing two VSP offers and an enhancement to the second one, may be expecting another, more lucrative VSP down the road. However, United Airlines officials have assured me there will not be any more enhancements or additional VSPs offered any time soon.

It is very important that all IAM members know that our union has engaged in many conversations with company officials regarding the voluntary separation programs and we strongly advocated for even more value to be added to them to encourage participation and reduce future layoffs. The Company responded by enhancing the VSP2 program significantly and providing up to $45,000 in a Retirement Health Account.  

The ability to sign up for the voluntary separation program (VSP2) is now open.  While I believe that a more robust voluntary separation program would vastly increase participation and would greatly decrease future layoffs, this is a rich program and I encourage everyone to take a look to see if the VSP2 is a good fit for you. The VSP2 enhancements have some valuable components that may be of interest to you and your families.

Please make sure to visit the VSP2 website: Information and link to the website is below. For questions on VSP2, call the UA Employee Service Center at 1-877-825-3729

Program offerings are specific to each individual employee and may change slightly due to factors such as years of service and age.

Highlights include:

  • $1,500 for each year of completed service up to a maximum of $45,000 as a one-time credit to a Retiree Health Account to pay for your and your dependents’ eligible medical expenses such as premiums, copays, prescriptions, dental services and vision services
  • Eligibility for medical premium reimbursement, regardless of whether you are enrolled in a UA medical plan, which can be used towards any medical plan at United or elsewhere, such as another employer or a spouse’s plan
  • Extra CARP or 401(k) benefit 
  • Additional pass travel benefits

If you wish to review details of the program, you can do so by CLICKING HERE or by logging into your FlyingTogether account, and accessing Help Hub.

In Solidarity,

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Texas Council of Machinists President Speaks at Labor for Black Lives Rally

Texas Council of Machinists President Speaks at Labor for Black Lives Rally

IAM District 37 President Byron Williams headlined an Organized Labor for Black Lives Matter rally in Huntsville, AL on Saturday, June 20. The rally was hosted by the North Alabama Labor Council.

Williams, a long-time IAM labor leader in Texas, is the first Black president of the Texas State Council of Machinists. He is a well-known human rights activist.

“Brothers and sisters, we are at a moment in time, that this will not be in vain,” said Williams. “We will not rest until every American can pursue the American Dream. We will not rest until every American is free from racism and discrimination. The labor movement will never rest or be silent to any injustice.”

Williams drew the historical line on injustices stretching from Emmett Till in the 1960s to the present day and George Floyd.

“The Machinists Union and the North Alabama Labor Council stands with you,” said Williams. “Our foundation of democracy has a long way to go to reflect the creed of this nation. We are seeing people of all races marching and speaking up, speaking out for a better today, a better tomorrow and for a better world, demanding that justice finally be done.”

“The Labor Movement has always been the great equalizer, allowing every working man and woman to have a voice and vote regardless of race, sex, religion or age,” said IAM Southern Territory General Vice President Rickey Wallace. “It’s the foundation of who we are and it directs our conscience as we fight for justice in the workplace and in our communities. By working together, standing in solidarity on the right side of history, we can and will change the world.”

Brother Williams and his wife traveled over 700 miles to speak at the rally.

Before the rally, the Valley Labor Report, on WVNN (Athens, AL) interviewed Williams. Jacob Morrison and David Story host the show live both on the radio and on the internet. It’s the only labor radio show in Alabama. Story is the President of Local 44 in Decatur, AL.

Watch the replay of the show.


Airline Labor Seeks Payroll Support Program Extension

Airline Labor Seeks Payroll Support Program Extension

Three months ago I wrote to the membership stating we were about to face a situation unparalleled in our lifetime due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that nobody could accurately predict what would come next. The picture is now starting to get clearer, and it is not pretty. 
In response to societal restrictions and the unprecedented global economic collapse, commercial air service has been cut dramatically. Only through an intense lobbying effort led by the Machinists Union, our membership and our Legislative Department did transportation unions secure early in the crisis pay and job protection for most airline employees through the CARES Act.
When the CARES Act job and pay protection we secured expires on October 1, the number of IAM members furloughed could easily rise into the tens of thousands, literally overnight. Although passengers are slowly returning to the sky, the industry’s downturn will last far beyond CARES Act protections.
Today, the Machinists Union and other airline unions sent a letter to the House and Senate leadership to pass a clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) contained in the CARES Act until March 31, 2021. I ask each IAM member to follow up and engage your representatives in Washington. You can contact your representatives to explain the importance of saving our workforce by clicking here.
Specifically, we are asking for:
  • Increase PSP funding levels by an additional $32 billion (covering six months)
  • Extend requirements relating to involuntary furloughs, share repurchases, dividend payments, and collective bargaining agreements to March 31, 2021
  • Require Treasury to immediately disburse funds to every air carrier and contractor that executed a Payroll Support Program Agreement, an amount equal to their current payroll support.
Nobody likes to ask the government for assistance, but without additional intervention, I fear a repeat of the multiple airline bankruptcies that marked the opening of this century. Tens of thousands of IAM families, hundreds of thousands of airline families from outside our union, will soon be faced with devastating job loss unless action is taken.


