Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

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IAM Family at the District 5 Labor Day outing

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Thirteen years after President Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark Civil Rights Act, IAM delegates made history at the 1976 Grand Lodge Convention in Hollywood, FL by voting for the creation of a union-wide civil rights program to address the social, cultural and racial needs of a growing number of minority members.

Months later, in the spring of 1977, thirty-five Machinists met at the union’s headquarters in Washington, DC to create the IAM Civil Rights Program, the precursor to the organization’s current Women’s and Human Rights Department, which is now under the leadership of IAM General Counsel Carla Siegel.

During the two-day conference then-IAM President-elect William W. Winpisinger promised to make the program a priority for the union and proclaimed, “it will be a program with far-reaching effects.”

In response, the multiracial group of delegates, offered the Executive Council a long list of suggestions on how to initiate and build the program, most notably, training shop stewards on how to handle discriminations cases on the job.

To aid the IAM in its planning, delegates at the conference received advice from William Pollard, then AFL-CIO civil rights director; Charles Bradford, former president of IAM Local 41 in St. Louis; and Leo Perils, former AFL-CIO community services director.

The 1970’s saw a rise in powerful union-based activist organizations aimed at advocating for minorities. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, or CBTU, was founded in 1972 under the leadership of William “Bill” Lucy, former AFSCME International Secretary-Treasurer. The same year Hispanic union leaders founded the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, also known as LCLAA. Soon after, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, or CLUW, would be founded in 1974 under the guidance of the late Olga M. Madar, the first woman to serve on the United Auto Workers (UAW) International Executive Board.

The IAM’s efforts grew along with the civil rights movement and today, thousands of IAM members are active participants in these and other constituency groups. The IAM has Board members on CBTU, APRI, LCLAA and CLUW as well as Pride at Work, APALA and others.  Hundreds of IAM Lodges have their own Human Rights Committees and are actively engaged in effectuating change in their communities. Our Executive Council is one of the most diverse Executive Councils in all of labor while the Union continues to be active in expanding civil rights among our ranks.  Most recently, the IAM, initiated its LEADS program to mentor IAM Sisters and encourage more participation in leadership roles.

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Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

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The pandemic has nearly destroyed the commercial aviation industry. Many airlines did not survive. Let’s kill this virus once and for all. Wear masks. Keep a safe distance from others. Avoid crowds. And, get vaccinated. Help others get vaccinated. Do your part in ending this pandemic. 

KILL the Virus. Find a vaccine near you >

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

All adult Americans, regardless of age or health conditions, are expected to be eligible to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination by Monday, April 19, 2021. But for many, finding a vaccine has been a daunting task.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can help with its VaccineFinder tool. All you need is a zip code to locate an appointment. The website also offers information about what to expect before, during and after you receive the vaccine.

Click here to search a COVID-19 vaccine near you.

From hospitals to grocery stores, the vaccine is being offered at a variety of locations, most of which will require an appointment. The White House expects that nearly 90 percent of Americans will be able to secure a vaccine appointment within five miles of their home address. 

But until everyone is vaccinated, it is still important to wear a mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing whenever possible.

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Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

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Join Thursday’s National Day of Action to Pass the PRO Act

On Thursday, April 8, members of the Machinists Union, labor leaders, and workers are encouraged to participate in a national day of action to urge U.S. senators to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

The PRO Act has already passed the U.S. House with bipartisan support.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your U. S. Senators to support the PRO Act

The PRO Act would:

  • Empower workers to exercise the freedom to organize and bargain.
  • Repeal “right to work” laws.
  • Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
  • End employers’ practice of punishing striking workers by hiring permanent replacements. Speaking up for labor rights is within every worker’s rights—and workers shouldn’t lose their jobs for it.
  • Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
  • Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear, in newer industries like Big Tech.

Thursday’s political push comes with the PRO Act’s endorsement by the White House. Many are calling the PRO Act the most significant piece of pro-union legislation since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. In a recent video, President Biden called the vote to join a union: “a vitally important choice – one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers. Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union.”

Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, a former labor leader in Boston and longtime friend of the IAM, calls legislation like the PRO Act, “one more step that will help people to organize freely. I do believe in the right to organize. I do believe in the right for people to join a union if they chose to. I certainly support that.”

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League promotes public policy goals that are critical to union workplaces and airline workers. This work is made possible entirely through voluntary contributions from union members like you.

We know that not everyone can contribute right now. But, for those who can, please consider making recurring donations of any amount to the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League today.

Every dollar helps. You can sign up today at the Legislative Page >>


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Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

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Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

The Machinists Union isn’t letting a global pandemic keep from educating members and future leaders. The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center is offering an online adaptation of their Leadership I program June 14-25 and July 12-23, 2021.

The programs are scheduled to accommodate varying work shifts and time zones with the June class beginning in the evening and the July class beginning in the morning. Both classes include 17 hours of online sessions and approximately 7 hours of off-line assignments over a two-week period. Participants must enroll through their local or district lodges.

“I’m very excited to see this program put into action,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Education of our membership has always been the cornerstone of our union and we can’t wait for it to be safe to travel and gather in large groups to provide it to them. Thank you for the Winpisinger Education Staff for their tireless efforts in getting this up and running.”

Business Representatives and Local Officers can enroll members using this link W3 Online Class Registration and selecting the appropriate Program via the dropdown menu. Participants who complete a program will receive a certificate and are eligible to participate in next level leadership program either online or in person. As is the case with in-person Leadership Programs, availability of lost time for participants solely at the discretion of the enrolling local or district lodge.

In addition to the online Leadership I Program, the Winpisinger Center is also providing online programming for full-time staff centering on critical bargaining and arbitration skills.

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Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

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Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

Throughout its history, the IAM has always acknowledged and respected the role of women in the labor movement, even when doing so marked our union as radical. In fact, in 1911, nearly eight years before women were granted the right to vote by the 19th Amendment, the Machinists Union had already opened its doors to women with equal rights, setting the bar for others to follow.

In this tradition, the Machinists Union is rolling out its newest venture, called the “LEADS” program, which stands for “Leadership Excellence Assembly of Dedicated Sisters.” The LEADS Program is a mentoring program designed to continue the advancement of IAM women by offering new pathways to leadership for the sisters of our union family.

“The IAM always leads by example. We have increased participation of women at the local and district levels and many of our Grand Lodge departments are headed by women, but we can always do more,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “When the women of the IAM succeed, so too does this union and the labor movement as a whole. That’s why we created the LEADS program, to ensure that the IAM continues to set the bar when it comes to creating the next generation of women union leaders.”

Right now, nearly 20 percent of the IAM membership are women, but that percentage is not reflected in the ranks of Business Representatives and General Chairs. The Machinists want to change that, providing more avenues for women to achieve leadership roles in the union. This mentoring program will provide IAM sisters with the tools and training needed for leadership positions.

Soon, the Machinists Union will create an assembly consisting of at least four women from each district. This group will participate in monthly education and career programs offered by the IAM’s Women’s Department and the William W. Wipinsinger Education and Technology Center, learning the nuances of the various leaderships positions in the union.

Everything from local lodge governance to grievance handling to collecting bargaining and negotiations will be covered in order to fully train the next generation of women leaders in the Machinists Union. They will also receive on-the-job training by shadowing a mentor in the field, participating in shop floor visits, meeting with employees and attending meetings and negotiations.

The LEADS program will offer access and opportunity for the women of the Machinists Union, making sure our union leadership mirrors that of our membership, and setting the IAM on a trajectory for future success and growth.

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Machinists Union Congratulates Marty Walsh on Labor Secretary Confirmation, Looks Forward to Worker-Friendly Labor Department

Machinists Union Congratulates Marty Walsh on Labor Secretary Confirmation, Looks Forward to Worker-Friendly Labor Department

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Machinists Union Congratulates Marty Walsh on Labor Secretary Confirmation, Looks Forward to Worker-Friendly Labor Department

Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement on the confirmation of Marty Walsh as U.S. Labor Secretary:

“I want to congratulate Marty Walsh on being confirmed as the new Secretary of Labor. Marty is a faithful ally to the Machinists Union and all working families. Marty stood by our union during his days in the Massachusetts State Legislature and as Mayor of Boston. As mayor, Walsh proved himself a fierce ally of the IAM by defending more than 400 IAM Local 264 bus mechanic jobs from privatization.

“Marty’s character will uplift the plight of working men and women throughout our nation and provide the necessary safety measures that allow them to return home at night. Marty understands working people, and his leadership will create the change workers so desperately need as we climb out of this pandemic.

“Our union looks forward to working with a worker-friendly Labor Department that will put workers first in the manufacturing, aerospace, transportation, automotive, defense, healthcare, and other industries. Secretary Walsh and Deputy Secretary Julie Su will be working peoples’ champions, and the Fighting Machinists will be right there by their side. We thank the members of the Senate who voted to confirm Mayor Walsh and for giving him the opportunity to continue his fight for working families on a national stage.”

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