Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

141 Report: Houston’s Community Service and Veterans Committees

For Thanksgiving weekend, we feature a Community Service project at Local 2198. 

Rose Lopes-Harris and Brenda Douglas join us to talk about the Houston local’s Community Service and Veterans Committees’ drive to help IAM members currently on furlough. The committees will collect essential items for “furlough care packages” that will be offered to members who are facing hardship during the holiday season. 

Watch the short video for details and remember to check in with our Brothers and Sisters on furlough wherever you are. We must stand in solidarity, especially during tough times. The UNION makes us strong! 

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Thanksgiving Becomes More Union-Made: Seneca Foods Workers Join the IAMAW

Thanksgiving Becomes More Union-Made: Seneca Foods Workers Join the IAMAW

Recently, more than 193 seasonal employees at Seneca Foods vegetable processing facility in Leicester, NY voted to join the IAM. This organizing campaign accomplished something relatively unheard of, filing for an election with just 30 percent of the workforce signing representation cards and then overwhelmingly winning the election.

“On behalf of the Eastern Territory, I would like to congratulate and welcome the women and men from Seneca into the IAM family,” said Eastern Territory General Vice President Jimmy Conigliaro Sr. “This was a great team effort. Thank you to Chief of Staff Juan Negron, Grand Lodge Representative Chuck Herod, Directing Business Representative Ron Warner and IAM District 65 for your dedication and relentless work in bringing this organizing campaign to fruition.”

The seasonal processing schedule typically runs from July 1 through the end of November. Many of these seasonal employees are from Puerto Rico and have traveled back and forth to Seneca Foods for years. Working conditions were not favorable and employees were required to work twelve-hour days, seven days a week.

“These employees have seen the disparity of how they are treated compared with how fulltime workers in the facility are treated and compensated under a Collective Bargaining Agreement,” said District 65 Directing Business Representative Ron Warner. “They know we can make a difference and that is why they voted for the IAM. Since the majority of the workers spoke only Spanish, I’d also like to give special thanks to Chief of Staff Juan Negron and Chief Steward Luis Diaz who were integral in communicating with our new sisters and brothers.”

IAM Local Lodge 1580 currently represents 40 fulltime employees at the Seneca Foods facility. In September, seasonal employees, who handle all the processing including canning of the vegetables, contacted Local Lodge 1580 Chief Steward Luis Diaz expressing a strong desire to join the IAM.  


Looking for more Union Made Thanksgiving Products?


Machinists Union Integral in 737 Max Recertification, Safety Improvements

Machinists Union Integral in 737 Max Recertification, Safety Improvements

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has lifted the grounding of the 737 Max, clearing the way for airlines to begin scheduling flights in the upcoming months. The move comes after more than a year of the IAM partnering with the FAA and Congress to ensure the aircraft is safe to carry passengers again after its worldwide grounding in March 2019.

The FAA order only covers domestic flights, which will affect American, United and Southwest Airlines, who all have the 737 Max in their fleets. International flight safety agencies are still

IAM District 751 members have worked extensively to maintain these aircraft in long-term storage and members look forward to bringing the 737 Max back into service and increasing production rates as necessary to meet the needs of the customers going forward.

“This is great news for our Brothers and Sisters in Puget Sound who build these planes,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “District Lodge 751’s leadership has done an excellent job in keeping the pressure on Congress, the FAA and Boeing to ensure the best aircraft builders on the planet and their job security are considered and respected.”    

“I’m proud of the work our members have done throughout these difficult times,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “The quality of their work has really stood out during the storage of the planes, the thorough review process and now getting the 737 Max back into service and eventually ramping up production.”


“The FAA’s decision to unground the 737 Max is good news for us in the Pacific Northwest,” said Aviation Subcommittee Chair Rick Larsen (D-WA). “The decision provides some certainty to the aerospace jobs in Northwest Washington, despite the downturn in aviation travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With critical changes in place to ensure the 737 Max’s safe return to service, it is my hope Boeing employees can get back to work, drive economic recovery and ensure U.S. aviation remains globally competitive.”

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure issued a final report on the Boeing 737 Max. Based on the report, the House passed a bipartisan bill, the “Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act.”



IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. recently joined the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) podcast “El Desvio, Many Roads, one Destination.”

Martinez discusses the recent presidential election, COVID-19, and how organizations like the IAM and LCLAA play a critical role in bringing our divided nation back together.

“I am so proud of all of our members and every American for going to the polls in record numbers,” said Martinez. “Despite a pandemic and deliberate attempts to suppress our vote, more Americans voted in this election than any in American history. That is a testament to the labor movement and organizations like LCLAA who have mobilized to turn out the vote, and now count every vote.”

Listen to the entire episode here. >>


Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

141 Report: Employee Assistance Director, Bryan Hutchinson

The pandemic has hit airline workers particularly hard, creating a climate of job insecurity, isolation and the potential for addiction. This week, IAMAW District 141 EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson sits down with Dave for a conversation about how to deal with pandemic stress among airline workers.

Struggling? Help Can Happen Now.

The District 141 EAP offers free, confidential, and compassionate help to Machinists and Aerospace Union members at times of crisis or when they face personal challenges. The EAP also evaluates treatment options for addiction and mental health issues and helps members prepare for life changes in a positive and healthy way.

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Alabama Aerospace Members Make Big Gains with New Contract

Alabama Aerospace Members Make Big Gains with New Contract

 Nearly 120 members of IAM Local 2766 overwhelmingly ratified a new contract with Tyonek Services Group. The aerospace workers who maintain helicopters at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama have seen significant improvements in compensation since joining the IAM in 2017.

The new four-year deal includes the following improvements:

  • Three percent wage increase in each year of the contract
  • Significant reduction in cost of medical insurance coverage
  • Immediate wage equity adjustments for Electronic Techs and Machinists
  • Bonus for all employees with A&P licenses
  • Accelerated vacation schedule allowing employees to earn vacation sooner
  • Increased holidays
  • Improved Temporary Duty Travel (TDY) language.

“Congrats to Local 2766 and all involved for an outstanding collective bargaining agreement,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “The IAM continues to be the leader in the aerospace industry, especially when it comes to work under the Service Contract Act. This contract is just one of many that the IAM has negotiated under the SCA, and we continue to secure superior wages and benefits for our members and their families.”

“These negotiations were special for me because I helped organize this group along with retired District 75 organizer Mike Cooke,” said IAM Aerospace Coordinator Tony Wirth. “I was also there with them when we negotiated their first contract, so to be able to be there for this one has given me an opportunity to be a part of their success from the beginning. Congratulations to BR Matt Griggs and the committee for a great contract.”

“With the commitment and dedication of Business Representative Matt Griggs, the Negotiation Committee was well prepared and ready to negotiate a great contract,” said District 75 President/Directing Business Representative Stephen P. Jordan. “A big thank you goes out to Aerospace Coordinator Tony Wirth for helping to achieve this great contract, this was a team effort for sure.”   

The group negotiated their first contract with Tyonek, who won the maintenance contract previously held by Y-Tech. The negotiating committee consisting of Local 2766 President Tom Lewis, Committeeman Dan Gross, Committeeman Ryan Petosky, IAM Aerospace Coordinator Tony Wirth, District 75 Business Representative Matt Griggs worked extensively preparing for the negotiations with the new company.