United Ground Express
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2019 Safety Conference Teaser Trailer
Cruel Summer: Two Airline Ramp Agents Killed on the Job in One Week
The summer weather brings many challenges for airline workers, with specific risks for those who work outside. Intense sun, heat, humidity, heavy rain, and lightning storms are just some hazards that must be considered and respected to protect their own, their...
Local Lodge 1781 and 1782 Visit Sacramento, California, to Discuss Important Worker Issues
Helping Hands August: CBD
Because there is a lot of confusion around legalization of marijuanna and THC (the active ingredient in marijuanna that gives people a "high") and now - CBD oils, we cover information about CBD this month. CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for pain. The...
Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle
As airline employees, one of the best perks of our jobs is the ability to fly everywhere for free or cheap. If we mention the type of work we do in a casual conversation, it will surely prompt an enthusiastic response, even from complete strangers. A popular t-shirt...
Local Activists Called To Action at Machinists Union Communications Conference
Who are the best people to advocate for worker’s rights? According to the Machinists Union, the answer is simple: Workers. At the biannual Machinists Union Communications Conference, a consistent message was repeated over and over: workers rights cannot exist without...