Texas and California Governors’ Warning: Wear Your Masks or Risk Another Full Shutdown

Texas and California Governors’ Warning: Wear Your Masks or Risk Another Full Shutdown

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The governors of California and Texas, two big states with major airline hubs in them, say residents need to start wearing masks and taking COVID-19 seriously, or the states might be forced to shut back down. 

Pre-pandemic, an estimated 143.6 million air passengers traveled to and from destinations in California and Texas each day. This accounts for more than half of all daily air travelers in the United States in 2019. Destinations in California accounted for more than 80 million passengers per day before state officials mandated shut-downs to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Texas is home to the headquarters for Southwest and American Airlines, and is also one of the largest hubs for United Airlines, which combined carried over 60 million passengers per day in 2019. 

A return to widespread closures in either state would deal yet another serious blow to commercial aviation in the US, forcing major airlines to shrink for the long term, and would kill regional carriers outright.

In a statement released this week, Governor Gavin Newsom of California said the state currently had enough hospital space to handle the exploding numbers of COVID patients, but a continued upward trend in cases would overwhelm the system.   

This week, California officials reported over 184,765 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with over 5,500 deaths. The state is struggling to reopen for business and prepare for the new school year to begin in August. Some school districts are trying to open early to make up for lost learning time in the spring. 

“California’s strategy to restart the economy and get people back to work will only be successful if people act safely and follow health recommendations,” Newsom said in a press conference. “That means wearing a face covering, washing your hands, and practicing physical distancing.” 

However, with too many people ignoring the recommendations, and no sign of the pandemic waning in the state, on June 18th Newsom issued an order that requires all Californians to wear a face-covering when in public. Since early April, similar mandates have been put in place by governors in 14 states and the District of Columbia. 

The new policy creates a more standardized response in California, which previously had a range of different regional and municipal rules in place. Some counties had strict rules regarding masks and face coverings, while others were being withdrawn or scaled back due to public protests and outcry, including death threats.

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott scolded “20-somethings” for not wearing masks or practicing social distancing. 

“Over the past week or so, really for the month of June, we have seen an increase in the number of people in their 20s testing positive,” the Republican governor said in an interview with KLBK in Dallas which aired on Monday.

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“We believe that a lot of people have let down their guard,” said the governor. “The summer’s here. Things are opening up. They feel like they can go out without having to wear a face mask. And they are not realizing this very important fact: COVID-19 still exists in Texas, in America and across the globe.”

The Texas governor has not issued a state order requiring face coverings, but has approved policies that mandate masks for employees and customers in businesses in several counties and municipalities, including Austin, the state capital. “I know some people feel that wearing a mask is inconvenient or an infringement of freedom, but I also know that wearing a mask will keep Texas open,” he said. In Houston, individuals that ignore the requirement to wear a face covering may not face any fines – but the businesses they visit are. Stores, bars, and other businesses are subject to a $1,000 fine per violation if they allow customers or employees without face coverings on their property. 

Governor Abbott said the health systems were handling the patient volumes well overall, but noted that the rate of hospitalizations for COVID-19 has doubled since Memorial Day. NPR reported that the demand for hospital beds in the Houston area has increased to the point that the Texas Children’s Hospital is now admitting adult patients. 

The governor stressed that closing Texas down again would always be a “last resort,” but also said that if people failed to wear masks, practice safe social distancing and basic personal hygiene, the state may soon have to consider more severe measures to deal with the pandemic.

On Tuesday, Governor Abbott announced that 5,489 new COVID-19 cases, an all-time high, had been confirmed by health authorities in the state. Texas now has a total of 120,370 confirmed COVID-19 cases, trailing New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois.

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Machinists, Labor Coalition Call on Congress to Protect Democracy Amid Pandemic

Machinists, Labor Coalition Call on Congress to Protect Democracy Amid Pandemic

The IAM joined other labor organizations representing millions of workers across North America calling on Congress to protect every citizen’s right to vote during these unstable times. The coalition is encouraging expanded online voter registration, extended early voting periods with safe and sanitized polling places, and increased vote-by-mail opportunities.

In a letter addressed to U.S. Senate and House leaders and sent to every member of Congress, the unions urged lawmakers to pass legislation ensuring every eligible voter is able to participate in the 2020 election amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The challenges of COVID-19 and the calls to make bold changes to the institutions of our society must start with ensuring that no voter should have to choose between their health or participating in our democracy,” the union wrote.

The unions also demand Congress address the issue of racial injustices throughout the country, including in the form of voter suppression.

“During this time of recurring social and economic disparities laid bare as a result of this pandemic, the urgency for legislation to protect and expand voting rights is also coupled with the moment of national mourning of racial injustices and the widespread mobilization against it,” the union wrote. “Voting rights and the fight for racial justice are deeply interconnected.”


Read the full letter here.



