Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

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Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

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IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Ines Garcia-Keim from District 141 as Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD, effective September 1, 2021.

Ines Garcia-Keim joined Local Lodge 914 in 2012 and served as a shop steward and chaired the Local Lodge’s legislative committee. She was made a District 141 Organizer in 2016 and was appointed Communications Representative for the District in 2018. She represented Local Lodge 914 in the New Jersey State Council of Machinists, was elected the council’s Legislative Director in 2016 and served as Council President from 2018 to 2021. 

“I couldn’t be more impressed with Ines’ hard work and leadership experience coming up through the ranks of the union,” said Martinez. “That experience plus her deep understanding of membership needs will make her an excellent Education Rep. I have no doubt that she will be successful in this role, and that she will make a positive impact on everyone that attends programs at the Winpisinger Center.”

Prior to her appointment as Education Representative, Sister Garcia-Keim was a member of the Spanish Leadership Working Group, which develops and implements Spanish-language programs offered by the Center.

“I am so excited to welcome Sister Ines to the Center,” said Director Chris Wagoner, “because I know she will be an asset to the staff and an outstanding educator for our member-participants. Her leadership experience at the Local, District, and State Council levels will inform her work and make her an effective and inspiring instructor. She has been successful teaching in our Spanish-language leadership programs and I can’t wait to see her bring that passion to other programs here at the Winpisinger.”

Garcia-Keim comes to the Center from New Jersey, where she joined Local Lodge 914 in 2012 and served as shop steward and chaired the Local Lodge’s legislative committee. She was made a District 141 Organizer in 2016 and was appointed Communications Representative for the District in 2018. She represented Local Lodge 914 in the New Jersey State Council of Machinists, was elected the council’s Legislative Director in 2016, and she served as Council President from 2018 to 2021. 

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VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

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VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

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The meltdown tantrum adds to a year of record levels of violent attacks on airline workers.

61-year-old Timothy Armstrong was arrested and released with a citation for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

(Play Video on Tik Tok)  61-Year-old Timothy Armstrong was arrested after a drunken, racist rampage on an American Airlines Flight.

On Monday, police arrested and ticketed Timothy Armstrong after a bizarre racist rant onboard a flight from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. The incident was captured on a cellphone camera and shared on social media, where it immediately went viral. American Airlines flight 1802 had 162 passengers and six crew members on board at the time. The flight landed safely at Salt Lake City International Airport.

So far, authorities have not charged Armstrong with intimidating a flight crew, a federal offense.

Tik Tok user Dennis Busch, a resident of Salt Lake City, filmed the incident and posted it to his account on Monday, where it quickly earned 2.3 million views.

“To clarify,” Busch said of the video, “he was being a racist jerk to a couple of asian passengers before I started filming.”

According to Busch, “He began by yelling at the Asian woman in front of me to sit down when she was standing to deal with a back issue.”

“He proceeded to tell multiple flight attendants that she and her companion ‘didn’t belong here,'” Busch continued. “After asking him to calm down the man went into a complete meltdown of racist, sexist and belligerent comments, culminating in his arrest at the gate.”

The video shows Armstrong growling and chewing at his facemask before getting out of his seat to berate flight attendants and other passengers. A member of the flight crew at one point ordered him to return to his seat. As he did so, he shouted “Joe Biden? Really?” at other passengers.

Upon returning to his seat, Armstrong seemed to go into a drunken stupor, apologizing for his behavior and repeatedly mumbling, “America,” until the police arrived to arrest him.

Busch thanked the flight crew for their composure in handling the incident. “We were lucky to have such a well-trained crew who kept their cool throughout the flight,” he said

“The flight landed safely at (Salt Lake City) where local law enforcement removed the disruptive passenger from the aircraft,” American Airlines said in a statement. “We thank our crew for their professionalism and our customers for their understanding.”

Upon landing, police boarded the plane and detained Armstrong on drunk and disorderly charges.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has been a leading voice in calls to increase penalties for attacks on airline workers. IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick sits on an airport labor committee tasked with dealing with air rage. “We are working with other unions to coordinate an industry-wide way to handle the rise in attacks on airline workers,” Roderick explained. “On Saturday, we had a meeting with the Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO Trefere Gebre, along with 20 representatives from other unions,” Roderick said. “We discussed some of the many concerns we have in the transportation industry, which seems to change every day,” Roderick said. 

Since the beginning of this year, the FAA has fined unruly passengers more than $1 million for similar outbursts. Since January 1 of this year, the agency has logged just under 4,000 reports of violent and abusive incidents involving passengers. About 3/4s of the attacks were motivated by federal mask requirements, which have been extended to January 2022.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League works to drive the interests of airline workers through legislation and public advocacy efforts. The MNPL is funded entirely through voluntary contributions from members like you. Please consider recurring, automatic payroll-deducted contributions of any amount today. Every dollar helps the cause. 


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141 Report: Summer Fun, Fundraising, and Politics

141 Report: Summer Fun, Fundraising, and Politics

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Dave Lehive was at the Local 1487 Golf Outing last week, where the sold-out event attracted 144 golfers on a beautiful summer day. This was the Chicago local’s biggest fundraising event of the year to benefit Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines.

141 Report: Summer Fun, Fundraising, and Politics

Dave Lehive was at the Local 1487 Golf Outing last week, where the sold-out event attracted 144 golfers on a beautiful summer day. This was the Chicago local’s biggest fundraising event of the year to benefit Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines.

The organizing committee, led by Local 1487 President Tony Licciardi, spent six months planning the event, which received the support of many of the local’s friends and allies in the community. Union members, their families, and friends enjoyed a great course, fellowship, and fresh air while raising much-needed funds for the Machinists Union’s favorite charity. GDA President Russ Gitlin attended the event accompanied by McCoy, a 2 ½-year-old Labrador Retriever who is ready to be placed with a blind person.  

Sponsors of the event included National Group Protection and District 141. Friends of the late District 141 AGC Rich Pascarella, who was a prominent supporter of Guide Dogs of America, sponsored a golf hole to raise money for the pups in his memory.

Dave flew from Illinois to New Jersey for the New Jersey State Council of Machinists Conference, which took place at Liberty State Park in Jersey City. 

Ines Garcia-Keim, a Communications Rep at District 141 and Dave’s colleague, presided over the council’s meeting for the last time, as they elected a new Executive Board. Cristino Vilorio, a Business Representative from Local 447, and Michael Buonpastore, a Safety Rep from Local 1776, were elected President and Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. Brother Buonpastore is a New Jersey resident who previously served as the State Council’s Education Director. Bill Gula, President of Local 914, and Rich Howell, former president of Local 1776, were elected Vice Presidents, and Rich Creighton from District 141 and Obie O’Brien from Local 1776 were elected Trustees. 

Ines explains how the State Council serves as the political arm of the union, building relationships, and solidarity with elected officials and allies in labor. The council works to ensure that union members and all working people influence legislation that affects our work and communities. After a year of hiatus because of the pandemic, Ines leaves the council in excellent hands, as she moves into her new role as an Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Center. 

This Could Be BIG: Labor Department Rules IAM Flight Trainers Covered by Service Contract Act

This Could Be BIG: Labor Department Rules IAM Flight Trainers Covered by Service Contract Act

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This Could Be BIG: Labor Department Rules IAM Flight Trainers Covered by Service Contract Act

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The Labor Department’s Wage and Hour division recently sided with the Machinists Union in its decision that U.S. Air Force contractors employed by FlightSafety Services Corporation (FSSC) are covered under the Service Contract Act (SCA). The federal agency’s Aug. 2 ruling creates opportunities for the IAM to negotiate stronger labor contracts with Service Contract employers who have to abide by the guidelines that require contractors and subcontractors to pay area wages and benefits that are determined by the government.

Many thanks to the union journalists at who originally created and published this story.

The Labor Department’s decision is a victory in the IAM’s longstanding effort to get the designation for its Local 708 members who train pilots and maintain flight simulators for the new KC-46 at McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas. The U.S. Air Force contracts office failed to include this designation of SCA for its government contract, a decision that led to a years-long fight that included strikes and mounting support from elected officials.

Service Contract workers are private-sector employees who work under federal contracts, primarily at military bases and other federal installations.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senators and Representative to Help Protect SCA Jobs Today

Without an SCA designation, IAM members at McConnell AFB had been paid less than their counterparts working in the same industry.

“This is a tremendous victory for this critical workforce that helps the men and women who support our nation’s armed forces,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This DOL ruling finally creates the opportunity for these workers to have the same protection that the Service Contract Act offers to the hundreds of other companies doing the same or similar work for the government. I want to thank our Legal and Aerospace departments for their hard work fighting for our membership.”

The Air Force has until Oct. 1 to decide whether to appeal the DOL ruling. The IAM remains confident, however, that the agency’s decision will ultimately be upheld.

The IAM also represents FlightSafety workers at Pease AFB in New Hampshire, Altus AFB in Oklahoma and Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina.

The DOL ruling also comes as the IAM is urging the Biden administration to reinstate protections in the SCA that were removed by former President Donald Trump.

The IAM represents nearly 40,000 Service Contract Workers in various industries, spread across more than 800 locations.

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141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

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Dave Lehive gets District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm on record with updates and news on negotiations, COVID recovery and vaccinations, and other hot topics. This 141 Report is a must-see! 

141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

Dave Lehive gets District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm on record with updates and news on negotiations, COVID recovery and vaccinations, and other hot topics. This 141 Report is a must-see! 

We begin with Mike telling his story about how he “grew up” at JFK Airport in New York City and first became a Shop Steward at Local Lodge 1322 in 1999. He was elected Grievance Committee Representative two years later, and in 2006 won election as Committee Chair for JFK and LGA. He was later elected Assistant General Chair of District 141, becoming President and Directing General Chair in 2015. 

The conversation goes right into contract negotiations, beginning with the successful joint collective bargaining agreement signed with American Airlines 18 months ago. That agreement raised the bar for wages, benefits, and work rules for the entire airline industry, earning the highest rate of approval for ratification of any contract in the history of District 141. 

Assistant General Chair Tony Gibson is leading negotiations with Spirit Airlines, seeking improvements to the first contract reached with that carrier. The process is expected to continue through the fall. 

We move on to Hawaiian Airlines, where ongoing expedited negotiations are modeled after the successful process that was used with United Airlines in 2016. Delays due to COVID restrictions have slowed down the process, and both sides differ on key issues, such as wages, benefits, job protections, and scope. Mike is looking forward to a quick resolution at the next scheduled meeting in the next 4 to 6 weeks. If an agreement is not reached, the union will end expedited negotiations and will proceed to negotiations per Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act, which sets the legal framework for collective bargaining in the airline industry. 

United Airlines presents the biggest challenge to successful negotiations because of the airline’s business model, which relies heavily on business and international travel – two areas that have been the slowest to see a post-COVID recovery. United is still operating fewer flights and offering lower fares than in 2019, although executives predicted a return to profitability in the third and fourth quarters of 2021. These factors, along with the new executive leadership at the airline, require a careful assessment of conditions before jumping into a full negotiations process. The negotiations were paused in 2020 due to COVID restrictions, and to dedicate resources to protecting jobs and scope during the pandemic. 

Mike reminds us that United enjoyed the highest profits in its history before the pandemic thanks to the hard work and dedication of Machinists Union members. District 141 plans to survey members before deciding if expedited negotiations are still the best alternative to reach an industry-leading contract that rewards that hard work. Negotiators will evaluate how many issues need to be addressed to have a more defined agenda before a planned meeting with United negotiators in the fall. 

Klemm also comments on United’s policy announced today that will require all US-based employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID by October 25, 2021. As an incentive, the company is offering a paid day off for employees who upload vaccination records to the United intranet before September 20, 2021. 

Today’s announcement reverses Kirby’s statement he made in January of this year when he said, “I don’t think United will get away with and can realistically be the only company that requires vaccines and makes them mandatory. We need some others…to show leadership, particularly in the healthcare industry.” District 141 stands by the position shared with members at that time, encouraging incentives, not mandates. “We expected better collaboration between United’s executives and the airline’s unions on this critical issue. Clearly, we are working with a different regime, the Oscar Muñoz style of management is over,” said Klemm.

In related news, contract negotiations with Flagship Facility Services in SFO progressed quickly under the leadership of AGC Troy Rivera and members there ratified a contract in June. 

Brother Mike Klemm leads the largest district in the IAMAW, which has doubled its membership numbers since 2008, when most of the executive board members took office. Yet, the leadership is focused on the needs of every member and returns every call and answers every email. The efforts of district officers to date have saved the jobs of 29 members who were wrongly terminated in 2021, with 1,200 jobs saved since 2008. They have also won over $190,000 in bypass and back pay in 2021, and close to $3 million since 2008. 

Dave and Mike describe how every department in the District serves an important function for members, from Safety to Education, Legislative and MNPL, Community Service, and EAP.

During Klemm’s tenure, he has led a team that has implemented the GSAP safety program at American, has made member education available to all locals, has increased fundraising to support our allies in elected office, and is currently expanding community service programs so they serve the needs of the communities where our members live. The Employee Assistance Program serves members facing many mental health issues besides alcohol and drug abuse that have become more prevalent during the pandemic. And the Communications team keeps everyone informed because an informed union member is a powerful union member. 

Finally, Mike and Dave speak about the importance of organizing and how it relates to everything District 141 does. Non-union carriers like jetBlue and Delta spend millions every year to keep out unions because they know we will negotiate a seat at the table, respect, and a better quality of life for workers. When we negotiate contracts, they set a higher standard for non-union workers as well. 

“Could you imagine how powerful we would be if everybody in the airline industry was in a union?” asks Mike, in a call to action. 

There’s no time to waste, we have work to do. 

United Airlines to Require Employee Vaccinations (Survey)

United Airlines to Require Employee Vaccinations (Survey)

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United Airlines to Require Employee Vaccinations (Survey)

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Reversing his earlier promise not to be the first to issue vaccine mandates, United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby announced that all US-based employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19 by this fall.

This move by United was poorly communicated to Union Members, and reverses earlier promises.
Today’s announcement reverses Kirby’s statement he made in January of this year when he said, “I don’t think United will get away with and can realistically be the only company that requires vaccines and makes them mandatory. We need some others…to show leadership, particularly in the healthcare industry.”

District 141 stands by the position shared with members at that time, encouraging incentives, not mandates. “We expected better collaboration between United’s executives and the airline’s unions on this critical issue,” said IAMAW District 141 President, Mike Klemm. “Clearly, we are working with a different regime, the Oscar Muñoz style of management is over,” said Klemm.

Ramp, Gate, and Ticket Counter workers will need to upload proof of vaccination.
United workers can upload an image of their vaccination card on the United employee’s FlyingTogether website. For most employees, once it’s been recorded, it will be stored in “My Info” near your Payroll Advice and W2 forms. 

When will I need to have my vaccination records uploaded?
You should upload your vaccination information to Flying Together as soon as possible. The deadline to have records on file is five weeks after September 20, 2021, or five weeks after the FDA gives the vaccine full approval, whichever comes first. The latest possible date for having your vaccination records on file is October 25th, but the FDA is expected to grant full approval status much sooner – which means that waiting until October 25th may be a bad idea that could result in disciplinary action. If you’re vaccinated, please upload your vaccination records right away. 

What are the incentives for getting vaccinated?
Since vaccines first became available, the IAMAW has been working with airlines to develop incentive programs to encourage employees to get vaccinated. At airlines like United, this has led to things like on-site vaccination clinics, time off from work, and educational outreach efforts. Now, United is offering an extra day of pay for those who get vaccinated. That means additional hours will be added to your paycheck, based on how many hours you are scheduled to work. That’s free money to do something that can save you and those around you from getting seriously hurt or killed by this virus.

Companies can legally require vaccines, and airlines have been doing it for years.
In December, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that requiring employees to take a COVID vaccine does not violate the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Legal experts are in broad agreement that employers may require vaccines for those who want to do certain jobs and to reduce risks to customers and their workforces.

Many companies already require vaccinations and other job-related medical examinations. Medical staff, teachers and students, workers in the adult industry, and military service members are a few examples of occupations where vaccinations are required to protect employees from diseases. Airlines have been requiring vaccinations for employees such as pilots and flight attendants for years.

As for the COVID vaccines specifically, airlines may not have a choice whether to require vaccinations, especially those carriers that fly to international destinations. Many countries are drafting requirements for everyone traveling in or out of their borders, including vaccinations. As this happens, anyone traveling to those areas will need to get vaccinated against COVID – both passengers and flight crews alike.

How will the company handle employees that refuse to get vaccinated?
The United announcement was not explicit on repercussions for workers that refuse to follow the new guidelines. However, it seems clear that vaccinations will soon be a requirement for anyone wishing to hold a position at United Airlines in the US. Vaccinations are now considered to be a safety requirement at the airline. Actions by employees that affect safety can result in discipline.

Any disciplinary action will be subject to the standard Grievance Process.

Employees with specific disabilities and sincerely held religious beliefs may have additional legal rights that employers must respect. The EEOC can offer further guidance and legal assistance.

Both SARS-CoV-2 vaccines currently available are safe and effective in preventing the transmission of COVID-19.
Before becoming available for public use, each COVID vaccine goes through extensive testing and oversight. They must pass rigorous clinical trials, meet stringent federal guidelines, and undergo continuous monitoring for side effects, allergies, and any other problems.

All available vaccines in the US are currently approved by the FDA for emergency use. Full FDA approval is anticipated in September 2021. 

All FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines available today are proven safe and effective against the coronavirus. However, the CDC recommends that anyone who had an anaphylactic (life-threatening) reaction to the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine should not have a second dose. It also advises anyone who is allergic to any ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines to not get vaccinated. Any employees who fall into those categories should be exempted from any vaccine mandate. These allergies have arisen in a tiny number of recipients, but no fatalities or severe reactions have been recorded.

None of the approved COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in widespread health concerns; from clinical trials to real-world use. No fatalities or serious injuries have been reported from the millions of injections that have occurred so far. In contrast, the coronavirus has killed more than 615,000 people in the US, and thousands more are suffering from long-term effects as a result of contracting the deadly disease.

In recent years, anti-vaccine sentiments have become popular in some groups, but there is no scientific basis for vaccine panic.

Widespread vaccinations against COVID will help achieve the “herd immunity” to the virus that is necessary for the airline industry to carry enough passengers and return to profitability over the next few years… and the only way that most airline workers will remain safely employed.

More information about the safety of vaccines is available from Johns Hopkins University.

Without mass vaccinations against COVID-19, airline work will become extremely precarious. Anyone working at any airline could suddenly find themselves out of a job.
Since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, travel has plummeted from more than 2 million passengers a day to a low of below 90,000. Over a year later, air traffic is still at lower than typical levels. Airlines have asked for billions of dollars in supplemental government aid so they can survive while the pandemic rages worldwide. In spite of all that help, more than a dozen airlines have declared bankruptcy, resulting in thousands of jobs lost permanently. Even with vaccinations widely available, mask mandates, COVID testing, and other measures, commercial aviation is in a precarious position.

The COVID vaccines are a lifeline for US airline workers. However, it could still take months to fully vaccinate 350 million Americans and end the pandemic once and for all. For airlines, the sooner Americans get immunized on a mass scale, the sooner airlines can recover. 

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