This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Union Forms Library

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Helping Hands July: Parenting

Helping Hands July: Parenting

This month's focus is on parenting. There are many parenting tips in the "Toolbox for Parents" There are also "steps to creating effective rules and consequences". Rules and consequences can also be thought of as boundaries, which could apply to adult relationships....

On the Cutting Edge: Spotlighting Front-Line Union Communications

On the Cutting Edge: Spotlighting Front-Line Union Communications

The world’s largest aerospace and transportation union is redefining the way unions communicate. Machinists Union International President Robert Martinez, Jr. proudly showcased the work that union communicators are doing to advance the cause of workers’ rights last...

Helping Hands June: Anxiety

Helping Hands June: Anxiety

We address anxiety in this months issue. We are an anxious society. Anxiety comes in many forms, a few of them are addressed here. There are more types of anxiety then mentioned, the ones addressed are the most common types of anxiety. The good news is that there are...

Again, Delta? Really?

Again, Delta? Really?

Delta Managers locked flight attendants aboard a plane to force them to work overtime, according to internal communications at the airline. Mechanical problems caused a May 12th flight from Atlanta to Toronto to be delayed for several hours, leading Delta Managers to...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter