This is why we're Fighting

District 141 Dept info

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Find digital copies of all District 141 Contracts and follow ongoing negotiations here.

Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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Association Update

February 4, 2020 What to Know About the Early Out Offer at American Airlines Sisters and Brothers, The Company has informed the Association that they are planning to offer an Early Out to Association Members at some point and time under terms and conditions...

Negotiations Update

January 29, 2020 Negotiations Update Sisters and Brothers, Negotiations between the Association and American Airlines resumed today in Washington, DC. with some progress made. The remaining outstanding issues are few, but are some of the most important elements of a...

Airline Workers Lobby Virginia Legislators

Airline Workers Lobby Virginia Legislators

Members of the Local 1759 Legislative Team joined over 200 union members from across the state at the Virginia AFL-CIO Legislative Conference this week. The opening session featured speeches by Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax and State House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn,...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter