Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

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Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

On Thursday, April 8, members of the Machinists Union, labor leaders, and workers are encouraged to participate in a national day of action to urge U.S. senators to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

The PRO Act has already passed the U.S. House with bipartisan support.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your U. S. Senators to support the PRO Act

The PRO Act would:

  • Empower workers to exercise the freedom to organize and bargain.
  • Repeal “right to work” laws.
  • Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
  • End employers’ practice of punishing striking workers by hiring permanent replacements. Speaking up for labor rights is within every worker’s rights—and workers shouldn’t lose their jobs for it.
  • Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
  • Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear, in newer industries like Big Tech.

Thursday’s political push comes with the PRO Act’s endorsement by the White House. Many are calling the PRO Act the most significant piece of pro-union legislation since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. In a recent video, President Biden called the vote to join a union: “a vitally important choice – one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers. Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union.”

Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, a former labor leader in Boston and longtime friend of the IAM, calls legislation like the PRO Act, “one more step that will help people to organize freely. I do believe in the right to organize. I do believe in the right for people to join a union if they chose to. I certainly support that.”

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League promotes public policy goals that are critical to union workplaces and airline workers. This work is made possible entirely through voluntary contributions from union members like you.

We know that not everyone can contribute right now. But, for those who can, please consider making recurring donations of any amount to the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League today.

Every dollar helps. You can sign up today at the Legislative Page >>


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American Rescue Plan Highlights

American Rescue Plan Highlights

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The Machinists Union led the fight to pass the American Rescue Plan. Our activism saved tens of thousands of IAM airline, transit and other critical industry jobs.


American Rescue Plan Highlights

Content Provided by WhiteHouse.Gov>>

Emergency Legislative Package to Fund Vaccinations, Provide Immediate, Direct Relief to Families Bearing the Brunt of the COVID-19 Crisis, and Support Struggling Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic crisis are devastating families across the country. More than 20 million Americans have contracted COVID-19, and at least 370,000 have died. From big cities to small towns, too many Americans are barely scraping by, or not scraping by at all. And the pandemic has shined a light on the persistence of racial injustice in our healthcare system and our economy. The need to act is clear in the lines at food banks, the small businesses that are closed or closing, and the growing number of Americans experiencing housing insecurity. After nearly a year of the public health crisis, our nation remains in this dark winter of the pandemic and facing a deep economic crisis.

President Biden is laying out the first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before.

While Congress’s bipartisan action in December was a step in the right direction, it was only a down payment. It fell far short of the resources needed to tackle the immediate crisis. We are in a race against time, and absent additional government assistance, the economic and public health crises could worsen in the months ahead; schools will not be able to safely reopen; and vaccinations will remain far too slow.

As last month’s jobs report underscored, the virus and our economy are intertwined. We cannot rescue our economy without containing this virus.

Today, President Biden is announcing the American Rescue Plan to change the course of the pandemic, build a bridge towards economic recovery, and invest in racial justice. The American Rescue Plan will address the stark, intergenerational inequities that have worsened in the wake of COVID-19. Researchers at Columbia University estimate that these proposals will cut child poverty in half.

How Will the American Rescue Plan Affect You?

Specifically, President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will:

  • Mount a national vaccination program, contain COVID-19, and safely reopen schools, including by setting up community vaccination sites nationwide, scaling up testing and tracing, eliminating supply shortage problems, investing in high-quality treatments, providing paid sick leave to contain spread of the virus, addressing health disparities, and making the necessary investments to meet the president’s goal of safely reopening a majority of K-8 schools in the first 100 days.
  • Deliver immediate relief to working families bearing the brunt of this crisis bysending $1,400 per-person checks to households across America, providing direct housing and nutrition assistance, expanding access to safe and reliable childcare and affordable healthcare, increasing the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance, and giving families with kids and childless workers an emergency boost this year.
  • Support communities that are struggling in the wake of COVID-19 by providing support for the hardest-hit small businesses, especially small businesses owned by entrepreneurs of color, and protecting the jobs of the first responders, transit workers, and other essential workers we depend on.

In addition to addressing the public health and economic crises head on, the President’s plan will provide emergency funding to upgrade federal information technology infrastructure and address the recent breaches of federal government data systems. This is an urgent national security issue that cannot wait.



American Rescue Plan to Deliver Lifeline to Machinists Union Members in Critical Industries

American Rescue Plan to Deliver Lifeline to Machinists Union Members in Critical Industries

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American Rescue Plan to Deliver Lifeline to Machinists Union Members in Critical Industries

In an historic win for working American families, the House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the American Rescue plan yesterday and President Biden signed it into law today. Machinists members from around the country have been calling their representatives over the past few weeks urging them to pass the relief package that secures the jobs of tens of thousands IAM members.

“Thanks to the leadership of President Biden, Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi, Machinists Union members and millions more working Americans will play a central role in getting America back on track as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of IAM members in the airline, transit, aerospace, manufacturing and other critical industries will have their jobs saved because of the American Rescue Plan. Critically, this legislation extends the airline Payroll Support Program, which will keep tens of thousands of airline workers on the job as we distribute vaccines and begin the ramp up air travel. IAM members in the transit and aerospace supply sectors will also receive assistance that will help us keep the world moving. We look forward to President Biden swiftly signing the American Rescue Plan into law and delivering much-needed relief to our membership and working Americans.”

Here is a summary of how this plan will help IAM members and our families:

  • $1,400 Direct Payments:   Individuals earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 receive the full direct payments of $1,400 per person. Individuals will also receive an additional $1,400 payment for each dependent claimed on their tax returns. No payment will be sent to single filers earning more than $80,000 or joint filers earning more than $160,000.
  • Extends $300 Weekly Supplemental Unemployment Benefits: Provides an extension of the $300 supplemental unemployment benefits that 18 million Americans currently rely through September 6, 2021 with tax forgiveness on up to $10,000 of unemployment compensation.
  • Multiemployer Pensions: Includes the Butch Lewis Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act. This long-overdue pension relief legislation provides $86 Billion in relief to troubled multiemployer pension plans with NO CUTS to earned benefits. The legislation will protect the integrity of healthy multiemployer plans, save the PBGC and strengthen the pension system overall. The legislation contains NO provisions to harm healthy plans, does not include the GROW Act, and only has a modest increase in premiums from $31 to $52 starting in 2031.
  • Airline Jobs: Provides $15 billion to extend the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) through September 30, 2021 which will help airlines and contractors avert mass layoffs and furloughs due to the unprecedented drop in business.
  • Aviation Manufacturing Workforce: The package includes the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act which provides $3 billion to help employers keep aerospace manufacturing workers on their payrolls, avoid additional furloughs, and re-hire workers previously furloughed during the pandemic.
  • Amtrak: This bill provides $1.7 billion to Amtrak to keep rail service running across the nation, to rehire 1,230 workers who have been involuntarily furloughed as a result of COVID, and to restore full long-distance service to remote communities.
  • Public Transit: The package provides $30.4 billion of additional relief funding to transit agencies to prevent layoffs of transit workers and prevent severe cuts to transit services that essential workers and the general public rely on.
  • 100% COBRA Subsidy: The bill subsidizes 100 percent of COBRA premiums for six months for individuals who lost employment or had reduced hours. This allows laid off workers to retain their employer provided healthcare with NO premium share.
  • Paid Sick Leave: The bill provides funding for emergency paid sick leave through September 30, 2021 with a maximum benefit of $1,400 per week for workers making up to $73,000 per year.
  • Federal Workforce Protections: The bill creates an emergency fund to allow paid leave for workers who are ill or who have been exposed to COVID-19. The bill also ensures federal employees who are diagnosed with COVID-19 as a result of their service can receive workers’ compensation benefits. 
  • Expand Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit: This bill also includes an expansion of two of the most effective anti-poverty tools the U.S. government has: The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).
  • Housing: The bill extends the federal eviction and foreclosure moratorium until September 1, 2021. The bill also provides $25 billion in emergency rental assistance, $5 billion in utility assistance, and $5 billion in emergency assistance for homelessness.
  • Vaccines, Testing, etc.:  Provides $84 billion for COVID vaccine distribution, testing, contact tracing, PPE to frontline works, bolster public health workforce, support for community hospitals, and expansion of mental health services.
  • State and Local Fiscal Aid: The bill provides $350 billion to States, territories, Tribes, and local governments to be used for responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency, to offset revenue losses, bolster economic recovery and to provide premium pay for essential workers.
  • K-12 Schools:  Provides over $125 billion for public K-12 schools to safely reopen schools for in-person learning, address learning loss, and support students as they work to recover from the long-term impacts of the pandemic.
  • Student Loan Relief – The bill makes all COVID-19 student loan relief tax free.
  • Defense Production Act for PPE: Provides $10 billion to expand domestic production of personal protective equipment (PPE), vaccines, and other medical supplies.
  • Veterans: The bill provides funding to waive copays for veterans during the pandemic, and to provide health care services and support to veterans, including COVID-19 vaccine distribution, expanded mental health care, and enhanced telehealth capabilities. It also establishes a new program to provide retraining assistance for veterans who have lost their jobs due to COVID, and includes funding for VA to mitigate the pandemic’s impacts on the benefits claims and appeals backlog.
  • Expanded PPP Eligibility: This bill expands Paycheck Protection Program eligibility to include additional nonprofits such as 501(c)(5) labor and agricultural organizations providing $7 billion for that purpose.
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Majority Leader Schumer, IAM Led the Fight for Pension Plan Relief

Majority Leader Schumer, IAM Led the Fight for Pension Plan Relief

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Majority Leader Schumer, IAM Led the Fight for Pension Plan Relief

The Machinists Union along with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer led the way in fighting to save troubled multiemployer pension plans while fully protecting the earned and vested benefits of current and future retirees.

While the majority of multiemployer pension plans are financially sound, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) estimates that more than 100 multiemployer pension plans, covering more than a million participants, are in “critical and declining status” and will become insolvent without the ability to pay the earned benefits of current and future retirees.

The recent passage of the American Rescue Package includes the Butch Lewis Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act. 

“Millions of middle-class workers, miners, truck drivers, construction workers, and food service workers invested their hard earned money into pension plans year after year after year, for financial security and peace of mind when they retire,” said Leader Schumer. “Unfortunately, those pensions are now in trouble. We owe it to these workers, who played by the rules and are counting on these funds, to shore up these pensions today. The Butch Lewis Act, led by Senator Brown, is essential to address the multiemployer pension crisis that could shatter the financial futures of millions of middle-class American families. Democrats are fighting for a solution to deliver on the promise of these pensions for workers.”

“Majority Leader Schumer is a true champion and walked this legislation over the finish line,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Jimmy Conigliaro Sr. “Leader Schumer understands how important it is to address the multiemployer pension crisis while keeping our nation’s promise to our nation’s retirees and working families. I commend our legislative and political team for never taking their eye off the ball on this issue. This is a clear case of why elections matter.”

This legislation will work to lift troubled multiemployer plans out of their financial hole, while maintaining the financial integrity of the PBGC. Most importantly, this Act will provide a pathway to accomplishing these goals without stealing the earned benefits of retirees, workers and their families.

This long-overdue pension relief legislation provides $86 billion in relief to troubled multiemployer pension plans with NO CUTS to earned benefits. The legislation will protect the integrity of healthy multiemployer plans, save the PBGC and strengthen the pension system overall.  The legislation contains NO provisions to harm healthy plan, does not include the GROW Act, and only has a modest increase in premiums from $31 to $52 starting in 2031.     

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Congress Passes COVID Relief Bill; Air, Rail, Transit Sectors Receive Much Needed Aid

Congress Passes COVID Relief Bill; Air, Rail, Transit Sectors Receive Much Needed Aid

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Congress Passes COVID Relief Bill; Air, Rail, Transit Sectors Receive Much Needed Aid

Congress today approved a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, which provides much-needed aid for the airline, passenger railroad and the transit sectors. The  “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021”, is President Biden’s desk. President Biden is expected to sign the legislation into law.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 will provide $14 billion in additional aid to the airline industry, which also includes an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP). The PSP mandates that as a condition of accepting taxpayer-funded aid, air carriers will not be permitted to lay off any workers through September 30, 2021.
The Act also provides $30.5 billion in emergency aid for the passenger rail and transit sectors. AMTRAK will receive $1.7 billion and be required to recall laid-off workers. The emergency funds will be distributed across the country and act as a lifeline for essential workers in the rail and transit sectors.
 “Congress has done the right thing by passing this much-needed legislation. IAM members, as well as our AFL-CIO affiliated sisters and brothers in the labor movement, kept up the political pressure to achieve this essential relief package,” said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “The transportation sector is still ailing due to the pandemic, but this relief will keep hundreds of thousands of workers employed. Our hope is that demand for air and rail travel will continue to rebound as vaccination efforts continue, mitigating the need for future layoffs.”
This is the second time the PSP has been extended since the initial passage of the CARES Act in late March 2020. US airlines have reported over $35 billion in losses in 2020 due to a historic decrease in demand for air travel. The PSP has kept tens of thousands of airline workers employed who would have otherwise been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Join Our Push for the Biggest Labor Law Reform in Generations

Join Our Push for the Biggest Labor Law Reform in Generations

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Join Our Push for the Biggest Labor Law Reform in Generations

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. sent a letter to members of Congress urging support for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The PRO Act, introduced by U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) in the House and Senator Patty Murray in the Senate (D-WA), is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression.

“The PRO Act strengthens protections for employees that engage in collective action and levels the playing field by prohibiting employers from requiring their employees to attend “captive audience” meetings whose sole purpose is to convince workers to vote against the union,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “In addition to imposing financial penalties on employers and individual corporate offices who violate the law, the bill would give workers the option of bringing their case to federal court.

‘Finally, the PRO Act would override state “right to work” laws. These laws are simply designed to give more power to corporations at the expense of workers, and have had the effect of lowering wages and eroding pensions and health care coverage in states where they have been adopted.”

WATCH: Pushing for the PRO Act  

IAM members must act now to tell your Senators and Representative to pass this legislation, which will protect workers’ right to organize a union and bargain for higher wages and better benefits. 

TAKE ACTION: Tell your U.S. Senators and Representative to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 to urge them to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, allowing workers the right to freely form a union without the threat of company intimidation or interference.


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