Ranking Republican on House Ways and Means Committee: Airline Furloughs Under CARES Act “Inappropriate.”

Ranking Republican on House Ways and Means Committee: Airline Furloughs Under CARES Act “Inappropriate.”

Representative Kevin Brady, the ranking Republican on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, has issued a statement calling furloughs by airlines like United, Delta, and JetBlue, “Inappropriate.”

The statement came after a union member at United Airlines contacted his office about the matter.

Congressman Brady is one of the architects of the CARES Act, which was designed to keep the American workforce intact as the coronavirus pandemic decimated critical industries and infrastructures, including commercial aviation. In the letter, Rep. Brady says that “after accepting funds provided by the CARES Act–forced furloughs are inappropriate.”

Brady sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, which creates all laws dealing with taxation and government spending. The committee was a key player in the development of the CARES Act and will play a similarly huge role in any future aid packages that benefit airlines.

“To offer support to distressed industries, I helped pass the CARES Act,” Congressman Brady says in the letter. “Which provided for loans, not bailouts for major industries such as the airline industry. This bill enabled direct lending of the following: $50 billion for passenger airlines, $8 billion for cargo airlines, and $17 billion for businesses critical to “maintaining national security.” The CARES Act is focused on protecting workers and preventing rewarding executives. In doing so, the CARES Act prevents furloughs through September 30th, 2020. Employee and executive total compensation may not exceed $425,000, stock buybacks are prohibited during the duration of the loan, and borrowers must maintain existing payroll as of March 13th, 2020.”

United executives continue to claim that furloughs somehow do not violate the CARES Act, despite repeated admonitions from law’s authors and sponsors. In a memo to employees, United Executive Vice President Greg Hart claimed the furloughs are “in full compliance” with the Act. In response, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers union filed a lawsuit in federal court and prepared to file a blizzard of grievances to stop the plan. United called off the furloughs for union members the very next day but kept in place similar plans to furlough administrative employees.

Furloughs would help executives find money at the airline for pet projects, by diverting CARES Act funding away from front-line workers. Executives are attempting to accept the billions in payroll assistance while simultaneously cutting payroll costs, and diverting the difference at their will. Thousands of union members at the airline have already accepted company-offered voluntary leave packages. Besides, thousands more in the union are asking for simple policy adjustments that would make it possible for them to retire early, such as medical bridge coverage guarantees. One quarter of airport employees currently on leaves of absence and off payroll have saved the company millions of dollars, without controversy.  

A bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers have called on United to stop these furloughs, and have reaffirmed that CARES Act funding was intended for front-line workers.


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See Congressman Brady’s Letter Here >

Thank Congressman Brady

Lawmakers need to know that we appreciate their help.

If you are represented in Congress by Congressman Kevin Brady, please drop by and say thanks. 

TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

As required by the recently ratified Association CBAs, American Airlines has posted the updated seniority lists for all classifications. That posting can be found on JetNet at https://people.aa.com/sm/reports/twuiam_seniority/.

Association represented employees may protest any omission or error, which they believe affects their seniority, within thirty (30) days of the posting. Timely submissions received on or before Monday June 15, 2020 will be reviewed and a final determination of seniority, adjustment or denial, will be binding on the parties. Keep in mind that all seniority dates prior to September 16, 2016 were subject to an earlier final and binding protest process. All seniority determinations will be recorded and final revised seniority lists will be posted by the Company. Any employee on leave at the time of posting will have a period of thirty (30) days from his/her date of return to service to file a protest.

The process for submitting all seniority protests is contained on the attached form. Submissions may also be made by email to the following addresses:

TWU M&R Protests may be sent to: AAMaintprotest@twu.org

TWU MLS Protests may be sent to: AAMLSprotest@twu.org

TWU Fleet may be sent to: AAFleetprotest@twu.org

IAM Fleet Protests may be sent to: IAM_Seniority_Protest@iamdl142.org

IAM Mechanic & Related, MLS and MTS Protests may be sent to: IAM_Seniority_Protest@iamdl142.org

      Additional Materials

AA Fleet Service Master Seniority List >

Association Seniority Protest Form >

Javits Memorandum >

Discussing United Lawsuit, Labor Issues with the Valley Labor Report

Discussing United Lawsuit, Labor Issues with the Valley Labor Report

Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair of District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, sits down with the Valley Labor Report to discuss labor issues in the airline industry. 

Hosts David Story and Jacob Morrison asked Klemm to talk about how the union defeated an attempt by United Airlines executives to furlough and impose pay cuts and benefit reductions for 15,000 workers. 

