20 Years Later, the IAMAW Remembers 9/11

20 Years Later, the IAMAW Remembers 9/11

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IAM members, like so many, has a close connection to the tragedy of 9/11. Twenty years later, we remember and reflect.


20 Years Later, the IAMAW Remembers 9/11

Recounted by IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick.

During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,977 people were killed, 19 hijackers committed murder-suicide, and more than 6,000 others were injured. The immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.

The first plane to hit its target was American Airlines Flight 11. It was flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 am. 

Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 am, the World Trade Center’s South Tower was hit by United Airlines Flight 175

A third flight, American Airlines Flight 77, flying from Dulles International Airport, was hijacked over Ohio. At 9:37 am, it crashed into the west side of the Pentagon

The fourth and final flight, United Airlines Flight 93, was flown in Washington, D.C. This flight was the only plane not to hit its intended target when, at 10:03 am, it crashed into an empty field. 

I was transitioning to work in our Manpower office as a union steward.

When we heard of the first hit of A.A. flight 11, everyone working that day was shocked and scared. And, many of us thought it was just an accident.

Some of us had access to television and could see the events as they unfolded. Then moments we witnessed United flight 175 hit the World Trade South Tower. We couldn’t believe our eyes. We knew that this couldn’t be an accident.

Next, we heard the news about an A.A. flight 77 hitting the Pentagon and another U.A. flight 93 heading toward Washington DC but did not hit its target.

The airlines immediately shut down air traffic and ordered all planes to land as soon as possible.

While O’Hare United management was going into meetings, I went back to the ramp manpower office. I was asked to help answer the phone calls coming in, primarily from worried family members of employees working that day.

The airport became frantic with passengers waiting to travel. 

Even though no flights were leaving, if I remember correctly, overtime was being called, and authorities were ordering all flights to land at the nearest airports. As our planes landed, we had more aircraft than gates to park them, so many planes were double-parked for added space.

I also remember that, in the following days, employees were still expected to return to work even though no flights were going out. 

But we planeside workers could go outside on the ramp, and all we heard was silence. It was eerie; the silence from airport noise was overwhelming to workers who are used to wearing ear protection protecting us from hearing damage.

The attack of 9/11 change not just how airlines deal with air travel, but it affected the entire world. Anything that involved air travel, entering other countries, etc., generated a new norm for the world.

The actions of 9/11 created the need for TSA and Homeland Security.

Even for employees, if you drove to work and parked in an employee parking lot, as always, we were driven by employee busses to our work drop-off areas.

But if you took public transportation to work, it became required for all employees would now need to go through security and have their belongings, including our lunches from home, be screened.

TSA was looking for anything that may be a risk. If we had a bottle of water or other beverages, it would be confiscated. Metal utensils with sharp points such as knives and forks were seized, and the TSA took up pocket knives, box cutters, even knitting needles. There was no clear understanding of what we can or cannot bring to work.

For those that drove, we always had to pass security guard gates to enter airport property. But now, security began to require vehicles to have their cars and trunks inspected before entering the property.     

Even Chicago’s O’Hare badging for airline workers to enter the airport made it more challenging to get badged, mainly if you worked on international flights.

To this day, it can take weeks to renew a badge, including new hires. We have had employees who could not return to work if their airport badge expired and did not get it renewed before the renewable date.

Between 9/11, Covid19, and unions constantly fighting for workers’ rights in Washington, DC, the past twenty years has and will never be the same before 9/11.

Today we continue to fights for the protection of transportation workers. FAA Reauthorization Bill, which the President signed into effect October 5, 2018. This bill includes many actions that protect workers, including banning knives on planes and attacks on flight attendants.

Dealing with violence in the nation’s skies has not ended. Today, airline workers are coping with Air-Rage from angry passengers who think they have the right to violate Federal laws just because they paid for an airline ticket. They ignore instructions from Customer Service workers and flight attendants resulting in hours-long disruptions to flights.

Even though not in our job scope, many airline workers continue to look over our shoulders as they walk through airport terminals, watch for suspicious activity, or even spot an unattended bag that needs to be reported to airport law enforcement.

While 9/11 was traumatic for the entire nation, airline workers were among those who were most impacted; our industry can never return to September 10. 

Labor Day a Time of Celebration, Remembrance

Labor Day a Time of Celebration, Remembrance

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This week, unions and working people around the nation celebrated Labor Day with outdoor cooking, gatherings, and some old-fashioned politicking. It was also a time of reflection, as the date also marks the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Labor Day a Time of Celebration, Remembrance

This week, unions and working people around the nation celebrated Labor Day with outdoor cooking, gatherings, and some old-fashioned politicking. It was also a time of reflection, as the date also marks the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

In this week’s 141 Report, Dave Lehive covers some of the celebrations that Machinists and Aerospace Workers held around the nation, beginning at his home local of 1776 in Philidelphia. 

