This is why we're Fighting

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Association Leadership To Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

The Association Fleet Update

The Association Fleet Update December 16, 2016 Sisters and Brothers, The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of December 12th in Las Vegas, Nevada. The company presented the following proposals to the union this week: Vacations...

Association Leadership To Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

American Fleet Service Update

American Fleet Service Update December 9, 2016 The committee exchanged proposals with the company this week on Vacations and Hours of Work. Although we didn’t reach a tentative agreement on these articles, we narrowed down the outstanding issues. The company committed...

Fleet Service Update

Fleet Service Update

Fleet Service Update November 18, 2016 Sisters and Brothers, The Fleet Service Committee met with American Airlines this week in DFW. This week, we focused on overtime and vacations, and during this session we exchanged multiple proposals and held several lengthy...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter