Sisters and Brothers,
As the vote count continues nationwide, one thing is clear—IAM members and voters from coast to coast turned out in record numbers. Despite the pandemic and deliberate barriers to silence our voices, more people voted in this election than any in the history of our country.
Local election officials are doing their jobs by protecting a free and fair election and are now working long hours to count every ballot as quickly as possible. We should all support them and remain patient as this process plays out. The will of the people will prevail.
In America, the voters decide who will represent us, not the courts. We pick our leaders – our leaders do not pick their voters. We must reject any attempt to sow doubts about our election or interfere with the legitimate count of ballots.
Myself and the IAM Executive Council are extremely proud of every IAM member who voted in this election—no matter who you support. This is one Fighting Machinists family.
We will count every ballot and move forward as one union and one nation.
In solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President
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