Helping Hands July: Parenting

Helping Hands July: Parenting

This month’s focus is on parenting. There are many parenting tips in the “Toolbox for Parents” There are also “steps to creating effective rules and consequences”. Rules and consequences can also be thought of as boundaries, which could apply to adult relationships.

The heat of the summer is beginning – relationships can become strained when the heat is on (sorry for the pun) – let’s help each by being kind and positive when experiencing troubles.

Thank you for being leaders in the workplace and for being the voice of rationality. It is important!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands June: Anxiety

Helping Hands June: Anxiety

We address anxiety in this months issue. We are an anxious society. Anxiety comes in many forms, a few of them are addressed here. There are more types of anxiety then mentioned, the ones addressed are the most common types of anxiety.

The good news is that there are some very effective ways to deal with anxiety. Page 2 speaks to a few of the most effective ways to address debilitating anxiety.

We can be a good conduit to some very good ways of addressing anxiety if a co-worker comes to you for help. You all are very good at getting help when asked, or even when you notice a change in a co-workers behavior. As a team, we help a lot of people! I am grateful for each of you and the work you are doing!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Again, Delta? Really?

Again, Delta? Really?

Delta Managers locked flight attendants aboard a plane to force them to work overtime, according to internal communications at the airline.

Mechanical problems caused a May 12th flight from Atlanta to Toronto to be delayed for several hours, leading Delta Managers to worry that flight crews might take legally mandated rest periods instead of remaining at work.

This would require the flight to be delayed even further, as the airline scrambled to find replacements.

The airplane, an MD-88, can carry up to 148 passengers.

Rather than locate new flight crews, an employee in Delta’s Operation Control Center ordered the doors of the aircraft to be closed and locked, trapping everyone aboard the aircraft.

The doors were unlocked after the mechanical issues were fixed. It appears the passengers and flight crews were locked aboard the aircraft from 10:19 PM to about 11:30, although the exact length of time isn’t clear.

At 10:19, Delta Control sent a message instructing gate agents to refuse to open the doors, stating, “Do not open door. Flt attendants out of time and none available. let [maintenance] do their work without opening door thanks.”

This was followed up about half an hour later with, “Ok… if door is not closed by [11 p.m.] Flt attendants walking. We will most likely have to delay flight until morning if this happens.”

Amazingly, none of this seems to have surprised the attendants working the flight. They seemed resigned to the fact that managers would take such measures. The crews that had been “trapped” on the plane stated that the move was unnecessary, since they were willing to work overtime, anyway.

“Since we are deciding to stay although y’all are trying to trap us on the plane, and now our layover has been shortened and we will be past our duty day, hungry and tired. It would be nice to have a deadhead at some point tomorrow.”

For safety reasons, flight crews are often limited in the number of hours they are allowed to work in a 24-hour period.

Flight attendants need to stay fully alert through the entire flight. They constantly monitor everything that happens on the aircraft for potential danger.

Therefore, the Federal Government has strict laws that forbid airlines from forcing aircrews to work over a maximum number of hours in a day. This appears to have been what prompted Delta managers to order the airplane doors to be locked.



Over the past few months, Delta has struggled to portray itself as an airline that values its employees and passengers. Company bulletins constantly describe the relationship between employees and managers as “unique,” and that everyone at the company is part of a “family.”

Now, the company will have to convince everyone that locking passengers and flight crews into an airplane is a sign that they are valued by the airline.

A Delta representative offered a tepid apology to the flight crews in a statement to the Huffington Post, which first reported the story.

“Operating an airline is a team effort and the guidance shared in this exchange does not reflect the respect and collaboration we expect of our employees when making operational decisions,” the statement read. “Delta’s unique culture is built on supporting one another and that didn’t happen in this case.”

The airline did not apologize for locking passengers in the plane.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is working to enact strong rules protecting minimum rest periods for Flight Crews. This will protect the safety and comfort of the flying public, as well as helping to improve the industry as a whole.

Please help support these efforts with a voluntary recurring donation for any amount to the IAM141 MNPL.

More information is available at

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Helping Hands May: Drug Addiction

Helping Hands May: Drug Addiction

We focus on drug addiction this month. Drug Addiction is defined and explored on page 1. Page 2 addresses whether drug addiction can be cured or prevented.

Much of the information is from the web site. This is a very good resource and I encourage you to browse the site so you are familiar with all of the information there is.

Thank you for taking good care of your fellow co-workers. It is important work.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands April: Men’s Mental Health

Helping Hands April: Men’s Mental Health

Men’s Mental Health is the focus for April. Some common beliefs that prevent men from accessing mental health resources are addressed. Tips for maintaining good mental health appear on page two. For those of you receiving this is electronic form, there are several links to additional references that will give you more information.

Spring is usually welcomed by most of us, the warmer weather (this year especially) helps lift our mood. It is also the time of year when some folks realize their depression or other mood ailment is not lifting. Please be on the look out for co-workers, friends, and family who will need your help. It is important to get them to the appropriate resource.

As always, I am appreciative of all you are doing!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands March: Women’s Health

Helping Hands March: Women’s Health

March is Women’s health month – we focus on women’s mental health. There are some resources for anyone who may be experiencing difficulties, primarily focused on mental health from a woman’s perspective. I encourage you to use the links so you are familiar with the resources mentioned.

Abuse and trauma and the effect these have on mental health are addressed on page 2. We are a society that experiences trauma on a regular basis – as most recently noted a the IAM represented Pratt manufacturing plant in Aurora Illinois. The many types of trauma are defined and the consequences of trauma are identified.

Thank you for always being there for others – it is important!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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