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers’ District 141 President Mike Klemm told VLR show hosts David Story and Jacob Morrison that protecting jobs from mass elimination was something that could only be done through mass action; individual workers would always be outspent by their corporations. 

The Valley Labor Report is a weekly radio program airing Saturday mornings on 92.5 WVNN based in Athens, Alabama.  Listeners can tune in live at WVNN.com and on YouTube.

The full broadcast with IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm is available here.

Machinists Union Withdraws United Lawsuit After Airline Drops Illegal Furlough Plan

Machinists Union Withdraws United Lawsuit After Airline Drops Illegal Furlough Plan

The Machinists Union today withdrew its lawsuit against United Airlines after the carrier backed down from its plans to cut the pay rates of its entire full-time Fleet Service and Customer Service workgroups by reducing their hours worked.

The IAM maintains the right to return to Federal Court if United Airlines again attempts to circumvent the CARES Act or the IAM’s collective bargaining agreements.

Fraternally and in Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chairman
IAMAW, District Lodge 141

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

 May 8, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We hope this communication finds you safe and healthy. As you are aware, we entered into Limited Issue/Expedited Negotiations with Hawaiian Airlines in the month of February. The majority of the Negotiating sessions were spent on sharing the proposals of both sides. We spent time explaining your proposals and listening to the Company proposals so that we had a very good understanding of the intention/purpose of the Company proposals. We were able to make some progress and felt that we were on our way to reaching a good Agreement on your behalf. The plan was to meet most of the month of April in hopes of reaching that Agreement. Unfortunately, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we were not able to meet to further the discussions.

On Monday, May 4, We held a conference call with the Company to discuss resuming Negotiations. We made it very clear that our position remains unchanged. We must reach an agreement that rewards our Members at HA fairly for their hard work and sacrifices. We believe that HA will survive the current state of the Airline Industry and will return to profitability. Today’s hard work and sacrifice will make that possible. You deserve to be recognized for that moving in to the future. That recognition comes from a good Contract. An agreement was made to extend the timeframe for the Expedited Negotiations.

The plan for Negotiations will be to resume meeting with the Company as soon as the quarantine order is lifted by the State of Hawaii. We hope that happens sometime in June. Our position will be to pick up where we left off in March.

In closing, thank you for all you do. It is with your support and solidarity that your Negotiating Committee will be able to secure a good contract on your behalf.

In solidarity, 

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair, District 141, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Dave Supplee

President and Directing General Chair, District 142, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

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Joint Letter from Bob Martinez and Richard Trumka to Donald Trump

Joint Letter from Bob Martinez and Richard Trumka to Donald Trump

May 5, 2020

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We hope you share our outrage that United Airlines, a few short days after accepting $5 billion of taxpayer dollars which it committed to use to allow it to continue to pay its employees their wages until the end of September, has quickly broken that promise. Having pocketed the money, United has turned around and told over 15,000 full-time employees that their wages will be drastically reduced as they will be allowed to work only on a part-time basis. In addition to drastically cutting the wages of these workers, United’s decision would also be a major cut in employees’ sick leave, vacation and retirement benefits. These actions are a direct violation of the obligations it undertook when it received federal relief through the CARES Act and reflect a stunning breach of trust. We urge you to use your full authority to intervene and order United to rescind its decision to take away full employment for its employees.

United’s action threatens to undermine the principal goal of the CARES Act, which was to protect employee wages in this crisis. If left standing, United’s attack on its employees will send a clear message to other carriers that they too can ignore their worker retention obligations with impunity. The tens of thousands of employees that the CARES Act was intended to protect will be left out in the cold while companies take the money and run.

We are not alone in our outrage over United’s handling of this matter. In a letter to United, Senator Josh Hawley stated:

During such a severe economic crisis, it is critical that our own corporations act as responsible stewards over their respective workforces. Decisions by major employers like United Airlines can reverberate widely across the labor market, affecting communities and working families alike. The taxpayers of this country have offered a generous bailout to your company and you should, in turn, honor this trust by keeping the promises you made to those you employ.

With over 30 million Americans out of work, now is not the time for unscrupulous companies to undermine the clear intent of the federal relief effort aimed at worker retention. Is it too much to ask corporations like United to honor their commitments under the CARES Act? We respectfully request that you intervene immediately and order United to honor its commitments to the United States and to its employees and continue to pay its employees the wages that federal funding has secured.


Robert G. Martinez Jr.
International President,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Richard L. Trumka 

cc: Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer

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