TWU-IAM Association Contract Talks with American to Resume

TWU-IAM Association Contract Talks with American to Resume

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4, 2019 — The TWU-IAM Association today announced that mediation for negotiations in the American Airlines/TWU-IAM Association contract talks will restart on Monday, Sept. 16, at 1 p.m. ET and continue through Thursday, Sept. 19. The sessions will be held in Washington, D.C. at the National Mediation Board (NMB).

Association principals Sito Pantoja, Director (IAM General Vice President) and Alex Garcia, Vice Director (TWU International Executive Vice President) met with the NMB on Thursday, Aug. 29 to outline the Association’s views on negotiations and to insist that negotiations resume.

“Our meeting with the NMB was positive and we are optimistic that resumption of negotiations will be productive,” said TWU-IAM Association Director Sito Pantoja. “It’s now time for the company to keep its word and give our members the industry-leading contract they promised. I thank our members for their incredible patience during this process.”

“The delays in this process have been frustrating for our members but they have remained fully supportive of the Association,” said TWU-IAM Association Vice Director Alex Garcia. “We will use this opportunity to finally close these negotiations, if American Airlines is a willing partner.”

The TWU-IAM Association represents nearly 30,000 ground workers at American Airlines and is the largest union at the carrier.

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Cruel Summer: Two Airline Ramp Agents Killed on the Job in One Week

Cruel Summer: Two Airline Ramp Agents Killed on the Job in One Week

The summer weather brings many challenges for airline workers, with specific risks for those who work outside. Intense sun, heat, humidity, heavy rain, and lightning storms are just some hazards that must be considered and respected to protect their own, their co-workers’ and their passengers’ safety. But inclement weather is only one of the many dangers that ramp workers face every day.

Last week, two airline ramp workers lost their lives while performing their duties.

On Sunday night, Kendrick Darrell Hudson was killed when the tug he was driving on the ramp at Douglas Airport in Charlotte, North Carolina (CLT) flipped over and pinned him underneath. Hudson was transporting baggage through an area that some workers described as poorly lit , and a police report states that the vehicle he was driving swerved to avoid hitting a piece of luggage lying on the ground. CLT is in the midst of a $2.5 Billion capital building project , and the ongoing construction work at times changes the flow of traffic and the lighting in some areas, according to IAM members there. Hudson, age 24, was an employee of Piedmont Airlines, a regional carrier and a subsidiary of American Airlines. Piedmont Airlines ramp workers in CLT are represented by CWA Local 3635. In a message to members, the local president said the union is working to support Hudson’s family and is taking part in the accident’s investigation.

Kendrick Hudson in a Facebook photo. He was killed in an accident at Charlotte Douglas Airport on August 11, 2019.

On Wednesday afternoon, Charlie Mohammed, a 19-year veteran of Delta Air Lines was meeting an arriving aircraft at JFK Airport in New York as part of a 2-man crew. While he was at the tail of the airplane hooking up a bag cart to a tug, it appears that the tug rolled unexpectedly, pinning him underneath . Not visible to his Delta co-worker, he was initially found by a fueler who alerted co-workers and called the emergency. Ramp workers rushed to his aid and had to use a forklift to remove the tug. Charlie “Mo” was taken to the hospital where he later died. Delta Air Lines ramp workers are not represented by a union and are currently organizing to join the IAM. Organizers are offering IAM resources to Delta workers to assist them with their shock and grief. IAM Local 1894 hosted an open house this week and had District Lodge 141 EAP Representatives available to speak with workers and offer support.

It is estimated that between 4 and 6 airport ramp workers die on the job each year, but exact numbers are difficult to find because accidents are investigated by different government agencies depending on the circumstances. The Federal Aviation Administration investigates incidents on runways and taxiways, while incidents near the gates controlled by the airlines and airport authorities are investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration . Because ramp accidents occur on the ground, they are not considered aviation accidents, but rather industrial accidents. Accidents on the ramp cost major airlines over $10 Billion per year worldwide, according to the Flight Safety Foundation, an industry group.

Charlie Mohammed, a Delta worker at JFK died on the job on August 14, 2019. Photo credit: Moises Cruz

Airline ramp workers navigate hazardous environments daily, in congested areas with lots of motorized and pedestrian traffic. They face immense time pressures to achieve quick aircraft turnarounds and work alongside diverse airport workers in fueling, catering, cleaning, and security. Many of these functions are outsourced to vendors who may not prioritize safety as unionized airline workers do.

The District 141 Ground and Flight Safety Committee is tasked with promoting a safety culture within our members at every airline. The importance of using the tools at our disposal, such as GSAP to report safety issues no matter where they are or which workers they immediately affect cannot be stressed enough. Alertness and effective communication between all workers is a key factor in maintaining a safe work environment. In our shared workspaces, we must remain vigilant and take proactive steps to ensure we all return to our families and loved ones at the end of our workday.

Think Safety, Work Safely. Every Day.


Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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TWU-IAM Association Contract Talks with American to Resume

Congressman Espaillat Leads Bipartisan Group Urging American Airlines to Preserve Jobs

NEW YORK, NY – Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) led 26 of his colleagues from downstate New York and northern New Jersey in sending a letter to top leadership at American Airlines and unions representing their workforce urging them to maintain jobs in the greater New York metropolitan region.

As members of Congress representing the communities in the New York metropolitan area, we are committed to ensuring that our constituents continue to have opportunities to earn a living and raise their families in dignity and security. We hope that your organizations work together in good faith to come to an agreement that continues to grow American’s workforce in the U.S.

The full text of the letter can be found here.

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TWU-IAM Association Contract Talks with American to Resume

Association, American Meet with NMB

The National Mediation Board (NMB) held separate meetings with TWU/IAM Association Leadership (first) and American Management (later) on Thursday in Washington D.C. The purpose of the meetings was for the three NMB Board Members to discuss the status of our negotiations with both parties. The Federal Mediators who attended our earlier negotiations were also present.

Both parties were granted an opportunity to state the reasons they felt were preventing both sides from reaching an agreement. The Association, which was represented by Director Sito Pantoja and Vice Director Alex Garcia, told the Board it is American’s failure to return to the negotiating table that is preventing us from reaching an agreement. The Association also impressed on the Board that there are still five major issues that need to be resolved: Scope, Wages, Profit Sharing, Medical and Retirement. The Board Members asked follow-up questions about these open issues. Our responses made it crystal clear to the Board that we are willing to negotiate anytime, anywhere.

The Association also made the Board aware of the Company’s blatant attempt to divide our members by spewing misinformation about the bargaining sessions on Jetnet.

We expect the NMB Board Members to contact both parties next week with their plan for further negotiations.

In other related news, Association Negotiation Committees along with TWU Local and IAM Lodge leadership also met in Washington D.C. to discuss Monday’s court decision, the subsequent court filing by American on Tuesday and the Association’s appeal filed on Wednesday. To be clear, we must comply with the orders of the court.

Our discussions also reaffirmed that the court orders do not change the objectives of the negotiation committees to obtain the best contract in the industry. After years of sacrifices, an industry leading contract has been earned – and also promised by top American executives.

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Helping Hands August: CBD

Helping Hands August: CBD

Because there is a lot of confusion around legalization of marijuanna and THC (the active ingredient in marijuanna that gives people a “high”) and now – CBD oils, we cover information about CBD this month. CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for pain. The information about CBD oil is mixed. The federal government, through the FDA, has not vetted most of the CBD products that are showing up in mainstream stores around the country. The effectiveness of CBD oil is not clear.

The issue is that most CBD products also have THC. While CBD is not a substance that is tested on DOT drug tests, THC is. Anyone who is subject to random testing runs the risk of testing positive for THC if they are using any product that contains even a tiny amount of THC. THC accumulates in fat. Use of a CBD product that contains even a small amount of THC over a long period of time may result in enough THC accumulating in the body to result in a positive drug screen for THC.

This is a confusing issue. We are currently recommending that anyone who COULD be randomly tested needs to be extremely cautious about using any product that could contain THC. Read the label carefully and be aware that even though the label does not show THC, there may still be low levels of THC that could compromise them should they get tested.

Thank you for being agents of information. This will be an on-going issue as the FDA, individual states and academic institutes study the results of using CBD.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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