TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

As required by the recently ratified Association CBAs, American Airlines has posted the updated seniority lists for all classifications. That posting can be found on JetNet at Association represented employees may...

Letter from Rep. Joseph Kennedy to United CEO

Letter from Rep. Joseph Kennedy to United CEO

May 12, 2020 Mr. Oscar Munoz Chief Executive Officer, United Airlines, Inc. PO Box 06649 Chicago, IL 60606-0649 Dear Mr. Munoz, I am alarmed by United Airlines’ decision to eliminate 3,400 management and administration positions on October 1, 2020 and reduce...

Airlines Ask the TSA for Temperature Checks.

Airlines Ask the TSA for Temperature Checks.

Airlines need passengers to feel safe. Businesses need to provide excellent customer service to prosper. Temperature checks help achieve these goals. In order to ramp up to recover from the biggest crisis they have faced in decades, airlines need to convince...

Discussing United Lawsuit, Labor Issues with the Valley Labor Report

Discussing United Lawsuit, Labor Issues with the Valley Labor Report

Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair of District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, sits down with the Valley Labor Report to discuss labor issues in the airline industry.  Hosts David Story and Jacob Morrison asked...

After IAM’s Pressure, United Backs Off Forced Furlough Plan

After IAM’s Pressure, United Backs Off Forced Furlough Plan

///This post originally appeared on GOIAM.ORG The IAM’s campaign and the resulting public outrage against United Airlines has caused the carrier to back away from its illegal scheme to force 15,000 full-time IAM members into part-time positions. After accepting $5...

Helping Hands for May “Mental Health Awareness.”

Helping Hands for May “Mental Health Awareness.”

    EAP Peer Coordinators:  May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In this standard monthly issue, we address several issues about Mental Illness including "What is Mental Illness?," "Why Mental Health is Important," "Can Your Mental Health Change Over...

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

 May 8, 2020 Dear Sisters and Brothers, We hope this communication finds you safe and healthy. As you are aware, we entered into Limited Issue/Expedited Negotiations with Hawaiian Airlines in the month of February. The majority of the Negotiating sessions were spent...

Joint Letter from Bob Martinez and Richard Trumka to Donald Trump

Joint Letter from Bob Martinez and Richard Trumka to Donald Trump

May 5, 2020 President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: We hope you share our outrage that United Airlines, a few short days after accepting $5 billion of taxpayer dollars which it committed to use to...