New Contract Ratified at Hawaiian Airlines

New Contract Ratified at Hawaiian Airlines

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New Contract Ratified at Hawaiian Airlines

Sisters and Brothers,

Yesterday, the more than 2,500 Machinists and Aerospace Union sisters and brothers at Hawaiian Airlines said “Yes” to contracts that locks in five years of compounding wage increases. They said “Yes” to a workplace that’s much more fair to part-timers. They said “Yes” to controlling health care costs. And, they said “Yes” to contracts that provides a healthier work/life balance, protected by new rules that make it more expensive to rely on mandatory overtime instead of proper staffing.

This agreement will allow Hawaiian to continue to attract top talent, inviting skillful, productive workers who are proud to work at Hawaiian Airlines.

We want to offer our sincere gratitude to the negotiating committees at Hawaiian for this accomplishment. These dedicated and diligent unionists spent countless hours away from their families, fighting hard to improve the lives of thousands of deserving workers at the airline. Their dedication has led to this historic agreement and will build a strong foundation for even better future contracts. IAMAW District 141 and 142 Members should be proud of the work they’ve done. 

These contracts will continue to lay the foundations for future improvements for our membership at Hawaiian. Our sisters and brothers at Hawaiian have a right to be proud of this agreement, and we are incredibly honored by the outpouring of solidarity and patience shown by the Hawaiian Airlines membership.

Finally, we applaud the good-faith efforts of Hawaiian Airlines to find an equitable agreement with the union workers that have made the airline such a success. We look forward to building on this relationship, and we encourage even greater investment in hard-working and talented women and men who keep Hawaiian Airlines flying high. 


In Solidarity,

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

District 141
Shannon Robello

Stacey Williams
Meki Pei
Sione Olevao
Arthur Croker
Joy Himuro
Ku’ulei McGuire

John Coveny

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 142

District 142
Derek Morto
Robert Hetchman
David Calistro
David Figueira

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

IAM and Other Transportation Unions Raise Concerns About Assault on Airline Workers

Transportation Newswire
14 February 2022

The IAM joined other transportation unions in raising urgent concerns regarding assaults against passenger service agents working across airports in the United States. The letter was addressed to President Biden, U.S. Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 

The letter urges governmental action to address the increase in assaults against passenger service agents, including the prosecution of abusive passengers.
“Airline gate agents are a vital part of a multilayered airline security and safety process at the airport,” reads the letter. “Our members are responsible for checking passengers into their flights, checking luggage to comply with airline weight and balance limits, and boarding passengers onto the aircraft in an orderly and structured way.”
Over the past few months, passenger service members across the country have experienced serious physical and verbal assault and harassment incidents, with few repercussions for the offending passenger imposed by law enforcement.
The FAA has reported a total of 5,981 passenger incidents in 2021, which is up sharply from previous years.
“The IAM supports the push for more substantial penalties against unruly passengers who assault passenger service agents and other airline workers,” said Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President.
“Our union continues to ring the alarm and highlight the need of enforcing the laws for assault against all airline workers. The best way to curb these unfortunate incidents is for the interagency working group to listen to the impacted workers in the airline industry. We must all work together to end the assaults that afflict our members.” 
The labor coalition expressed the need for all frontline gate agents to expect a safe workplace, free from the threat of violence, and increased cooperation is required to improve the safety of these employees.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to start supporting this important work.

The Union

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

EAP Peers:         April is acohol awareness month. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a great resource for information about substance use disorders. I encourage all of you to take a look at their web site: Most of the information is free and...

The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

1 February 2022

Thousands of dollars in scholarship money will go out.

Union members and their families can compete for $8,000 in scholarship money through the 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship contest.

The Essay Competition will launch on March 1, 2022, and end at midnight on July 1, 2022. Judges are planning to announce the winners on August 1.

Funded by Machinists and Aerospace Union (District 141), the contest awards six $1,000 checks and two $2,000 prizes to eligible students each year.

