IAMAW District 141’s 69th Convention: Racking Up Four Years of Union Wins

IAMAW District 141’s 69th Convention: Racking Up Four Years of Union Wins

The achievements celebrated at the event included union victories spanning the full spectrum of airport workplaces, including gate and ticket counters, ramp and ground personnel, janitors, security guards, and instructors. Photos: Brian Vega, IAMAW 141 Communications Coordinator

IAMAW District 141’s 69th Convention: Racking Up Four Years of Union Wins

25 September 2022

The 69th Convention of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) drew to a close on Thursday, but not before providing an opportunity to recap a long list of remarkable improvements to airline work since the District’s last Convention, held in 2018.

The event drew hundreds of top labor leaders from the airline industry, representing ground, gate, ticket counter, and other airline workers from every major airport in the US.

The achievements celebrated at the event included union victories spanning the full spectrum of airport workplaces, including gate and ticket counters, ramp and ground personnel, janitors, security guards, and instructors.

Highlighting Union Triumphs in Commercial Aviation

The wins included a historic wave of impressive contractual agreements throughout the commercial aviation industry. These included the 2020 negotiation of a first contract at SM Cargo, which was overwhelmingly ratified by the newly organized membership. Another agreement, this one for janitorial workers at Flagship, was approved unanimously by every union member at the company. 

Union Members also overwhelmingly ratified a 2021 agreement at Spirit, the second union contract for fleet service workers at the airline.

“We were extremely proud of the overwhelmingly ratified agreement we negotiated at Spirit Airlines,” said District President Mike Klemm, who led the Convention. “This was only the second contract we negotiated with the carrier, and we all know how challenging those first contracts are to accept for newly organized groups,” he told the delegation. “Our members received wage increases that are, on average, 30% higher than they were previously,” he said to applause. 

“Lead premium increases mean more opportunities for double-time pay, we established new training positions which allow our members to earn even more income from the work they currently already do,” he continued. “But, this Agreement also brings paid vacations to part-time agents. And, for some of those folks, this will be the first real paid vacation they’ve ever known,” Klemm said of the Spirit Agreement. “For those of us at legacy carriers, paid vacations are a normal part of life, but these folks were able to negotiate the first-ever paid vacations, making history at Spirit Airlines.”


Last Tuesday, Union Reps attended a formal signing ceremony for the most-recently ratified Agreement at Hawaiian Airlines, which was secured earlier this year. That Agreement will provide significantly improved wage increases and seniority protections for part-timers. Part-timers will also gain access to family health care for the first time in the carriers’ existence. It will also provide better flexibility with day and shift trades and impose financial penalties when the company intrudes on workers’ personal and family time with mandatory overtime.

At United, Calls For Union Members to Email Company Executives

But the main topic at the Convention centered around the contentious negotiations with United Airlines. Although the carrier had committed to producing a solid tentative agreement for union members to vote on by August 1, the talks broke down after weeks of company stonewalling.


“The days of Oscar Munoz are over,” President Klemm said of the negotiations. “Oscar was a people person. He cared about people, and he cared about the airline. And, we rewarded that commitment. After that Agreement was reached, United Airlines experienced the best financial success in the history of the carrier,” he went on. “And we showed up. During the pandemic, we couldn’t work from home, or from behind a desk. We were there for this airline when it mattered most. We were there when the carrier went to lawmakers for emergency funds to get through the months when travel was nearly impossible. We produced thousands of calls and visits to lawmakers, securing the money the company needed to survive,” he said.

“The thanks we get for that sacrifice is a slap in the face offer so insulting to this membership that talks broke down through the entire month of August.”

“They’re saying that our members don’t really care about job security, and pay raises that wouldn’t even buy half a gallon of gas are ok,” he said.

“All we’re asking for is that, if we are willing to do right by this company, then this company should do right by us. That’s all we’re asking. If we show up to work, do our jobs well, and honor our commitments to this company, then United should be willing to say, in writing, that they will not arbitrarily decide one day to eliminate or outsource our jobs,” he said to roars of applause from the assembled delegates. 

President Klemm also told the Convention that the recent solidarity actions around the nation have been effective. “They got flustered,” he said. “They didn’t expect to see all the “Contract Now’ signs. They didn’t expect to have their inboxes flooded with emails. When they saw that outpouring of solidarity, they got rattled.” Klemm encouraged the union to step up its already impressive email campaign, as company executives can’t miss personal messages in their inboxes. “If you’ve already written to Kirby, do it again,” he said. “Do it every week. If you know someone that normally sits quietly and lets things play out, encourage them not to sit this one out,” he said. “I have seen how those emails have made the company rethink their position with my own eyes.”


For pointers, Klemm told the delegates that personal stories are more effective than insults when writing to Kirby and other company executives. “Tell them how inflation is affecting your family. Tell them how important your job is to you,” Klemm said. “We think that 60% of our members at United have yet to send an email to the company. That means we have a lot more in the tank. If they’re already getting nervous, imagine what can happen if thousands more of us join in.”

JetBlue Files For Representation

The Convention is coming to a close as JetBlue organizing begins a new phase; 3000 Ground Operations Crewmembers successfully filed for a union representation vote at the airline, a first for ground crews. On Friday, the Machinists Union announced that it would file for a union representation vote with the National Mediation Board, the Federal agency that oversees labor law for airlines. The efforts to organize ground operations at JetBlue are led by inside committees staffed by current JetBlue workers. Sensing the campaign was reaching a critical stage, these committees opted to skip the Convention and continue their organizing work.

Even without its entire cadre of organizers, union growth was prominent at the Convention. Speaking at the event was Amazon Labor Union activist Tristan Lion Dutchin, whose efforts to organize the first-ever union at the shipping giant led to his unlawful termination from the Staten Island Facility where he had been employed. His story earned international headlines and helped secure an eventual union win at Amazon. Machinist Union delegates at the Convention, moved by his story, raised a little over $2,000, which they awarded to Dutchin in honor of his dedication to the cause of union organizing.

This was just one of the rounds of donations delegates raised for important charities. Guide Dogs of America, which provides service dogs to veterans, children with autism, and visually impaired persons at no cost, was also championed at the Convention. In all, delegates raised approximately $17,000 for charitable organizations and causes.

Held in Orlando, Florida, from September 20-22, the 69th Convention of Machinists Union District 141 drew 224 delegates from Local Lodges around the nation. Also attending were Machinists Union senior leaders, including General Vice President Richard Johnsen. Johnsen is spearheading a range of innovative new programs at the union, including strengthening alliances with other labor organizations, ensuring that new hires are connected to the larger union, and creating a movement-driven mission for labor. The comments fit into the larger vision that Johnsen has painted for unionism as a vital social cause – and more than a set of membership services.

“All around the nation, people are starting to see the value of their labor and wondering where they fit in. We can be that for them; their work has incredible value to unions and working people. At the end of the day, companies only value money. We, as working people, can be so much more. We can help each other spend more time with our families, work in safer environments, and earn better livelihoods in more rewarding careers. We can do that by acting in union, and bringing the power of collective action to bear for working Americans.”

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JetBlue Hits More Turbulence

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Tony D bid a heartfelt farewell to the many whose lives he’s touched over his long career as District Safety Director today. After an illustrious tenure, he is finally taking a much-deserved retirement. His dedicated service to Machinists Union members was honored with a touching tribute, read formally before the Convention delegates, along with hugs and well-wishes. Congratulations on a truly remarkable career, Brother Tony.

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Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction Act

16 August 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for families, combat the climate crisis, reduce the deficit, and finally ask the largest corporations to pay their fair share. This historic legislative achievement deals a blow to special interests, delivers for American families, and grows the economy from the bottom up and middle out.

In response to the earlier Senate passage of this critical legislation, Robert Martinez, Jr, International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers released the following statement.

“The Machinists Unions applauds the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 by the U.S. Senate. Our union considers this legislation, which now moves to the House, critical to helping fight inflation, lower costs for America’s working families, and create millions of good-paying manufacturing and construction jobs in the clean energy sector. Our nation has a clear path to a clean energy future while ensuring fairness in our tax code by making the extremely wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes.  

“The Inflation Reduction Act adds fairness to our tax code by ensuring that the extremely wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes while making historic investments in clean energy manufacturing, production, and deployment. Workers will benefit from the bill’s tax credits, including labor protections that strengthen and enforce prevailing wage requirements, apprenticeship programs and Buy American domestic content standards, ensuring these investments will create high-quality jobs here at home. 

“The healthcare provisions included in this legislation will cap seniors’ out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs and reduce health insurance premiums for millions across the country.

“The IAM will push to ensure that this bill that creates high-quality jobs and increases domestic manufacturing passes the House.”

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Machinists Advocate for Middle-Class Jobs, Trade Adjustment Assistance at Global Supply Chain Forum

Legislative Goals
25 July 2022

Since late 2021, the economy has suffered debilitating setbacks primarily due to wrinkles in the global supply chain. As a result, President Biden hosted a supply chain summit with 14 other countries that same year to begin tackling the immediate supply chain issues. 

Fact Sheet: Global Supply Chain Summit

Machinists Union was invited to participate in the Labor and Workforce Development breakout of the two-day 2022 Ministerial Forum on Global Supply Chain Resilience, scheduled for July 19 and 20. 

The event hosted by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, focuses on ways to tackle the supply chain issues championed by President Biden. 

Included in these discussions were geographic diversity of advanced manufacturing centers, fostering stakeholders in labor, small businesses, transportation, and logistics to improve supply chains. All while expanding global training to enhance readiness in workforce participation for all workers, including women and other underutilized minority groups.

 2022 Supply Chain Ministerial 

“The IAM made it clear that to improve supply chain issues, the next generation of workers must receive the skills they need to fill good middle-class jobs,” said Peter Greenberg, IAM Strategic Resources Assistant Director. “We need improved and consistent funding for apprenticeship programs and the continuation of Trade Adjustment Assistance programs for displaced workers.”

The overall goal for this global partnership is to reduce and end near-term supply chain disruptions. The Departments of State and Commerce are committed to building long-term solutions while easing future troubles in the global supply chain. Advocacy and education are needed at every level, from workers, city leaders, state, federal, and international leaders. In addition, the Biden Administration aims to secure custom supply chain solutions for businesses and workers in each locality – securing jobs for all workers.

 Watch: The Modern World Doesn’t Work Without the Global Supply Chain.

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New Labor Board Outlook Gives Unions a Fair Shake

IAM Journal
26 May 2022

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is the governing body that regulates labor law outside the transportation industry, which is governed by the National Mediation Board under the Railway Labor Act. However, what happens at the NLRB tends to influence events and policies at the NMB and vice versa, which makes changes at one agency important at both. 

 “Workers everywhere are looking for protections that only a union can give them,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “Reaching a first contract is really the ultimate win of an organizing campaign.” Improving lives is at the heart of organizing, fighting for higher pay, better benefits and job security. But, removing barriers has been challenging, especially from 2017 through 2020. With each change in federal government administration, workers can get caught in the middle. According to a 2019 report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), employers are charged with violating federal law in 41.5% of all union election campaigns.

“That’s unacceptable,” said Galloway. “We need to reduce that number to zero to make sure union representation elections are fair and adhere to the letter of the law.” In 2021, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) handled 1,016 representation elections, up from 940 the year before. That statistic is good news amid a volatile climate of unethical, illegal union-busting. The IAM’s Midwest Territory is fighting such practices with all its might. One example is Motor Appliance Corporation in Washington, MO. The IAM was first approached by unhappy workers there in December 2021. By February, union supporters were organizing. But the company ran an egregious anti-union campaign that included a captive audience meeting, nearly 30 minutes of which was recorded via audio. Such a meeting is required by employers and designed to discourage union membership.

A hired company consultant who only called himself “Alex the union-buster” ran that meeting. The behavior exposed on the recording caught the attention of our union and later the NLRB. After listing to the audio, the IAM noted at least a dozen violations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and filed unfair labor practice charges almost immediately. Last year, a sweeping change took place when new NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a 10-page memo laying out her agenda, which includes aggressively enforcing the National Labor Relations Act.

“One of the things that labor has always complained about is that there’s no real teeth in the act,” said IAM General Counsel Carla M. Siegel. GC Abruzzo is “looking for ways to impose more penalties when warrented and, therefore, more teeth in the act… to really make it painful for somebody to violate the act.” The difference between the current administration and the prior one is night and day, according to Siegel.

“Now, under this administration, we know that there’s somebody who will fairly look at the facts and determine whether there’s an unfair labor practice or not,” she explained. “Under the Trump administration, we didn’t have a fighting chance. The most egregious things they would say wasn’t an unfair labor practice, when it clearly violated the statute.” She said the current Board won’t always rule in unions’ favor, but we’re going to get a fair shake.

IAM Organizer Bob Beloit recognized a change when it came to the speed at which the NLRB reacted to the unfair labor charges at Motor Appliance Corp. He said normally it takes two to three weeks for affidavits, but this time around charges were filed on a Wednesday and the NLRB was ready to interview witnesses within five days. “They were very swift,” he said.

“What the anti-union consultant did inside this facility was so heinous,” Beloit said. “These people were so divided and so scared, but the core group of union supporters was really strong.” One of the unfair labor practice charges included discharging employees because of their union activities. Another charged the employer with interfering in the exercise of the employees’ rights, leading to what the NLRB calls constructive discharges, or constructive terminations. Those occur when employees feel forced to resign due to such intolerable or hostile working conditions. “To the person that’s lost their job and wondering where their next meal is going to come from, how they’re going to keep making their house payments,” Beloit said, “speed is very important. “When you can have that kind of speed, that puts the individual that’s been wronged at ease and it calms the rest of the group [of workers].”

Speed is also important because the more time that goes by, the greater potential for workers to be demoralized by a company’s immoral tactics. Organizers are fully aware of this scenario. Past consequences of unfair labor practices included posting a notice stating that workers’ rights were violated, but the IAM considers that a slap on the wrist. “When they put the notice up, they’re saying ‘I’m sorry we got caught,’” said Beloit. Fixing the broken labor law system in the United States will take time and strategic, collective action by all labor unions in North America. “We have a duty to call out any inadequacies in our government agencies, from the top down,” said Galloway. “This is a chance to right the wrongs against workers in a way that motivates future behavior.” “The Midwest Territory is amazing,” said Beloit. “General Vice President Galloway has a great team. We bounce ideas off one another. We meet monthly as organizers and get updates on the NLRB and that’s where we found out about this memo that came out.”

The Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) has the ability to correct unlawful practices by expanding labor protections, making captive audience meetings unfair labor practices, and prohibiting employers from taking adverse actions against employees who exercise their legal labor rights. Beloit encourages organizers to document everything, pay attention to details and stay organized. “You cannot document enough,” said Beliot. “Save everything, every email, meeting sign-in sheets.” He says what organizers do in the beginning of the campaign gives them something to work with if unfair labor practices charges arise. “We’re here at this point because of a phenomenal group of people that had a dream,” said Beloit. “They knew it was legally obtainable, they put faith in the system. They wanted to give it a try and they had a chance of being successful because of the amazing leadership this union has.” Unions are only as strong as the members that hold them together. “Stronger unions mean stronger communities,” Galloway said. “It’s a very important time in labor’s history.” 

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Let’s Talk: Participate in Our District 141 Communications Study

5 May 2022

Maintaining open communication channels and an environment that encourages solidarity is critical for unions negotiating industry-leading contracts with billion-dollar firms.

A solid communication strategy allows union members to stay engaged and active. Making sure everyone can see the big picture and the vital role individual members play in the overall success of the union can often hinge on getting the basics of communications right.

Effective union communication can help get everyone on the same page and move forward with solidarity toward the same goal. But, “Getting it Right” in terms of communications isn’t always easy. It takes a lot of work.

Please take a few moments to tell us if we’re getting it right in terms of communication. Are you getting the information you need when you need it? What forms of outreach can we be using to communicate? What can we do better? Let us know by participating in this short Communications Study.


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This May Day, Say You’re #Union Yes – and Support Organizing

This May Day, Say You’re #Union Yes – and Support Organizing

This May Day, Say You’re #UNION YES

1 May 2022

All across the nation, workers are fed up and fired up

2022 is turning out to be an incredible year as workers are voting to join unions and improve their lives. From baristas to warehouse workers and airline pilots to journalists and workers at cannabis dispensaries, working people all across the country are fed up and fired up.

There’s a super easy way to show you support working people: say the line Union Yes when placing your orders at the register, or add it in the app. Not sure which companies’ workers are organizing? That’s OK. There’s a good chance it’s happening everywhere!

Add Union Yes to your coffee order? CHECK!

To the memo line in an Amazon order? Yes, please.

Anywhere you shop online or in person, add Union Yes to your order.

As more people do this, working people will see your message and feel your support. And that means more individuals, especially young workers and workers of color, will feel empowered to collectively improve their own lives.

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