141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

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This edition of the 141 Member Spotlight features three of our District 141 Community Service leaders so we can learn about some of the important work they are doing. The video features Noelle Sakamoto from Local Lodge 1781 in Burlingame, California, Debbie Inverno from Local Lodge 914 in Newark, New Jersey, and Tamara Sass from Local Lodge 1885 in Portland, Oregon. 

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

As members of the Machinists Union, we are called to expand our footprint beyond the workplace and engage with the communities we call home. Finding these intersections between work and home is a vital part of creating modern unions that are more in touch with the needs of real people, according to IAMAW District 141 Community Service Director Cristina Odoardi.

This edition of the 141 Member Spotlight features three of our District 141 Community Service leaders so we can learn about some of the important work they are doing. The video features Noelle Sakamoto from Local Lodge 1781 in Burlingame, California, Debbie Inverno from Local Lodge 914 in Newark, New Jersey, and Tamara Sass from Local Lodge 1885 in Portland, Oregon. 

The Community Service Chairs describe the challenges they faced in the past year, and how they have continued to work safely to address the diverse needs in their areas. Local 1781 runs a food distribution program twice a month in partnership with other unions in the Bay Area to help hundreds of families experiencing food insecurity. They have organized supplies in a shelter for victims of domestic violence and are planning an event to recognize health care workers for their heroic work in the past year. In Newark, Local 914 members regularly contribute to a food pantry and soup kitchen and provide monthly support for a youth mentoring program. In Portland, committee members collected donations to benefit a women and children’s shelter and to purchase gift cards for troops traveling through the airport during the holidays. Local 1885 alternates their drives to benefit food banks in Oregon and Washington since their members live in both states.     

Cristina Odoardi joins the conversation and explains the huge negative impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the Machinists Union’s favorite charity, Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines. Dozens of events have been canceled due to restrictions on large gatherings of people to avoid spreading the virus. She and Dave urge members to continue to support the work of GDA as we look forward to events scheduled for later this year as COVID restrictions are relaxed. 

Any union member who wants to work to spread goodwill in their community should contact Director Cristina Odoardi or reach out to their local president, AGC, or community service committee chair. She summarizes other community service activities that have taken place at different local lodges around the country, and she stressed how important it is to just do something. “Every area is different, but any small gesture of kindness to give back to the community helps everyone,” said Odoardi. “There’s nothing too small, and together we can make a difference.” 

Chris Lusk Named District 141 Vice President, West

Chris Lusk Named District 141 Vice President, West

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Chris Lusk, (shown here with daughter Shayla) is a District 141 Educator and Vice President of Local Lodge 1781. He has been named District 141 Vice President, West, by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He previously served as a District Auditor. 

Chris Lusk Named District 141 Vice President, West

//Mensaje en español 

Chris Lusk, a District 141 Educator and Vice President of Local Lodge 1781, has been named District 141 Vice President, West, by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He previously served as a District Auditor. 

“Brother Chris Lusk has used his diverse talents to serve the members of Local 1781 as Committee Chair, and the members of District 141 as an Auditor and member of our Education Team, said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair. Chris’s ability to organize projects, his experience as an educator, and his dedication to unionism make him perfectly suited for his new role. I am pleased to announce his appointment as Vice President, West, and look forward to working more closely with him,” said Klemm. 

Chris Lusk began his airline career in DEN as a Ramp Services Employee at United Airlines, where he was initiated into the IAM in 1998. He transferred to SFO in 2011, where he became a Shop Steward and an active member of Local 1781. Two years later he joined the local’s Grievance Committee, and in 2016 he was elected Committee Chair. That same year, the members of Local 1781 elected him Vice President.     

He also serves as the Local 1781 Building Corp President and was a key member of the local’s Legislative Committee that lobbied elected officials in California for over 18 months to help pass significant improvements to the state’s “kin care” legislation. In the Summer of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic threatened the jobs of airport workers nationwide, Chris led a group of union representatives who held informational meetings and produced a resource packet for members facing furloughs.

“I am honored by the vote of confidence I’ve received from the leadership of District 141. My commitment remains the same, with strength and experience for a better future, I’m here to serve all,” said Chris.


Video Report: Tony Rodriguez is the UA EAP Chairman

Video Report: Tony Rodriguez is the UA EAP Chairman

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This week on the 141 Report, we travel via zoom to Denver, Colorado for a conversation with the new District 141 United Airlines Employees Assistance Program Chairperson, Tony Rodriguez. Brother Tony takes over the position from Kathy Furgeson, who has retired. 

The District 141 EAP can quickly and confidentially connect you to counseling, crisis intervention, and other wellbeing services.

The Machinists & Aerospace Union partners with hundreds of deeply caring and trained professionals who can help guide you through a wide range of challenges.

To Contact an EAP Rep, Click Here.

Tony Rodriguez

EAP Chair – United Airlines

Cell: (303) 525-3334


Video Report: Tony Rodriguez is the UA EAP Chairman

Transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Brother Tony! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak to me and our viewers about the EAP Program.

