This is why we're Fighting

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Transportation Workers: Rising to the Challenges of Coronavirus

Transportation Workers: Rising to the Challenges of Coronavirus

It’s all-hands-on-deck for IAM Local 754 members of the Long Island Railroad. The COVID-19 crisis alters things for hundreds of members who usually work in the spring, tasked with overhauling engines and other maintenance, and readying the regional railroad’s fleet of...

Machinists Union Joins Call for Police Reform, Racial Justice

Machinists Union Joins Call for Police Reform, Racial Justice

The IAM is supporting recommendations issued by the AFL-CIO’s general board to take concrete action to address America’s long history of racism. The board approved the recommendations after emergency meetings of the AFL-CIO Committees on Civil and Human Rights and the...

Paying Dues on Company Leave (COLA) and Furlough

Paying Dues on Company Leave (COLA) and Furlough

/// En Español  Question: How do I pay my dues while I’m out on Company Offered Leave?Short Answer: Contact your Local Lodge Secretary-Treasurer. Your Secretary-Treasurer is the best person to talk to about all things related to union finances. Your...

A Conversation with Tim Ryan about the Free College Benefit.

A Conversation with Tim Ryan about the Free College Benefit.

IAMAW 141 is extending the deadline for the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship. Applications and essay submissions are now due by August 1, 2020, and winners will be announced by August 15. The student with the best essay will win a $2000 scholarship to help with...

Senator Casey: Hours Reductions are Not Allowed Under CARES Act.

Senator Casey: Hours Reductions are Not Allowed Under CARES Act.

Senator Casey: “Reducing workers’ hours without their consent reduces workers’ paychecks in the same way that reducing workers’ rate of pay would.”  This week, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) called on Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to issue clear guidance to airlines...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter