“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

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United is placing the biggest new aircraft order in its history, a total of 200 MAX jets from Boeing plus 70 aircraft from Airbus, and will hire 25,000 new employees in the next 5 years to support that investment in their fleet.

Read the Official Announcement

25,000 New Hires, 500 New Planes.

“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

United’s CEO went on a media blitz this week with bullish news on how he wants to direct the airline post-pandemic.  

Scott Kirby began his day on Tuesday with early morning interviews on CNBC and other news outlets, before he joined members of his executive suite at Hangar 54 at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey for twin live presentations. The first event was reserved for VIPs and media, while the second had an in-person audience of United employees and was also live-streamed on the airline’s intranet. Admission to both events was by invitation only.  

As the temperature in Newark hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit at noon, Kirby shed his suit jacket to share the good news: United is placing the biggest new aircraft order in its history, a total of 200 MAX jets from Boeing plus 70 aircraft from Airbus, and will hire 25,000 new employees in the next 5 years to support that investment in their fleet. The news was welcomed by representatives of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers at both United and Boeing. The IAM represents 28,000 airport and call center workers at United, the largest group of unionized workers at the carrier. The union also has 30,000 members at the Boeing Renton, Washington facility where the MAX aircraft are made.  

Assistant General Chairs Mitch Buckley and Erik Stenberg represented District 141 at the events. Buckley joined representatives from 4 labor unions on the stage during the live stream where Kirby thanked them for the important role organized labor played in the airline’s quick return to profitability as the country rises from the coronavirus pandemic. After losing $7 million last year, Kirby announced separately on Monday he expects the company to show a pre-tax earnings profit in July 2021. 

Kirby praised the decisions of his team, specifically that of grounding fewer aircraft than other major carriers in the Spring of 2020, which facilitated the return to flying to fit demand when markets opened and customers returned when vaccines became widely available this year. All labor unions at United lobbied Congress and got $54 billion in federal payroll support for US airlines in exchange for keeping workers employed and receiving benefits such as health insurance during the pandemic. Throughout 2020, thousands of airline workers also accepted early retirement packages or took voluntary leaves of absence, saving companies millions in payroll.

Jon Roitman, United’s Chief Operating Officer, wore a safety vest as he answered a question about the job security of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements when the Payroll Support Program expires in September. “It remains to be seen,” said Roitman, pointing out that the airline is still “reconciling” what resources would be needed, and their timing.

District 141 stood firm and defended every clause in our contracts during the worst crisis in the history of commercial aviation, and sued United in federal court to stop the involuntary downgrade of thousands of workers to part-time status. Every IAM member at United enjoys peace of mind knowing their livelihood will be protected by a legally binding contract even after the expiration of the Payroll Support Program. 

The positive news set the stage for a successful post-pandemic United, which made District 141 members and leadership look to brighter days ahead. AGC Mitch Buckley said, “This is very exciting, especially for our members at EWR,” pointing out how the “United Next” plan calls for significant growth in that hub city. For AGC and District 141 Safety Chair Erik Stenberg, the most important part of the plan is how “Our members will have great opportunities at United Airlines.” 

Carmelo Benedicto, a United Lead Ramp Services Agent at EWR who is an active member and Organizer at Local 914 said, “It will be great to go into negotiations with a company that’s not broke.”  

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

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The Machinists and Aerospace Union was instrumental in bringing United Airlines back to JFK. Local 1322 Committee Chair Ivan Miranda talks about the return to the airport, and how a Ramp Lead negotiated recall rights at the New York / New Jersey point station.

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

Few guests of the 141 Report have been as happy as Local 1322 Committee Chair Ivan Miranda. He talks with Dave about the return of IAM members at United to John F. Kennedy Airport after a five-year absence.

A 24-year veteran of Continental Cargo and United Airlines, Ivan describes “the joy to be home” that 50 IAM members feel since their return to their jobs at JFK Airport in Queens, New York. In the fall of 2015, they were forced to transfer to other area airports when United consolidated flights and closed JFK, a decision the airline now calls “a mistake.” 

There was no mistake in the contract language that protected the recall rights of every IAM member who wished to return to JFK. Ivan says that in the last 2 months, the homecomings keep everyone “happy to come to work.”

Last week, they welcomed one of their own, former JFK Ramp Services Lead Agent Mike Klemm, who now serves as District 141 President and Directing General Chair. Ivan credited Klemm, “the big man behind the scenes,” and District 141 negotiators who ensured that JFK retained recall rights in the New York/New Jersey “point” in every contract with United. These contractual protections made possible a smooth transition for workers when faced with the ever-changing nature of the airline business, and their return to the jobs they held close to home as circumstances changed. 

District 141 Assistant General Chair Mike Cyscon accompanied Klemm on the station visit. Cyscon has been working with Ivan and 4 newly appointed Shop Stewards at JFK to make sure they have the resources and support they need. One of the most experienced AGCs in District 141, Ivan described Cyscon as “a good mentor” who “always has my back.”

United is currently operating 8 daily flights from 2 gates in Terminal 7, but Ivan expects those numbers to increase. He is looking forward to welcoming more transfers and returning Machinists Union members to join him at JFK in the big comeback for the airline and the entire New York region post COVID.

Most importantly, he says: “We’re home!” 

United Airlines Negotiations Update

United Airlines Negotiations Update


IAM District 141, United Airlines Agree to Expedited Contract Talks

2 July 2023

IAM District 141 and United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and agreed to enter into an expedited collective bargaining process that, if successful, would lead to seven new contracts covering approximately 23,000 IAM- represented workers at the carrier.

The expedited process, which was utilized in 2016 and led to industry-leading contracts for IAM-represented workers at United at the time, is structured to narrow the scope of issues to be negotiated, based on membership priorities. The goal is to reach industry-best contracts in a condensed period of time. In 2016, the expedited negotiations process took only five months, compared to the industry average of about 15 months. Traditional negotiations between the IAM and United have historically exceeded the 15-month industry average.

“District 141 is pleased to report that all priorities identified in the recent survey by IAM-represented workers at United are on the list to be negotiated with the Company,” said IAM District 141 President and Directing General Chairman Mike Klemm. “We are excited to get this process going and bring back the improvements that IAM members at United Airlines fully deserve. IAM members at United continue to answer the bell, day in and day out, to ensure that United Airlines remains atop the airline during the most difficult and uncertain times the US aviation industry has ever known. Simply put, IAM-represented workers at United Airlines deserve to be compensated as the industry’s best.”

Both IAM District 141 and United Airlines reserve the right to terminate the expedited contract negotiations process and enter traditional collective bargaining under what is known as Section Six of the Railway Labor Act, the federal law that governs contract negotiations in the airline and railroad sectors.

The two sides are in the process of scheduling future negotiations dates and the membership will be advised of those dates when they are finalized.


Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141 

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines announced a plan to reduce the carrier’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050. In a statement released earlier this week, CEO Scott Kirby said that the program would combine several strategies to reduce the airline’s carbon footprint, including partnering with other major companies and purchasing mass quantities of renewable fuels.

Air transportation makes up more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Working with the airline, more than a dozen leading global corporations will collectively contribute towards the purchase of approximately 3.4 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) this year. With its nearly 80% emissions reductions on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel, this is enough SAF to eliminate approximately 31,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions or enough to fly passengers over 220 million miles.

United has made the airline industry’s single most significant investment in SAF and has purchased more SAF than any other airline in the world. World Energy, a long-term partner of United, will supply the SAF to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which makes it conveniently accessible to United’s operations.

United has a track record of promoting eco-friendly practices. In 2017 the airline was ranked #1 among global carriers in Newsweek’s2017 Global 500 Green Rankings, one of the most recognized environmental performance assessments of the world’s largest publicly traded companies. In 2016, United was the first major airline to regularly use biofuels and invested more than $40 million towards developing sustainable jet fuel sources. Additionally, United has invested millions in purchasing electric ground service equipment and other vehicles. 

The Machinists and Aerospace Union has been a leading voice in calling for greener, more sustainable aviation, including the greater use of eco-friendly fuels. Efforts by the union also include upgrading and better managing the life cycles of aircraft. 

Learn more about how the Machinists & Aerospace Union has promoted a more eco-friendly aviation sector HERE>



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Machinists & Aerospace Union IP Martinez Leads Call for Airline Worker Relief With Schumer

Machinists & Aerospace Union IP Martinez Leads Call for Airline Worker Relief With Schumer

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Machinists & Aerospace Union IP Martinez Leads Call for Airline Worker Relief With Schumer

Airline workers are grateful for the extension of a relief program that brought thousands of frontline aviation workers back on the job, IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. said on a virtual call with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). The IAM is North America’s largest airline union.

Martinez led the call of IAM airline workers with Schumer, along with Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja and District 141 President and Directing Chair Mike Klemm.

“Without this much needed relief, our airline membership faced dire economic consequences,” said Martinez. “Many didn’t know how they were going to pay their mortgage or rent and put food on the table.”

The airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) expired in September 2020, but was extended in December through March 31, 2021. The relief program is keeping hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers on the job as the industry reeled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“My family was nowhere and got places because of the union movement,” said Schumer. “Here’s an example of why people need unions. If there was no Machinists Union, we wouldn’t have had this bill.”

At the IAM’s urging, and with the support of Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the relief program went directly to workers, not airline CEOs and executives.

“Although the four month extension of the PSP is not enough, it will still keep us from total disaster until a real recovery plan can be put in place,” said Martinez. “You have my word, the Machinists Union is totally committed to fighting for a recovery package that will lift up all workers and meet the demand of a vaccine distribution and full economic recovery.”

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Small & Mighty Local Lodge 141

Small & Mighty Local Lodge 141

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This week, we visit with Tiffany Lopez, the President of Local Lodge 141, in Dearborn Michigan. Tiffany helps represent United Airlines Reservations Agents and Southwest Airlines Airport Customer Service Agents.

Small & Mighty Local Lodge 141

This week we are in the heartland, speaking with Tiffany Lopez, President of IAM Local 141 in Dearborn, Michigan. Local 141 is an amalgamated Air Transport Lodge that represents United Airlines Reservations Agents and Southwest Airlines Airport Customer Service Agents.

Sister Tiffany is a 22-year veteran at United who became a Shop Steward shortly after joining the IAM in the year 2000. She expanded on her work as a union activist when she became the chair of the Community Service Committee, later serving as Recording Secretary. She has served as president of the 200-member local for 3 years. 

Members of the small but mighty Local Lodge 141 are active in community service activities in the Dearborn and Detroit areas and hold regular training sessions to stay engaged and up to date. Local 141 also has a very active Organizing Committee led by Vice President Jeff Toms and an effective Grievance Committee led by Andrea Myers, who also serves as Vice President of District 141.