Absolutely Brother Dave, thanks for having me on.

Brother, can you please tell the viewers a little bit about yourself; where did you start in the airline business? And, what’s your background with the IAM? What positions have you held?

Sure. I started off in the airline industry out in San Francisco, California. I got out of the airline industry for a little bit, and I missed the benefits that we get.

So, I moved my family to Denver and hired on with United Airlines back in 1995. Since that time, I’ve worked in three of our major hubs; San Francisco, Denver, and Chicago. It’s been really great working in three hubs and seeing how different places operated – so very valuable. As far as my experience with the IAM,  I’ve held the shop steward position, I’ve been an auditor of the local lodge, a trustee of the local lodge, conductor sentinel, vice president, educator… and then recently I became an EAP Peer, and then EAP regional, and now I’m currently the  EAP chairperson for United Airlines.

Fantastic; you also worked for Pan-Am?

I was fleet service. Like United’s ramp service, but Pan-Am called it fleet service. I worked there until they filed Chapter 7 and I lost my job. My family and I were just starting out when that happened. 

Alright so let’s talk now about EAP. Why is this program so vital for IAM members?

Well every one of us has things that happen in our lives. We have things that get thrown upon us and catch us off guard. Our EAP program helps these people, really it helps all of us navigate through those rocky roads so to speak. And, it helps people focus on whatever their situation is, and what avenues they have available to them.

There’s another important reason why our program is so important right now. During this covid thing, United Airlines has had to cut costs as an airline. One of the measures they took was to reduce the company EAP program by half.  So now there’s one company EAP person for every two hubs. What’s more, the Department of Transportation requires certain accommodations for Pilots and flight attendants that don’t apply to those of us on the ramp or at the gates. I’m not saying that they won’t help ramp or customer service, or stores, or anyone else that comes to them for assistance. But, they are stretched pretty thin. On the union side, that’s part of why it’s so important to have this program available to our members.

So what are some of the issues that you might come across as an EAP representative?

Oh, that’s a big question. So, obviously, this program started out being a drug and alcohol rehab program. But, we’ve expanded so much. We’ve had parent/child abuse cases, we’ve had suicide situations, depression… people that spend all their money on their rent and car payments and they don’t have money for food. So, we can assist with that. There are also people dealing with financial issues, and the loss of a family member – or even a pet. Because, for some people pets are family, you know? 

If you want to put it in a nutshell; anything and everything that could keep our members from coming into work and being that productive employee that they were hired to be, is something that we want to deal with.

 So, as the chairperson for United Airlines EAP, what are your responsibilities?

Well, I would say probably the most important responsibility is before we refer somebody into a treatment center, we need to thoroughly vet those facilities. We usually vet two or three treatment centers yearly to ensure they’re a good fit for our members. We need to know if they can communicate well with United Airlines, who has certain rules that have to be followed. We need to make sure they can provide adequate documentation for things like FMLA. We don’t need a member who needs help hitting stumbling blocks when they’re seeking treatment.

We do these inspections as a group, and we do them at the regional level, as well. I’ve visited a lot of places around here in the Colorado area. We don’t want to send a member someplace we haven’t been and we haven’t looked at what type of treatment there can expect to get there.

 Do you ever need to move a person with a particular issue to another location?

So, depending on the situation. If it pertains to drugs and alcohol, we try to get them out of their comfort zone. We want to get them away from home so it’s not easy to stop treatment. Patients always have a right to discontinue treatment and get up and leave. 

And a lot of times, when it comes to drugs or alcohol, once they start feeling better – they don’t think they need anything else. So we try to make it a little bit more difficult for them to just up and leave.

And, insurance is quite a course to navigate, so we help with that.  That’s one of the first things we do is find out what their insurance is and see where we can go from there. But, in a general sense, if we have the ability to get them away from home that’s what we try to do. 

Tony, what training have you received from the IAM and from other places? 

I’ve been through all the courses pertaining to EAP at the Winpisinger Center. And special topics classes, like Critical Incident Response Team training. we’ve been through that I’ve also been through IPAA Employees Assistance Professionals Association. They put on monthly trainings. I actually sit on the local chapter’s board here as labor liaison. I also sit on the board for LAP Laborers Assistance Professionals here in Colorado.  They have additional trainings that they conduct.  And, we actually just found out our normal conference is going on this year. That’s a week-long training. We also need to get a certification for suicide prevention, learning how to talk to someone in that situation. There’s a lot of training that goes on with this position.

 So what can a member expect when they contacted an EAP Department representative?

OK, and that’s a good question. So, they can expect not to go through the runaround that a lot of companies will put them through. A lot of companies hire an outside EAP company which is an 800 number on the wall. We’ve actually tried those numbers

 We’ve actually sat on those calls to see how long it would take us to get through. And, we were literally,  as a team, on the phone for 45 minutes before we ever got to talk to somebody. Our members don’t need something like that. If they are suffering from depression, or if they are considering suicide they’re not going to wait that long, and go through all those functions. They need to talk to somebody. We are people, and we answer the phone when it rings, and if we miss your call, we will call you right back. 