The topic of the 700 to 1,000-word essays will be, “Why are Labor Unions Important in the 2020s?” An impartial Scholarship Committee will judge the submissions.

“Our union’s mission has always been to lift working people so they can build better lives for themselves and their loved ones,” said District President Mike Klemm. “We are proud to offer the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship as one way our District helps members and their families achieve their dreams.”


The District 141 Education Department is dedicated to providing our members a greater understanding of how our union works and ensuring that our Union Stewards are as highly trained as possible.

To do this, we are proud to offer in-person training classes at your local lodge. To find out about scheduling training at your location, contact your Local Lodge leadership, or the Director of Education for District 141, Mac McGovern.

Mac McGovern  |   |   (570) 350-0497

Recent Machinists Union News

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

EAP Peers:         April is acohol awareness month. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a great resource for information about substance use disorders. I encourage all of you to take a look at their web site: Most of the information is free and...

February Helping Hands: Healthy Relationships

February Helping Hands: Healthy Relationships

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February Helping Hands: Healthy Relationships

EAP Directors:


Healthy relationships don’t look the same for everyone since people have different needs. Each partner’s specific needs around communication, affection, space, shared hobbies, values, and so on may change throughout life. A relationship that works in your 20s may be nothing like the relationship you want in your 50’s. Relationships that don’t align with more traditional definitions of a relationship can still be healthy.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

141 Report: Union-Made Safety Program at American Airlines

141 Report: Union-Made Safety Program at American Airlines

141 Report: Union-Made Safety Program at American Airlines

28 January 2022

This week on the 141 Report, the topic is the Ground Safety Action Program at American Airlines. Association Safety Advocates, IAM 141/1776 Dennis Spencer and TWU Local 568 Mitch Lieberman brief the viewers about concerns Association members have with safety reporting at American.

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

EAP Peers:         April is acohol awareness month. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a great resource for information about substance use disorders. I encourage all of you to take a look at their web site: Most of the information is free and...

National Airlines Flight Attendants Vote Overwhelmingly to Join the Machinists Union

National Airlines Flight Attendants Vote Overwhelmingly to Join the Machinists Union

National Airlines InFlight Crewmembers Vote to Join Machinists & Aerospace Union

Justice at JetBlue
23 January 2022

National Airlines Flight Attendants are officially joining the largest and most powerful airline union in the world.

The Flight Attendants sought out IAM representation, citing a lack of respect from National Airlines management, poor work rules and sub-standard pay and benefits.

“We could not be more excited to welcome National Airlines Flight Attendants into the IAM,” said Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President. “We will use every resource available to ensure they secure a strong first contract that addresses their workplace issues.”

“Our thanks go out to Grand Lodge Representative Joe Stassi for his hard work and determination through this successful campaign, along with the lead organizers in the Flight Attendant group,” said IAM Transportation Coordinator Edison Fraser. “Today, National Airlines Flight Attendants no longer stand alone. They now have the support of 600,000 IAM members from across North America.”

The National Mediation Board mail-ballot election took place between December 16, 2021 and January 20, 2022. The final tally was held on January 20.

The IAM is the largest airline union in North America, representing over 100,000 airline workers.

National Airlines, an Orlando-based carrier, has supported industry and governments, aided military forces and provided subsistence logistics solutions to some of the most remote global locations. National Airlines has grown from a small, regional U.S. cargo airline, to one of the world’s leading air cargo carriers, and ultimately into a passenger airline.


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The National Mediation Board, an agency of the Federal Government, requires that at least 50% of employees within a job classification company-wide (i.e. AO or GO Crewmembers) show interest in joining a union by signing an Authorization Card, also called an “A-Card.” These cards expire quickly, so it’s a good idea to renew your authorization once every 6 months. Authorization Cards must be completely deleted after one year. To get an Authorization Card, CLICK HERE >

Recent Machinists Union News

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

EAP Peers:         April is acohol awareness month. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a great resource for information about substance use disorders. I encourage all of you to take a look at their web site: Most of the information is free and...