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A Conversation With Safety Advocate, Danny Schwarz

A Conversation With Safety Advocate, Danny Schwarz

A Conversation with Safety Advocate and Attorney, Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz has established himself as a fierce enforcer of workplace safety, and a dedicated defender of airline and airport workers.

His pioneering work is forcing employers to eliminate poorly maintained and unsafe equipment and maintain a safe work environment. In a half-century of taking on billion-dollar corporate giants in court, Danny Schwarz and his firm had noticed disturbing industry injury trends, which they began to track. In response to these alarming injury trends, Danny Schwarz developed a groundbreaking program to report and track repetitive workplace injuries. The Safety System Danny created collects specific information obtained from OSHA and industry activists like us. The data can then be used to protect the safety of workers … and hold employers accountable.

Today, Danny Schwarz is helping OSHA to modernize and digitize many of its record-keeping systems in a project overseen by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. 

Need More Information?

National Group Protection offers airline workers a wide variety of supplemental insurance options. Find out more at the National Group Protection website.

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IAMAW District President Calls on JetBlue to Respect Workers, End Outsourcing

IAMAW District President Calls on JetBlue to Respect Workers, End Outsourcing

Mr. Hayes,

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), District 141, has become aware of JetBlue’s plan to outsource the work of JetBlue employees in “smaller BlueCities,” which JetBlue failed to identify in its memo. I think it is unconscionable that after taking approximately $1 billion of taxpayer funded airline bailout money that you now turn your back on the essential frontline JetBlue workers who have served our nation so bravely during the worst health crisis in modern history.

I think it’s vital that everyone knows what’s going on here. You are NOT upending the lives of these JetBlue workers because you are cutting some staff to meet reduced demand for air travel. You are cutting ALL these workers and bringing in LOWER PAID workers, who likely are earning minimum wage with no benefits, to do the jobs of JetBlue workers. Classic greed.

Even worse, you are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse.

I call on you to do what is right and maintain JetBlue workers in these “smaller BlueCities.” They were there for us when we needed them most. They were there to load medical supplies on flights, to transport medical professionals to where they needed to be to treat sick people and to otherwise keep our nation’s air transportation system operating. They deserve better treatment and to remain employed in the cities where they and their families live.

In the memo announcing this misguided plan from VP of Airports Experience, Mike Parkinson, to JetBlue employees, he claims, “Taking care of impacted Crewmembers is our priority.” If you truly want to take care of JetBlue employees, then don’t outsource their work and don’t upend their lives and the lives of their families. Keep them working where they live.

You can be sure that the IAM will do everything in its power to fight this unbelievably cruel plan.


Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair
IAMAW District 141

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Machinists Union Joins Call for Police Reform, Racial Justice

Machinists Union Joins Call for Police Reform, Racial Justice

The IAM is supporting recommendations issued by the AFL-CIO’s general board to take concrete action to address America’s long history of racism.

The board approved the recommendations after emergency meetings of the AFL-CIO Committees on Civil and Human Rights and the AFL-CIO Committee on Legislation and Policy. Both committees discussed the murder of George Floyd and unanimously agreed to actions the labor movement could take to address racial injustice and police brutality against people of color.

Read the full AFL-CIO general board recommendations.

Members and leaders of the IAM are also encouraged to participate in future central labor council community listening sessions on racial justice.

“On behalf of myself and the entire IAM Executive Council, we ask everyone in our union family to not only participate in these discussions, but take a look inward and see how you can be part of the solution,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Our union has a proud history of human rights activism. We will always stand firm in our belief that any form of discrimination has no place in our society.”

Read Martinez’s full statement addressing racial justice.

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A Conversation with Tim Ryan about the Free College Benefit.

A Conversation with Tim Ryan about the Free College Benefit.

IAMAW 141 is extending the deadline for the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship.

Applications and essay submissions are now due by August 1, 2020, and winners will be announced by August 15. The student with the best essay will win a $2000 scholarship to help with expenses while enrolled in college classes.

Six other students will receive $1000 each.

This essay contest is open to District 141 members, as well as children, spouses, and dependent grandchildren of our members. Interested students can get an application form, and learn more about the scholarship competition, by CLICKING HERE>


In this video report, Timothy Ryan, the Vice President of Benefit Relations and Higher Education Onboarding Strategist for the Free College Benefit, sits down to discuss the program with Dave Lehive. 

Tim comes to the free college benefit program on the recommendation of the Rhode Island Institute for Labor Studies and Research. He spent his first two years as a director of the Free College Student Resource Center. Since leaving the position in 2017, Tim has been traveling the country meeting with union leadership and general membership to find new ways to promote the program.


Need More Information?

District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is offering six $1,000 scholarships and one $2,000 scholarship to the winners of its yearly Adolph Stutz Memorial essay contest. The contest is open to select union members and their families.

Are you or a family member considering earning an Associates Degree through the Free College Benefit? 

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