United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

IAM141, United Airlines Contract Negotiations Break Down

18 July 2022

IAM District 141 and United Airlines management met briefly last week in Chicago, IL, to review United management’s “comprehensive” job security proposal. According to the Company, its proposal was designed to “quickly close negotiations.” Unfortunately, United management decided to propose a job security package that is NOT competitive with United’s industry peers and DOES NOT provide the job security and scope of work protections IAM members deserve.

United management’s job security and scope of work proposals would provide fewer protections than we have today, leaving tens of thousands of IAM-represented workers with no job protection at all and increase company outsourcing opportunities. Management’s wage and economic proposals also fall far short of what IAM-represented United employees deserve. United’s competitors, big and small, have surpassed United in the key areas of job security and wages/economics. In fact, United management’s wage proposal would provide a significant real wage cut, considering the current economic climate. Simply put, IAM-represented employees at United deserve much better.

At the same time, due to pushback from United pilots who have halted voting on their recently announced tentative agreement, United management has decided to run back to the negotiating table with them because American Airlines announced larger wage increases for their pilots. However, when we propose contractual terms that already exist in other industry agreements, all we hear is, “that’s bad business, and we have no interest in doing that.”

The concept of expedited negotiations is for both parties to focus on their priorities and to make justified, reasonable proposals that are in line with the industry to EXPEDITE an agreement. We have lived up to this. United management has not.

United Airlines will soon announce record revenue and a return to profitability. The very reason this is possible is because of United Airlines employees. Not management. It’s the workers who make this airline fly. It was us who made TENS OF THOUSANDS of calls to elected officials to ensure our airline received the needed aid to survive through the worst downturn in airline industry. It wasn’t because of CEO Kirby and the other airline industry executives. How did CEO Kirby reward our loyalty? He devised a scheme to violate our contracts and force all IAM-represented workers to part-time status. And, now this.

Unless United management changes course, reworks its current proposals, and offers IAM members at United a fair contract that recognizes our value to our airline, it is highly unlikely that we can reach an agreement in the expedited process. As a result, we have informed the Company that we will not meet face to face and will use the week of July 25th to meet internally.

We will inform the membership of the next steps when they are finalized.

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,

IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all Union Bulletin Boards.

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

Negotiations Limp Along as Self-Imposed August 1st Deadline Approaches

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Negotiations Limp Along as Self-Imposed August 1st Deadline Approaches


24 June 2022

This week, IAM District 141 and United Airlines management continued negotiations in Chicago, IL. We continue to be frustrated with the pace of the talks. We are doubtful we will reach the mutually agreed upon, self-imposed deadline of August 1, 2022, to reach tentative agreements for approximately 25,000 IAM-represented workers at United Airlines.

This week’s talks focused on the many facets of Article 2 Job Security and LOA 9, Article 4 Hours of Service, Article 9, Investigations, Grievances and Arbitration, and the vital quality of work/life issues of mandatory overtime and outage relief. While we did make some marginal progress, we still do not have agreement from United management that our job security and scope of work will be at the very least equal to what we have presently. This is very concerning at this stage of the expedited negotiations process.

In other news, this past Wednesday, IAM District 142 announced tentative agreements with Alaska Airlines on a two-year contract extension, which provides industry-leading pay rates that range between 9-17 percent. The tentative agreements cover over 5,000 IAM-represented ramp, customer service, stores, and office and clerical employees. The top-of-scale wage rate is $34 per hour, and the starting rate is $18.50.

Click here to view the Alaska COPS TA.

Click here to view the Alaska Ramp TA.

IAM-represented United Airlines workers in similar classifications earn approximately 10 percent above that of Alaska Airlines workers at the top of the scale. This is due to United being over five times the size of Alaska Airlines. This is welcome news for our contract talks as a rising tide lifts all boats, and United Airlines is poised to report record-breaking revenue generation for the second quarter of 2022.

Make no mistake; if United Airlines management believes it can stick its head in the sand regarding what is currently happening and what has already been negotiated at other carriers, it is sorely mistaken. Our only goal for IAM members at United Airlines is the best contract in the airline industry in all areas.  

Negotiations will continue July 13-15 and the week of July 25.

In solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

United Negotiations Update: Job Security Talks Continue

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United Negotiations Update: Job Security Talks Continue


Contract negotiations continued this week in Chicago, IL. IAM and United negotiators focused exclusively on IAM members’ top priority, which is job security. We are cautiously optimistic we can reach agreement on key issues related to protecting our jobs. 

Our approach to this issue is multi-faceted and focused on protecting our work from outsourcing, ensuring that we grow when United grows, and protecting our jobs during economic downturns. 

These protections are necessary to achieve agreements on seven contracts covering over 25,000 IAM members at United. 

Negotiations resume the week of June 20th. 

In solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

United Contract Negotiations Update: Job Security Focus of This Weeks’ Talks

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United Contract Negotiations Update: Job Security Focus in This Week’s Talks 


27 May 2022

This week, IAM District 141 and United Airlines management continued contract talks in Chicago, IL. The IAM Negotiations Committee began the week by presenting United management negotiators with a comprehensive list of issues that must be resolved satisfactorily if an expedited deal is to be reached by the mutually agreed upon deadline of August 1, 2022.

The talks then focused on the issue of job security/scope of work, as the Union reminded the Company that no deal could be reached unless the memberships’ top priority of multi-faceted job security is addressed fully and to IAM members’ satisfaction.

In the contract survey and proposal process, IAM members clearly stated that job and work status security and scope of work are top priorities. United CEO Scott Kirby has continually said that IAM members at United deserve an industry-leading contract, which includes rock-solid scope of work, job and work status protections.

Negotiations will continue the week of June 6.

In solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down

United Negotiations Update: United Management Not Listening

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United Management Not Listening; No Progress Made


21 May 2022

IAM District 141 and United Airlines management this week continued expedited negotiations in Chicago. Unfortunately, no progress was made towards reaching the industry-best contract that IAM members at United Airlines deserve.

As we reported in our last negotiations update, United management was to present to the negotiations committee what it characterized as a “comprehensive proposal.” They presented their “comprehensive framework” and it fell wildly short of addressing IAM members’ priorities. Your negotiations committee let United management know that their “comprehensive framework” was wholly unacceptable.

IAM members at United Airlines indicated in our contract survey and proposal process that our top priority is job security/scope of work. Sadly, the only component of this top priority in which United was specific was management’s desire to claw back work that is now protected and outsource it. Clearly, United management is not listening. And, with the current state of inflation, United management thinks it’s acceptable for us to take a cut in our real wages.

United CEO Kirby has stated publicly that our carrier will generate record breaking revenue for the second quarter and it is crystal clear that the US airline industry is experiencing a strong recovery. Either United management has no respect for us and does not value our past sacrifices and our current contributions, or they have no desire to reach an agreement.

Negotiations will continue next week.    

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

The Largest Airline Workers Conference in the Country Wraps Up in Las Vegas.

The Largest Airline Workers Conference in the Country Wraps Up in Las Vegas.

The Largest Airline Workers Conference in the Country Wraps Up in Las Vegas.

2022 Committee Conference
5 May 2022

The IAMAW District 141 Committee Conference brings together hundreds of labor leaders in the airline industry.

The Conference comes as the Machinists Union negotiates the biggest contracts in commercial aviation; the seven agreements between United Airlines and its primary workforces. These include the carrier’s Ramp and Gate Agents, Storekeepers, Security Guards, and Instructors and follow historic union agreements at American, Hawaiian, and Spirit Airlines.

This year’s Conference also comes as the Union inches closer to achieving a historic vote at JetBlue.

Despite reporting a hefty first-quarter loss, United Airlines’ CEO Scott Kirby recently announced that he expects record-breaking revenue over the summer flying season, suggesting the Airline had overcome pandemic-era hardships.

“The demand environment is the strongest it’s been in my 30 years in the industry,” Kirby said. “We’re now seeing clear evidence that the second quarter will be an historic inflection point for our business.”

While reporting a loss of nearly $1.4 billion in the first quarter of 2022, Kirby said the Airline expected 17% more revenue over the same period in 2019. He told investors that he expects the tidy profit for the Airline to come about even amid higher fuel prices.

Making sure that the women and men that actually do the work at United are not forgotten in all the rosy predictions is the Machinists Union.

“We made the airline successful,” said the Unions District President, Mike Klemm. “We did that. Managers didn’t do it. Company executives didn’t push back planes or load passengers onto flights,” he said. “They didn’t check a single bag. We did that.”

“Those profits are ours. We created them, and we deserve to benefit from them.”

The Union’s General Vice President, Richard Johnsen, who also spoke at the event, underscored the sentiments. “I’m not just talking when I say that we are the reason that these companies are successful. The employees are literally the reason. There’s only a United Airlines today because we made it. Because we sacrificed,” he said. “United Airlines employees in this room gave up wages that they needed for their families so that United Airlines could still have a company after 9/11.”

“I don’t say that off the cuff. We kept United Airines in business after 9/11, and now, today, we have a pandemic that we had to fight through. It was our Union, the Machinsts Union that kept United Airlines alive once again. It was our International President Bob Martinez and our Legislative Department, that lobbied hard for Payroll Support. That legislation kept us employed, covered our house notes and electric bills, and prevented any one of us from getting laid off or furloghed,” he reminded the assembled union leaders. “United is what it is, because we are who we are,” he said. 

Johnsen was recently named General Vice President for the Airline Territory, a development that he called “deeply humbling.” 

Also speaking was Airline Coordinator Tom Regan, who is also involved in negotiations with United. “United has committed to negotiating an industry-leading contract with us,” he said. “We intend to hold them to their word on that.”

While the ongoing negotiations at United were a major focus of the Conference, the assembly also discussed a wide range of issues. Among these was the Union’s use of safety cards at Hawaiian Airlines, which use a QR code to quickly link workers at the carrier to online safety reporting tools. Delegates also covered modernizing communications and the potential dangers of social media.

The continuing campaign to organize the Ground Operations workers at JetBlue was another hot topic for attendees.

“You might have noticed that there are no members of our Organizing Department here,” President Klemm said at one point during the Conference. “That’s because they’re working with JetBlue Crewmembers at this very second,” he said. “That’s how focused we are on getting these guys the Union representation they deserve,” he said.


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