Unions at Work: Machinists Meet Lawmakers in the Garden State

Unions at Work: Machinists Meet Lawmakers in the Garden State

Machinists Union Members from all over New Jersey gathered in Atlantic City this week to tell their congressional representatives what they need in Garden State workplaces and communities.

Similar state council conferences are taking place in states around the nation, connecting elected leaders and candidates directly to front-line workers.

According to Dave Roderick, the Legislative Director for Machinists Union District 141, the events offer an opportunity for everyday working people to speak with power to lawmakers. “Normally, working people will never meet with their members of Congress. Union events like this create a platform for us to tell the stories of working people to lawmakers.”

Council President Ines Garcia-Keim agreed, saying the events help level the balance of power between lawmakers and workers.

“These events give working people a chance to meet elected officials and to show our numbers, our ability to organize, and our ability to deliver a message. That gives us the credibility we need when we go before lawmakers on Capitol Hill,” Garcia-Keim said.

Ines is the first woman to serve as President of the New Jersey State Council, a position she has held since January of 2018.

”This gives front-line workers an opportunity to have a one on one conversation with a representative from congress,” Ines explained. “We also have leaders from all the different parts of our union coming in to give updates about what’s going on at their workplaces. There’s a lot going on that we want lawmakers to know about, things like work rules, organizing, contract negotiations.”

“Our main goal is to make sure that everyone is informed and participating, so we can do our jobs better,” she said.

And, the conversations are often helpful for policymakers. “Our members tell lawmakers things that they don’t already know all the time,” Ines said. “Very often, we help them understand the way that laws are actually affecting the workplace from a perspective that they don’t often get to see – the position of the workers themselves.”

Union members organize the legislative councils at the state level. Voluntary donations to a separate division of the union, called the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) are used to support candidates who earn the council’s endorsement. “No dues can ever go to any candidates,” explained Legislative Director Roderick, “We get the money we need from recurring donations from members, selling T-Shirts and other fundraisers.”

“It is so important for members to support this work,” Roderick said. “This is how working people can band together in union to make workplaces work better.”

According to Ines, the more participation they can attract from front-line workers, the better. “We need everyone. Our union does not engage in every hot-button political issue, but we care passionately about company mergers, international trade agreements and outsourcing, a living wage and secure retirement and the like. These are the things that hit home for working people,” Ines said.

“If you are a member of our union, you are invited to play a role,” she said.

The event attracted several important members of Congress and key figures within the Machinists Union. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy also addressed the conference via video message.

Attending from the House of Representatives were Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), Donald Norcross (D-NJ), Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ), Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, (D-NJ), and Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ). Union leaders included IAMAW Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja, IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm, IAM141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick, Eastern Territory General Vice President, James Conigliaro, Sr., MNPL Political Director, Rick De La Fuente and many others.

Representatives from the IAM National Pension Fund and Guide Dogs of America were also in attendance.

District 141 President Mike Klemm delivered the keynote address. The invocation was delivered by Rev. Derrick Monk, a Committee Rep from Local 1776 in Philadelphia.

IAM Local 1776 President Rich Howell presented the annual Frank Darcy Leadership Award to Obie O’brien, in recognition of his lifetime of service to the Machinists Union and the working people of Philadelphia.

Machinists Union members who want to participate in upcoming Legislative Councils for 2020 can get started at their Local Lodge’s next Monthly Union Business Meeting.


Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

As airline employees, one of the best perks of our jobs is the ability to fly everywhere for free or cheap. If we mention the type of work we do in a casual conversation, it will surely prompt an enthusiastic response, even from complete strangers. A popular t-shirt for sale online proclaims: “Marry me and fly free.”

There’s no doubt that for most airline employees, the freedom and flexibility that our travel benefits provide is a key reason why we chose this line of work. In recent years, as airlines enjoy record load factors (and profits), traveling space-available has become more of a challenge, but with a little bit of planning and luck, it is something we all enjoy. We appreciate the freedom and flexibility to stay in touch with family and friends while we explore the world. Pass travel is priceless and priceless it should stay.

Pass travel programs allow employees to enjoy the products that we create, but they are still the company’s property. When an employee brokers the passes or treats them as personal assets, those actions can get them fired, or even arrested. IAM Committees are very good at preventing unjust terminations, and hundreds of members have been successfully defended against being unfairly fired. These good outcomes, however, do not come to members involved in theft or fraud.

Repeated violations of pass travel programs by employees can prompt the airline to restrict or limit them for everyone.

