Español February Helping Hands: Relaciones

Español February Helping Hands: Relaciones

Voluntarios de EAP:  Para el mes de febrero, el enfoque del boletín Manos Amigas (Helping Hands) son las relaciones. Las relaciones interpersonales se han tensado durante el covid por una variedad de razones. El aislamiento en el hogar debido al trabajo en el hogar,...

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

Honoring Black History Month: Brother Yusuf Wyatt, a prominent Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, discusses some of his work in human rights and economic and racial justice.  We are proud to feature Local 1781 Committee Person Yusuf Wyatt in our Member...

141 Report: A Strong IAM Presence in the Friendliest City

141 Report: A Strong IAM Presence in the Friendliest City

"Hold them to the contract," Paul Platt has been serving Amalgamated Air Transport Lodge 2765 since 2014.  The 141 Report enjoys a virtual visit in sunny San Diego, California, recognized as one of America’s friendliest cities, to speak with Local 2765 President Paul...

Laura Stone, Organizer, Negotiator, and Trailblazer Retires

Laura Stone, Organizer, Negotiator, and Trailblazer Retires

(Photo from 2019) “Laura’s exceptional skills as a contract negotiator, committee person, and AGC served the members of District 141 very well. She understands the unique needs of our sisters and brothers in the call centers, and oversaw the successful union of two...

US Notice of Nominations and Elections for IAMAW Grand Lodge

US Notice of Nominations and Elections for IAMAW Grand Lodge

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']U.S. Notice of Nominations and Elections for IAM International President,General Secretary-Treasurer, 6 U.S. General Vice-Presidents,3 Delegates to the A.F.L.-C.I.O., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law Dear Sister/Brother: In...

Tell Congress to Pass Relief for Aerospace Workers

Tell Congress to Pass Relief for Aerospace Workers

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']In a letter to Senate and House leadership, IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. is urging lawmakers to include this vitally important, bipartisan legislation in any COVID-19 pandemic relief package to be considered by...

DL 141 Report: Safety First, Safety Always with Dennis Spencer

DL 141 Report: Safety First, Safety Always with Dennis Spencer

IAMAW District 141 Safety Coordinator for American Airlines and Safety Chair, Dennis Spencer has helped lead groundbreaking efforts in front-line safety. His work includes the innovative website, which allows airline workers to report, track and...

Can Airlines Require Employee Vaccinations? 5 Things to Know

Can Airlines Require Employee Vaccinations? 5 Things to Know

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']Lee este mensaje en español >> Last week, United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby raised eyebrows when he said in an interview that he would like to see mandatory vaccinations for employees at the airline. Here are a few facts to keep in...