The City of Brotherly Love is a well-known union town and represents well over 150,000 members from various labor unions. With a large Monday turnout from many of these unions, the Machinists and Aerospace Union was not alone as it marched down Columbus boulevard in Penn’s Landing for a day of music, food, drinks, and celebration. 

“We’re out here on the waterfront with all our hard-working labor unions,” said Larry Reeves, President of Local 1776 in Philadelphia. 

“We’re here for Labor Day because people fought for Labor Day,” said Reeves.  “People fought for the right to work under CBAs and contracts. Thank You, and happy Labor Day to everyone.”

“Labor Day is a celebration of labor and all the people that came before us, who made it possible for us to have the right to organize and have rights in the workplace,” said fellow 1776 member Roland Jenkins. “Health, medical, decent salaries, living wages for our families… we have to keep that tradition going.”

Other union members in attendance credited the historic United and American Airlines contracts as their inspiration for Labor Day this year. 

“I wouldn’t be standing here today if we didn’t have the best union contract in the airline industry,” said Milo Dabney. 

Bill Wilson, Assistant General Chair, IAMAW District 141, who also attended the Philadelphia event, said, “we’re celebrating the contribution that workers have made to America. I just want to tell you how proud I am to be part of this movement.”

Machinists also heard speeches from several US Congressional Representatives, such as Brendan Boyle from Pennsylvania’s District 2, Dwight Evans (PA-3), and Mary Gay Scanlin (PA-5), speaking about pro-labor battles they’re fighting on Capitol Hill. 

“So proud to be out here at the labor day parade with all unions,” said Congresswoman Scanlon. “Especially the Machinists Union!”

Scanlon, who wore a baseball cap emblazoned with the message “Vote!” reminded union members of the importance of voting. “This year and every year,” she said. 

Pennsylvania State Council President Obie Obrien and Vice President Rich Howell met with State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Frank Snyder and President Rick Bloomingdale. 

Also attending the Labor Day event were retired US Congressman Bob Brady and State Representative Jennifer Omar, who was invited to come out to Local 1776 and meet with members. 

On Tuesday, Local 1759 in Virginia held an open house so union members could stop by for a visit and grab a meal. 

Trustee Lulu Torres welcomed members to the open house, “We have really good food; catered BBQ, T-shirts, Lunchboxes, mugs,” she said. “We celebrate Labor Day,” she said, “because you deserve it.” 

Local Lodge 1759 President Bill Huston was also on hand to ensure that the vibrant history of the IAMAW is not forgotten. “We’re here to celebrate Labor Day as it was laid out for us by the hard-working 19 men in Atlanta, Georgia in 1888, when they formed our illustrious IAM union,” he said. “They laid the groundwork for us and gave us a voice at our jobs,” Huston said. He also pointed out that the founding members of the IAM worked for only 25 cents an hour and had no sick time, or essential benefits, among other workplace rights. Yet, these early members created the modern workplace that we often take for granted today. “Our voice and our jobs today are due to their hard work, and we’re working to build on their efforts day in and day out.”

At Local 1322, President Sal Foria echoed the sentiments with a “Day After” Labor Day celebration and BBQ. “to recognize and give back to the folks set out a path for us,” Fiora said. The Local 1322 had a few special visitors, including Assitant General Chair Mike Cyscon and IAMAW District President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm, who cooked burgers for the members. Klemm, a ramp lead at JFK Airport, calls Local 1322 home. 

This Labor Day comes as Unions around America prepare to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11. More than 600 union members perished on September 11, 2001, due to the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Approximately two dozen unions lost members on that day, with the death toll of unionists making up about 20% of the 2800 people killed in the attacks. Union members included 343 Firefighters and 60 Police officers, who rushed to save others trying to escape the World Trade Centers as they collapsed. Another 73 workers, many of them unionists, died trapped at the top-floor restaurant at the Trade Centers’ North Tower. 

Flight Attendants, Pilots, and other airline employees were among those killed on the four planes used as weapons by hijacking terrorists. May we never forget the sisters and brother lost on that terrible day. 

Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

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Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

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IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Ines Garcia-Keim from District 141 as Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD, effective September 1, 2021.

Ines Garcia-Keim joined Local Lodge 914 in 2012 and served as a shop steward and chaired the Local Lodge’s legislative committee. She was made a District 141 Organizer in 2016 and was appointed Communications Representative for the District in 2018. She represented Local Lodge 914 in the New Jersey State Council of Machinists, was elected the council’s Legislative Director in 2016 and served as Council President from 2018 to 2021. 

“I couldn’t be more impressed with Ines’ hard work and leadership experience coming up through the ranks of the union,” said Martinez. “That experience plus her deep understanding of membership needs will make her an excellent Education Rep. I have no doubt that she will be successful in this role, and that she will make a positive impact on everyone that attends programs at the Winpisinger Center.”

Prior to her appointment as Education Representative, Sister Garcia-Keim was a member of the Spanish Leadership Working Group, which develops and implements Spanish-language programs offered by the Center.

“I am so excited to welcome Sister Ines to the Center,” said Director Chris Wagoner, “because I know she will be an asset to the staff and an outstanding educator for our member-participants. Her leadership experience at the Local, District, and State Council levels will inform her work and make her an effective and inspiring instructor. She has been successful teaching in our Spanish-language leadership programs and I can’t wait to see her bring that passion to other programs here at the Winpisinger.”

Garcia-Keim comes to the Center from New Jersey, where she joined Local Lodge 914 in 2012 and served as shop steward and chaired the Local Lodge’s legislative committee. She was made a District 141 Organizer in 2016 and was appointed Communications Representative for the District in 2018. She represented Local Lodge 914 in the New Jersey State Council of Machinists, was elected the council’s Legislative Director in 2016, and she served as Council President from 2018 to 2021. 

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VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

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VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

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The meltdown tantrum adds to a year of record levels of violent attacks on airline workers.

61-year-old Timothy Armstrong was arrested and released with a citation for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

(Play Video on Tik Tok)  61-Year-old Timothy Armstrong was arrested after a drunken, racist rampage on an American Airlines Flight.

On Monday, police arrested and ticketed Timothy Armstrong after a bizarre racist rant onboard a flight from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. The incident was captured on a cellphone camera and shared on social media, where it immediately went viral. American Airlines flight 1802 had 162 passengers and six crew members on board at the time. The flight landed safely at Salt Lake City International Airport.

So far, authorities have not charged Armstrong with intimidating a flight crew, a federal offense.

Tik Tok user Dennis Busch, a resident of Salt Lake City, filmed the incident and posted it to his account on Monday, where it quickly earned 2.3 million views.

“To clarify,” Busch said of the video, “he was being a racist jerk to a couple of asian passengers before I started filming.”

According to Busch, “He began by yelling at the Asian woman in front of me to sit down when she was standing to deal with a back issue.”

“He proceeded to tell multiple flight attendants that she and her companion ‘didn’t belong here,'” Busch continued. “After asking him to calm down the man went into a complete meltdown of racist, sexist and belligerent comments, culminating in his arrest at the gate.”

The video shows Armstrong growling and chewing at his facemask before getting out of his seat to berate flight attendants and other passengers. A member of the flight crew at one point ordered him to return to his seat. As he did so, he shouted “Joe Biden? Really?” at other passengers.

Upon returning to his seat, Armstrong seemed to go into a drunken stupor, apologizing for his behavior and repeatedly mumbling, “America,” until the police arrived to arrest him.

Busch thanked the flight crew for their composure in handling the incident. “We were lucky to have such a well-trained crew who kept their cool throughout the flight,” he said

“The flight landed safely at (Salt Lake City) where local law enforcement removed the disruptive passenger from the aircraft,” American Airlines said in a statement. “We thank our crew for their professionalism and our customers for their understanding.”

Upon landing, police boarded the plane and detained Armstrong on drunk and disorderly charges.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has been a leading voice in calls to increase penalties for attacks on airline workers. IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick sits on an airport labor committee tasked with dealing with air rage. “We are working with other unions to coordinate an industry-wide way to handle the rise in attacks on airline workers,” Roderick explained. “On Saturday, we had a meeting with the Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO Trefere Gebre, along with 20 representatives from other unions,” Roderick said. “We discussed some of the many concerns we have in the transportation industry, which seems to change every day,” Roderick said. 

Since the beginning of this year, the FAA has fined unruly passengers more than $1 million for similar outbursts. Since January 1 of this year, the agency has logged just under 4,000 reports of violent and abusive incidents involving passengers. About 3/4s of the attacks were motivated by federal mask requirements, which have been extended to January 2022.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League works to drive the interests of airline workers through legislation and public advocacy efforts. The MNPL is funded entirely through voluntary contributions from members like you. Please consider recurring, automatic payroll-deducted contributions of any amount today. Every dollar helps the cause. 


Most Employers Plan to Require Vaccinations

Most Employers Plan to Require Vaccinations

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Most Employers Plan to Require Vaccinations

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A majority of US companies are planning to require employee vaccinations within the next four months, according to a survey of nearly 1000 employers. So far, about 22% of employers in the US have some form of vaccine requirement already, according to the study. 

Willis Towers Watson, a risk mitigation and liability consultant company, conducted the survey from August 18 through 25.  The company has more than 300 aviation specialists in 35 locations and advises airlines about reducing ground handling losses, improving safety practices and liability costs, and the impacts of COVID on the industry. 

With full General Use Authorization for the Pfizer vaccine,  an avalanche of private and public employers have created policies that require employee vaccinations. Within weeks of the FDA decision, dozens of large employers immediately began requiring vaccinations, with more than half of all employers in the nation (55%) expected to take action by the fourth quarter of this year. 

The dangers of a perpetual, lingering pandemic constitute a severe financial risk for airlines and other industries. Runaway COVID cases and hospitalizations are prompting a new round of travel restrictions for popular airline destinations, hampering the long-awaited recovery of airlines. These restrictions include new air travel limits at tourist hotspots like Hawaii, the Bahamas, Europe, Canada, and Mexico.

 In August, Delta CEO Ed Bastian told unvaccinated employees they would need to pay $2,400 in annual health insurance surcharges to help offset the monetary risk of employing them. According to Bastian, employee COVID-19 hospitalizations cost an airline an average of $57,000 each. With the highly transmissible Delta Variant, a single employee can infect dozens of coworkers, all of whom can miss up to a month or more of work. Companies with high numbers of unvaccinated workers are vulnerable to sudden, mass outages and crippling health care and liability costs. 

The survey found that a majority (52%) of employers are developing vaccination requirements they hope will be implemented soon, by the end of the year. These mandates could require vaccination proof to gain access to common areas such as breakrooms and cafeterias or comprehensive policies that require employees to stay current on their vaccinations as a condition of employment. 

Many of the 961 US-based companies that participated in the study indicated they are developing more than one vaccine requirement. Of the companies, 45% plan to require employees to provide proof of vaccination before returning to in-person work, and 34% say they will not hire or keep unvaccinated employees. An overwhelming majority, 79%, say that planned vaccine requirements will apply to all workers at the company. 

In all, the employers who responded to the survey employ 9.7 million workers. 

The pandemic has caused several additional burdens on employers beyond health care, employee absenteeism, loss of customers and predictable operations. More than two-thirds of employers (68%) have been forced to increase spending on communications programs designed to convince employees of the benefits and safety of vaccines, as well as how they can get vaccinated. Most employers (86%) absorb the majority of costs associated with COVID testing and 80% invest in contact tracing programs. 82% of respondents predict that COVID-related expenses will continue to threaten employee wellness over the next six months.

Disaster Assistance Resources

Disaster Assistance Resources

Disaster Assistance Resources Available

Around the nation, our IAMAW Sisters and Brothers are dealing with several historic natural disasters simultaneously. Over a million residents are without electricity, access to clean water, and basic supplies on the Gulf Coast. In the Northeast, historic flooding has closed Newark Airport and is responsible for a growing death toll. In the West, massive wildfires have destroyed hundreds of homes and threaten residents in three states.

The needs of our members are significant, but so is the willingness of Machinists and Aerospace Workers to help. Here’s a list of resources that can offer assistance and much-needed resources.

As always, those in need can also reach out to the Employee Assistance Program for more help. EAP services are free, confidential, compassionate, and available now.

For those who don’t need help, but who would like to give, please consider donating to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund. Every dollar helps. 


Resources Available

| FEMA.gov (www.fema.gov)

* Apply for assistance
* Local, State and National recovery resources
* 24/7 Counseling  
* Multilingual Support
*Connect via Phone, social media, Text or the Mobile app

1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)

Disaster Shelters | Find Shelters | American Red Cross (www.redcross.org

* Temporary shelters
* 24/7 Counseling 
* Call or text 1 (800) 985-5990

United Way 211 – 211 Site (211unitedway.org)
Call 2-1-1 or 1 (800) 543-7709

Text your zip code to 898-211

Food, Housing, Child Care, Mental Health, Financial, Utilities and many other assistances.

Eviction, Drug/Alcohol abuse, Criminal/Civil legal services and transportation resources.

Location Search – The Salvation Army USA (www.salvationarmyusa.org)

  • Supplying food, water, shelter, and vital resources

1 (601) 969-6868


Need Housing Assistance? – HUD Exchange (www.hudexchange.info/housing-and-homeless-assistance/

Housing Assistance

Food banks, WIC, SNAP and other food assistance programs

Health and safety resources 

Disaster Relief Guides – IAMAW (goiam.org) 

IAM Disaster Relief Fund – Financial Assistance

United We Care (ual.com) (https://flyingtogether.ual.com/employee-services/unitedwecare)
Employee Relief Fund – Financial Assistance 

Medicaid.gov: the official U.S. government site for Medicare | Medicaid (www.medicaid.gov
How to sign up for, resources per State, State overviews
1 (877) 267-2323

Medicare.gov: the official U.S. government site for Medicare | Medicare (www.medicare.gov
How to sign up for, find health care providers, health & drug plans

1 (800) MEDICARE – 1 (800) 633-4227