In summary, messing with your pass privileges is a bad move, so don’t be greedy. As tempting as it may seem to try to monetize this perk, don’t do it. The enhanced travel privileges we enjoy that allow us to choose our traveling companions can be changed at the airlines’ discretion, with notification to the union being the only requirement. You do not have to marry your traveling companion anymore, like the t-shirt says, but be cautious. And know who your buddies are.

Contact an EAP Representative if you have problems handling finances or family life. IAM District 141 EAP Staff and Volunteer EAP Coordinators can help you with resources in the community to address your situation and develop a plan of action to meet your needs. Find more information at https://iam141.org/eap/


Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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Local Lodge 1487 Celebrated their Annual Bowling Night to Benefit Guide Dogs of America

Members of Local Lodge 1487 in Chicago, IL celebrated their annual Bowling Night to benefit Guide Dogs of America. In addition to benefiting the IAM’s preferred charity, several prizes were awarded in a raffle to benefit the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League. Sam Gonzalez, Trustee, invites all members to participate in the fellowship that these events provide. The next event will be a Golf Outing scheduled for August 15th. Find out more information at www.iamlocal1487.org

IAM141 MNPL Director Dave Roderick Speaks at 2019 IAMAW Legislative Conference

District Lodge 141 Legislative and MNPL Director Dave Roderick gives a summary of activities at the 2019 IAMAW Legislative Conference that took place on May 6th through May 8th in Washington, DC. Delegates heard from elected officials and candidates for president and also visited the offices of their representatives to talk about issues that are important to Machinists Union members. The implementation of the FAA Re-Authorization Act of 2018, protection of the rights of workers to organize, repeal of “right to work” laws and restoring pay to federal contractors who were furloughed during the government shutdown were among the top issues that were discussed with lawmakers.



The new law prevents Right to Work ordinances from confiscating employee resources at the city and county level.

Starting immediately, workers in Illinois will no longer have their property and labor taken away from them under city-level Right to Work laws.

The legislation, signed this week by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, will prevent city and county officials from creating a patchwork of separate Right to Work zones across the state.

Governor Pritzker said in his signing statement that the new law would help ensure that “Illinois and all of its communities will never be a Right to Work state.”

“From the start, right to work was an idea cooked up to lower wages, slash benefits and hurt our working families,” Pritzker said. “‘Right to work’ has always meant, ‘right to work for less money,’ and it’s wrong for Illinois.”

Around the nation, corporate lobbyists have used Right to Work legislation to eliminate pensions and slash wages for employees. Last year, the Supreme Court added another twist to Right to Work – forcing employee groups to turn over their property and work for anti-union forces on demand.

“Imagine a law that would ‘protect’ cable subscribers from being ‘forced’ to pay for cable,” explained Machinists Union District 141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick. “A law like that would bankrupt cable companies overnight.”

“That’s what Right to Work does. It’s an attempt to bankrupt unions by forcing them to give their work away for free. Right to Work advocates want to work at union workplaces, and collect union wages. They also want costly contract negotiations and enforcement, but they don’t want to help pay for any of it,” said Roderick.

Supporters of Right to Work argue that employees would make more money overall if they were free to earn smaller paychecks and not get a pension when they retire. Since unions stand in the way of those things, Right to Work advocates seek to defund them.

Former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, who collected large campaign donations from anti-union lobbyists, has pointed to a recent Seattle wage study that he claims proves that lower wage earners make more money than those with higher rates of pay.

Rauner is a billionaire.

In Illinois, the township of Lincolnshire had passed a Right to Work ordinance in 2015 hoping to bankrupt unions within its borders. Local unions filed a successful lawsuit to stop the measure from going into effect, which was upheld after the city appealed the ruling.

The courts found that only the state government has the legal authority to enact such laws, and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, the union that filed the lawsuit, was awarded $10,000 in damages.

The new legislation will buttress the court’s decision, asserting that only the state can create Right to Work zones. “The law, as it is, does not allow a state to hand this responsibility down to the local communities.” Governor Pritzker said in a statement to the Chicago Tribune. “This bill actually just establishes what is the law today.”

It’s unclear how much money Right to Work lobbyists lost in this failed attempt to create city and county Right to Work zones in Illinois. The rules were vigorously promoted by former Governor Bruce Rauner, and by a range of corporate lobbyists and courts that have encouraged them.

The IAM141 Machinists Non-Partisan League works to protect the pensions, pay and rights of airline workers within city, state and national governments. The IAM141 MNPL is funded entirely through voluntary donations from members like you. To become a supporting member of the IAM141 MNPL, please complete an MNPL Automatic Payroll Deduction Card for any amount today. Find a card by visiting the MNPL page at IAM141.org.

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