Helping Hands December: Gratitude

Helping Hands December: Gratitude

Happy Holidays!

This months’ issue focuses on gratitude. There is a lot of research showing that focusing on gratitude helps improve all areas of life – all of the underlined text in the electronic version of this months issue are links to some of the research. This time of year can be either positive or not – helping others to see the positive can make a big difference in how we experience the holidays. There are so many traditions that our diverse membership celebrate – understanding our difference and being grateful for those differences can help enrich all of our appreciation for this time of year! Celebrating our differences is part of the wonder of this time of year!

Thank you for your patience and tolerance of others during this holiday season –

I wish for a wonderful and joyous holiday season for each of you!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands November: Caregivers Health

Helping Hands November: Caregivers Health

November focuses on Caregivers health. Many of our members are caregivers for parents, older (adult) children or friends, neighbors, etc. Being a caregiver takes a lot of energy and can be exhausting. The issue addresses good health for caregivers and some resources that can help ease the burden of having to take care of someone.

Winter is upon us – please take care of yourselves! You are all caregivers – the suggestions for taking care of yourself are for you!

I am grateful for each one of you and the care that you give to others!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands October: Retirement

Helping Hands October: Retirement

Our focus is on Retirement and how to prepare for retirement. Retirement is an important issue for many of our folks – preparing for retirement isn’t just about money – it is also about being emotionally prepared and having a plan about what you will do and how you will stay active. Also you need a plan about how you will shift from your work being your primary purpose to having a new purpose. The resources on page two are good for exploring all aspects of the retirement planning process. If you are using an electronic version of Helping Hands, you will be able to access the resources by clicking on the titles of the resource – they are all links to the web sites.

As always, please encourage our co-workers to utilize the resources and to ask you to assist them if they need more resources. You can refer the hard questions to the Regional Representatives!

Thank you for your service to your co-workers – you will never know how you have helped many of them.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands September: Sleep

Helping Hands September: Sleep

September focuses on sleep – the basics of sleep and how much sleep one needs. There has been a lot of research on sleep and how important it is for optimal functioning. Many of our co-workers work shifts that don’t allow for “normal” sleep cycles. This can lead to issues, including physical health problems. Of interest is how alcohol disrupts the important REM (rapid eye movement sleep cycle.

The workplace is stressful. Our co-workers are dealing with a lot of stresses on a continual basis. Being a supportive entity for our co-workers is important – I am grateful for each of you, and the support you are giving them on a daily basis.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Helping Hands August: CBD

Helping Hands August: CBD

Because there is a lot of confusion around legalization of marijuanna and THC (the active ingredient in marijuanna that gives people a “high”) and now – CBD oils, we cover information about CBD this month. CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for pain. The information about CBD oil is mixed. The federal government, through the FDA, has not vetted most of the CBD products that are showing up in mainstream stores around the country. The effectiveness of CBD oil is not clear.

The issue is that most CBD products also have THC. While CBD is not a substance that is tested on DOT drug tests, THC is. Anyone who is subject to random testing runs the risk of testing positive for THC if they are using any product that contains even a tiny amount of THC. THC accumulates in fat. Use of a CBD product that contains even a small amount of THC over a long period of time may result in enough THC accumulating in the body to result in a positive drug screen for THC.

This is a confusing issue. We are currently recommending that anyone who COULD be randomly tested needs to be extremely cautious about using any product that could contain THC. Read the label carefully and be aware that even though the label does not show THC, there may still be low levels of THC that could compromise them should they get tested.

Thank you for being agents of information. This will be an on-going issue as the FDA, individual states and academic institutes study the results of using CBD.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

As airline employees, one of the best perks of our jobs is the ability to fly everywhere for free or cheap. If we mention the type of work we do in a casual conversation, it will surely prompt an enthusiastic response, even from complete strangers. A popular t-shirt for sale online proclaims: “Marry me and fly free.”

There’s no doubt that for most airline employees, the freedom and flexibility that our travel benefits provide is a key reason why we chose this line of work. In recent years, as airlines enjoy record load factors (and profits), traveling space-available has become more of a challenge, but with a little bit of planning and luck, it is something we all enjoy. We appreciate the freedom and flexibility to stay in touch with family and friends while we explore the world. Pass travel is priceless and priceless it should stay.

Pass travel programs allow employees to enjoy the products that we create, but they are still the company’s property. When an employee brokers the passes or treats them as personal assets, those actions can get them fired, or even arrested. IAM Committees are very good at preventing unjust terminations, and hundreds of members have been successfully defended against being unfairly fired. These good outcomes, however, do not come to members involved in theft or fraud.

Repeated violations of pass travel programs by employees can prompt the airline to restrict or limit them for everyone.

In summary, messing with your pass privileges is a bad move, so don’t be greedy. As tempting as it may seem to try to monetize this perk, don’t do it. The enhanced travel privileges we enjoy that allow us to choose our traveling companions can be changed at the airlines’ discretion, with notification to the union being the only requirement. You do not have to marry your traveling companion anymore, like the t-shirt says, but be cautious. And know who your buddies are.

Contact an EAP Representative if you have problems handling finances or family life. IAM District 141 EAP Staff and Volunteer EAP Coordinators can help you with resources in the community to address your situation and develop a plan of action to meet your needs. Find more information at


Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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