Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

141 Report: Houston’s Community Service and Veterans Committees

For Thanksgiving weekend, we feature a Community Service project at Local 2198. 

Rose Lopes-Harris and Brenda Douglas join us to talk about the Houston local’s Community Service and Veterans Committees’ drive to help IAM members currently on furlough. The committees will collect essential items for “furlough care packages” that will be offered to members who are facing hardship during the holiday season. 

Watch the short video for details and remember to check in with our Brothers and Sisters on furlough wherever you are. We must stand in solidarity, especially during tough times. The UNION makes us strong! 

     Related Stories

IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. recently joined the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) podcast “El Desvio, Many Roads, one Destination.”

Martinez discusses the recent presidential election, COVID-19, and how organizations like the IAM and LCLAA play a critical role in bringing our divided nation back together.

“I am so proud of all of our members and every American for going to the polls in record numbers,” said Martinez. “Despite a pandemic and deliberate attempts to suppress our vote, more Americans voted in this election than any in American history. That is a testament to the labor movement and organizations like LCLAA who have mobilized to turn out the vote, and now count every vote.”

Listen to the entire episode here. >>


Machinists and Aerospace Union Will Partner with Biden-Harris to Heal Country, Bring Jobs Home

Machinists and Aerospace Union Will Partner with Biden-Harris to Heal Country, Bring Jobs Home

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2020 – Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement regarding the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president of the United States:

“The American people have spoken and democracy has prevailed. Our union and our nation are moving forward with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do the work needed to emerge stronger than ever from these difficult times.

“We sincerely congratulate President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris, and all the pro-union candidates who won races from coast to coast. The Fighting Machinists Union was proud to endorse you in a membership vote and looks forward to building a better future with you. I am also grateful for every Machinists Union member who voted in this election, no matter how they cast their ballot.

“A new kind of work begins today—and the task in front of us is great. We have seen unemployment unrivaled since the Great Depression. Millions of American families have seen loved ones pass or sickened from an out-of-control pandemic. Our nation has deep divisions along the lines of race and class.

“But a new day has come to America. This time, the interests of working people must be put before corporations and the ultra-wealthy. Our members have seen their plants close, livelihoods upended and communities torn apart in the name of corporate greed. And just as we did during this administration, we will hold the next administration accountable to bring our jobs home.

“The Machinists Union can be counted on to serve as a trusted partner in building back our nation better than ever before. Working together, we can preserve and create good union jobs that will power us to a brighter future. We can ensure that every American has access to quality healthcare and a secure retirement. We can create opportunity for each and every one of us—no matter our race, religion, national origin or who we love.

“We can and we will accomplish great things together. The next chapter of this great American story begins now.” 

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion


Have You Voted Yet?

Have You Voted Yet?

We wanted to check in to make sure you have voted or have a plan to vote in this very important election.

Visit to get all the information you need to vote.

You may remember that IAM members voted to endorse Joe Biden in a first-of-its-kind membership vote this March. Click here to view the IAM’s endorsed U.S. Senate candidates.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will:

Defend the Voices of Machinists Union Members: Joe Biden will fight against anti-union “right to work” laws.

Protect Our Health and Keep Us Safe: Joe Biden will make sure employers aren’t risking our health and our lives during this pandemic.

Secure Our Retirement: Joe Biden will work hard to make sure all our retirement plans are protected.

The stakes couldn’t be higher in this election, so please make your voice heard. Visit and make a plan to vote today.



VOTE! Only One Week Left

VOTE! Only One Week Left

There are seven days left before Election Day and we want to make sure every Machinists Union member has a plan to vote. There is too much at stake to sit this election out.

Visit today to find your polling place, see early voting locations, locate a voting dropbox, and see what’s on your ballot.

Politics affects everything about our lives. Legislation enacted and decisions made by elected officials impact our work lives and the ability of our union to fight for better pay and benefits for our families. There is a direct link between the ballot box and our economic and workplace security.

As a reminder, the IAM, in a first-of-its-kind membership vote, chose to endorse Joe Biden for president. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will fight for affordable healthcare, retirement security, and stronger unions while fighting against the outsourcing of our jobs.

Make sure you have a plan to vote. Visit today.


Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Election officials around the country are dealing with the challenges of running an election unlike any they’ve run before. What was considered a healthy turnout of voters in a regular year could become a COVID superspreader event in 2020.

One of the biggest problems they are facing is a lack of workers. COVID-19 is particularly dangerous if contracted by people over 65 years of age, who are the majority of the people who work at the polls on Election Day. Many states are expanding their vote by mail and early voting programs to avoid long lines and overcrowding at the polls on Election Day, but election officials in many areas desperately need workers to also help conduct those programs.

This is where we can help. District 141 of the IAMAW is a partner with Power The Polls, a first-of-its-kind initiative to recruit poll workers to ensure a safe and fair election for all voters.

Dave Roderick, District 141 Legislative and MNPL Director, and Cristina Odoardi, Community Services Director, are excited about taking part in a project where civics and community service intersect. “This is an excellent opportunity for our members to play an important role in one of the most consequential elections in US history,” said Roderick. “We all have an interest in making sure it runs smoothly,” he said.

Odoardi sees the poll worker recruitment effort as a way to reinforce our union’s role in our communities as a force for positive change. “Helping people help themselves is at the heart of our mission to serve the community. We must do everything we can to protect our country’s core values of free speech and democracy. Becoming a poll worker to help people cast their vote is a great example of what serving the community is all about.”

Poll workers are hired by election officials to help administer the election. They do things like check-in voters, fix voting machines, and troubleshoot any other issues at the polling places. They operate in an official, non-partisan capacity, and are trained and paid for their work by the local jurisdiction, which also provides PPE. Their function is different from that of poll watchers or poll monitors, which are volunteers or staff from a political party or campaign that are certified to observe and monitor election administration. Answers to frequently asked questions about the role of poll workers can be found here.

Courtney Cardin, Director of Non-Profit Partnerships for Power the Polls recently sent District 141 a list of the cities and counties most in need of poll workers. The areas at the top of the list are Polk County, FL, Gwinnett County, GA, Flint, MI, Allentown/Lehigh Valley, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, San Antonio, TX, Green Bay, WI, and Racine, WI. The following areas are also recruiting workers and could use more help: Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI, Charlotte, NC, Cleveland, OH, Philadelphia, PA, and Houston, TX. Cardin stressed that bilingual people are particularly needed in Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

“Machinists Union members always vote in great numbers, and we understand the value of essential work. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and we are proud to join volunteers from labor and non-profit organizations in this great effort to power the polls and our voices,” said Mike Klemm, District 141 President and Directing General Chair.

To sign up to Power The Polls, please use the District 141 link:

Once you’ve signed up, depending on your jurisdiction, you will either be contacted by Power the Polls, a partner organization, or your local election administrators regarding your application.

Election Day is less than two weeks away, so please sign up today! 


Defending Democracy Takes Work.

Volunteer to serve your country as a poll worker today.