Negotiations Update
Sisters and Brothers,
Since the resumption of mediated negotiations between the Association and American Airlines on September 16, the parties have met multiple days over five weekly sessions. Although progress has been slow, it has been positive and productive. The talks have moved into more serious and in-depth discussions regarding Scope, Insurance and Retirement.
Since resolution to most of the remaining open items rely on reaching an agreement in total, no specific tentative agreements have been signed-off or agreed to. However, we can report on the subjects we have discussed.
In Mechanic and Related Scope, the parties have narrowed their positions on Heavy Maintenance issues, international outsourcing and protected cities in the US. The parties have narrowed all aspects of GSE including scope and named protected cities. We remain apart on Facilities scope. MLS/Stores scope was discussed this week and we have moved closer to agreement.
The parties’ positions have narrowed on Fleet Service Scope specific to the number of cities and flight thresholds in those cities.
Meaningful discussions on all facets of insurance took place this week: Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Accidental Death Insurance, Long Term Disability Insurance and Retiree Medical/Sick Time buy out.
Discussions for retirement focused on the design and value of defined-benefit and defined-contribution retirement plans.
By mutual agreement, the parties continue to agree not to release in-depth details of these on-going discussions. At this critical phase of negotiations, this practice keeps the progress of these discussions moving forward.
When we get to the point of an agreement in principal more details will be released. The Executive and full Negotiating Committees appreciate the Memberships’ patience and support through the negotiation process.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume next week in Washington, D.C.
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Negotiations Update
Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.
Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.
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Negotiations Update
Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.
Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.
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Helping Hands October: Retirement
Our focus is on Retirement and how to prepare for retirement. Retirement is an important issue for many of our folks – preparing for retirement isn’t just about money – it is also about being emotionally prepared and having a plan about what you will do and how you will stay active. Also you need a plan about how you will shift from your work being your primary purpose to having a new purpose. The resources on page two are good for exploring all aspects of the retirement planning process. If you are using an electronic version of Helping Hands, you will be able to access the resources by clicking on the titles of the resource – they are all links to the web sites.
As always, please encourage our co-workers to utilize the resources and to ask you to assist them if they need more resources. You can refer the hard questions to the Regional Representatives!
Thank you for your service to your co-workers – you will never know how you have helped many of them.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
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Hawaiian Airlines Joint Negotiation Team Begins Preparation for Talks
[gdlr_stunning_text background_color=”#f3f3f3″ button=”Download PDF” button_link=”https://iam141.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Hawaiian-Bulletin-100819-2.pdf” button_background=”#184ab9″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_border_color=”#0d2a6b” title=”Hawaiian Airlines Joint Negotiation Team Begins Preparation for Talks” title_color=”#184ab9″ caption_color=”#a0a0a0″]Please Post on Bulletin Boards[/gdlr_stunning_text]