In solidarity,

Sito Pantoja

General Vice President IAM Transportation Department


IAMAW District 141 Juneteenth Statement

IAMAW District 141 Juneteenth Statement

June 19, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,

In recent weeks, our commitment to our country’s fundamental values has been put to a test, and we must all recognize the importance of this moment. For those who are quick to dismiss it as just heightened politics in a divided nation, we urge you to consider how your views on human rights fit within this struggle for justice.

We must not let partisan, class, or racial politics get in the way of the important human and civil rights issues we need to discuss right now. We cannot allow more suffering and the loss of the human connections we value as union members and as one nation. As union members, we are sometimes too comfortable taking these values for granted.

As elected union leaders, the entire District 141 Executive Board works to protect the rights of every member, and our processes guarantee equal rights for all. We are bound by an oath of office and by our personal convictions to represent people who may not look like us and whose life experiences may be very different from ours, but who are our Brothers and Sisters. Every day, and especially now, we reinforce our commitment to these values and honor the trust you have placed in us to represent all of you.

We ask that you read the statements that our GVP Sito Pantoja, IAMAW International President Bob Martinez, and the AFL-CIO General Board have issued recently, and use them to begin your own examination of how you can be part of a more inclusive future for organized labor and our nation. This moment in history demands that we not just take comfort in not being racist ourselves, but to actively denounce racism. We realize this self-reflection and conversations with others may be difficult, but we must have them so we learn from each other and grow.

We must rise to this moment, and work together to build a future where the labor movement and our nation will truly live up to our ideals of liberty and justice for all.

In Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair
IAMAW District 141

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IAMAW District President Calls on JetBlue to Respect Workers, End Outsourcing

IAMAW District President Calls on JetBlue to Respect Workers, End Outsourcing

Mr. Hayes,

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), District 141, has become aware of JetBlue’s plan to outsource the work of JetBlue employees in “smaller BlueCities,” which JetBlue failed to identify in its memo. I think it is unconscionable that after taking approximately $1 billion of taxpayer funded airline bailout money that you now turn your back on the essential frontline JetBlue workers who have served our nation so bravely during the worst health crisis in modern history.

I think it’s vital that everyone knows what’s going on here. You are NOT upending the lives of these JetBlue workers because you are cutting some staff to meet reduced demand for air travel. You are cutting ALL these workers and bringing in LOWER PAID workers, who likely are earning minimum wage with no benefits, to do the jobs of JetBlue workers. Classic greed.

Even worse, you are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse.

I call on you to do what is right and maintain JetBlue workers in these “smaller BlueCities.” They were there for us when we needed them most. They were there to load medical supplies on flights, to transport medical professionals to where they needed to be to treat sick people and to otherwise keep our nation’s air transportation system operating. They deserve better treatment and to remain employed in the cities where they and their families live.

In the memo announcing this misguided plan from VP of Airports Experience, Mike Parkinson, to JetBlue employees, he claims, “Taking care of impacted Crewmembers is our priority.” If you truly want to take care of JetBlue employees, then don’t outsource their work and don’t upend their lives and the lives of their families. Keep them working where they live.

You can be sure that the IAM will do everything in its power to fight this unbelievably cruel plan.


Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair
IAMAW District 141

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Rep. Crenshaw: United Must “Live Up to its Obligations”

Rep. Crenshaw: United Must “Live Up to its Obligations”

Another lawmaker has voiced support for the unionized ramp and customer service agents at United Airlines as they continue to push back against proposed furloughs at the airline. This week, Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-Tx), issued a statement calling on United to “live up to its obligations” and abide by the rules of the CARES Act.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw, who serves the people of the 2nd Congressional District of Texas in the House of Representatives, responded to a constituent who contacted him after United Airlines announced cuts in the hours of work for over 16,000 airport and call center employees. In a letter, Rep. Crenshaw wrote: “I voted for the CARES Act because I understand the importance of sustaining our airline workforce during this difficult time.”

As a member of the House Budget Committee, Rep. Crenshaw helps craft the annual budget resolution which determines funding policies for the federal government. A former United States Navy SEAL and a member of the Republican Party, he was elected to Congress in 2018 on a platform that called for getting the country on a path towards “responsible spending.” In his letter, the congressman emphasized the safeguards Congress put in the CARES Act to ensure the proper use of funds and said, “This bill included accountability measures, and it is important for every entity that receives public funding to live up to its obligations.”

The largest of three major bills from Congress to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the CARES Act provided $25 billion in relief funding for airlines to keep employees on the payroll.

Members of Congress like Crenshaw interact with airline employees during their frequent trips between their home districts and Washington, DC. He praised United employees in his letter and wrote, “You have kept our nation running, and it is uplifting to see the dedication on the frontlines.” The congressman pledged to “continue to focus on ensuring funds are spent as intended as the industry recovers and that safety measures are implemented to protect both workers and travelers.”

Do you live in the Houston area?

Lawmakers need to know that we appreciate their help. If you are a constituent of Congressman Dan Crenshaw, please take a second to let him know that our union values his assist.


What do YOU Think?

Lawmakers are calling on airlines to fulfill the obligations they made to taxpayers and employees like us. How would you rate the job your airline has done so far?