They can also expect their information to be kept confidential. Confidentiality is the backbone of our program. That is very important to us. We stand behind it. We can’t talk to anybody about their situation without their written consent. When we absolutely must deal with the company, we don’t share any personal information. We might just ask for a person to be removed from the schedule, and that’s all the company needs to know.

 The last thing that they can expect is for us to shame them. We’re non-judgmental. We’re not here to judge anybody. None of us are perfect. They can tell us about any situation, and we’re going to listen and help.

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

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IAM Family at the District 5 Labor Day outing

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Thirteen years after President Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark Civil Rights Act, IAM delegates made history at the 1976 Grand Lodge Convention in Hollywood, FL by voting for the creation of a union-wide civil rights program to address the social, cultural and racial needs of a growing number of minority members.

Months later, in the spring of 1977, thirty-five Machinists met at the union’s headquarters in Washington, DC to create the IAM Civil Rights Program, the precursor to the organization’s current Women’s and Human Rights Department, which is now under the leadership of IAM General Counsel Carla Siegel.

During the two-day conference then-IAM President-elect William W. Winpisinger promised to make the program a priority for the union and proclaimed, “it will be a program with far-reaching effects.”

In response, the multiracial group of delegates, offered the Executive Council a long list of suggestions on how to initiate and build the program, most notably, training shop stewards on how to handle discriminations cases on the job.

To aid the IAM in its planning, delegates at the conference received advice from William Pollard, then AFL-CIO civil rights director; Charles Bradford, former president of IAM Local 41 in St. Louis; and Leo Perils, former AFL-CIO community services director.

The 1970’s saw a rise in powerful union-based activist organizations aimed at advocating for minorities. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, or CBTU, was founded in 1972 under the leadership of William “Bill” Lucy, former AFSCME International Secretary-Treasurer. The same year Hispanic union leaders founded the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, also known as LCLAA. Soon after, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, or CLUW, would be founded in 1974 under the guidance of the late Olga M. Madar, the first woman to serve on the United Auto Workers (UAW) International Executive Board.

The IAM’s efforts grew along with the civil rights movement and today, thousands of IAM members are active participants in these and other constituency groups. The IAM has Board members on CBTU, APRI, LCLAA and CLUW as well as Pride at Work, APALA and others.  Hundreds of IAM Lodges have their own Human Rights Committees and are actively engaged in effectuating change in their communities. Our Executive Council is one of the most diverse Executive Councils in all of labor while the Union continues to be active in expanding civil rights among our ranks.  Most recently, the IAM, initiated its LEADS program to mentor IAM Sisters and encourage more participation in leadership roles.

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines announced a plan to reduce the carrier’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050. In a statement released earlier this week, CEO Scott Kirby said that the program would combine several strategies to reduce the airline’s carbon footprint, including partnering with other major companies and purchasing mass quantities of renewable fuels.

Air transportation makes up more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Working with the airline, more than a dozen leading global corporations will collectively contribute towards the purchase of approximately 3.4 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) this year. With its nearly 80% emissions reductions on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel, this is enough SAF to eliminate approximately 31,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions or enough to fly passengers over 220 million miles.

United has made the airline industry’s single most significant investment in SAF and has purchased more SAF than any other airline in the world. World Energy, a long-term partner of United, will supply the SAF to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which makes it conveniently accessible to United’s operations.

United has a track record of promoting eco-friendly practices. In 2017 the airline was ranked #1 among global carriers in Newsweek’s2017 Global 500 Green Rankings, one of the most recognized environmental performance assessments of the world’s largest publicly traded companies. In 2016, United was the first major airline to regularly use biofuels and invested more than $40 million towards developing sustainable jet fuel sources. Additionally, United has invested millions in purchasing electric ground service equipment and other vehicles. 

The Machinists and Aerospace Union has been a leading voice in calling for greener, more sustainable aviation, including the greater use of eco-friendly fuels. Efforts by the union also include upgrading and better managing the life cycles of aircraft. 

Learn more about how the Machinists & Aerospace Union has promoted a more eco-friendly aviation sector HERE>



Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

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The pandemic has nearly destroyed the commercial aviation industry. Many airlines did not survive. Let’s kill this virus once and for all. Wear masks. Keep a safe distance from others. Avoid crowds. And, get vaccinated. Help others get vaccinated. Do your part in ending this pandemic. 

KILL the Virus. Find a vaccine near you >

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

All adult Americans, regardless of age or health conditions, are expected to be eligible to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination by Monday, April 19, 2021. But for many, finding a vaccine has been a daunting task.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can help with its VaccineFinder tool. All you need is a zip code to locate an appointment. The website also offers information about what to expect before, during and after you receive the vaccine.

Click here to search a COVID-19 vaccine near you.

From hospitals to grocery stores, the vaccine is being offered at a variety of locations, most of which will require an appointment. The White House expects that nearly 90 percent of Americans will be able to secure a vaccine appointment within five miles of their home address. 

But until everyone is vaccinated, it is still important to wear a mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing whenever possible.

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