IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm on the Stimulus Package: “Help is on the Way.”

IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm on the Stimulus Package: “Help is on the Way.”

Sisters and Brothers,

Working almost around the clock since Monday, the leadership of the House of Representatives and the US Senate engaged in negotiations to produce a historic $2 trillion stimulus bill that provides significant relief to our nation’s health care and transportation workers.

The Senate voted 96-0 last night to adopt the bi-partisan agreement, and it now moves to the House, where it will be introduced by Speaker Pelosi tomorrow and it is expected to pass.

Your actions since the beginning of this crisis, and your quick mobilization this week to contact elected officials in Washington made the difference for every working person in our country. Thanks to you, we are more certain of our future.


Once it becomes law, the CARE Act will secure the airline industry and our jobs for the next 6 months as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and will provide loan guarantees to rebuild our nation’s aviation infrastructure for the long term.


Key highlights for airline relief include:


  • $25 Billion in grants to airlines for payroll assistance. Before Labor’s input, the bill only had a loan program. These grants are EXCLUSIVELY for the continuation of payment of employee wages, salaries and benefits. Before Labor’s input, this provision did not exist. 
  • No condition to open Collective Bargaining Agreements and enter concessionary  negotiations to receive grants or loans. Before Labor’s input, the Treasury Secretary had the power to impose unlimited conditions for receiving federal funds. Your calls helped us close this major loophole.                                                                                                                  
  • As a condition to receive federal grant funds, a carrier must refrain from conducting involuntary furloughs until September 30, 2020. Before Labor’s input, this important provision did not exist.
  • Prohibition on stock buybacks and dividend payments until September 30, 2021, and limits on executive compensation and “golden parachutes.” Neither of these requirements existed before our Labor negotiators insisted on them.

I also want to remind our Brothers and Sisters at American Airlines that the ratification vote for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement will close tonight at 8:00 Eastern Standard Time. You can find information at the Association Website if you have questions or are having difficulty voting. Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard.

Thank you again for your dedication and professionalism. In these most difficult circumstances, you are showing up every day to get our customers where they need to go. We are not out of the woods yet, by a long shot, but if we continue to speak up, show up, and take care of ourselves and each other, we will overcome this crisis.

Please make sure you take time to unwind, and try to get enough rest. Our EAP Representatives are always available at https://iam141.org/employee-assistance-program/

In Solidarity, 

Mike Klemm,
President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


Federal Aid Package to Airlines Has a Gaping Hole and Needs to Be Fixed NOW

Federal Aid Package to Airlines Has a Gaping Hole and Needs to Be Fixed NOW

The federal aid package presented by the Senate, which is expected to be voted on shortly contains a huge problem that could affect every airline worker in the United States. The proposed legislation currently has NO protection against opening up existing collective bargaining agreements if an airline seeks a loan or loan guarantee.

A self-proclaimed labor leader is spiking the ball, claiming victory and credit, but obviously DOES NOT understand what’s missing in the legislation that she is taking credit for.

The text of the bill states, “A loan, loan guarantee, or other investment by the Secretary shall be made under this section in such form and on such terms and conditions and contain such covenants, representations, warranties, and requirements (including requirements for audits) as the Secretary determines appropriate.”

“This means the Secretary of the Treasury could demand that contracts be renegotiated and concessions made before loans, loan guarantees or investments are made. This is exactly what we were working to avoid. This needs to be fixed now or it could result in airline workers taking steep concessions.

Please contact your elected officials and ask them to ensure that the loan component of the federal aid package has the same language as the grant component of the package. You may contact your representative HERE, courtesy of Democracy.io.

We must act now to clean up the mess made by other so-called labor leaders.

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Association Update: JCBA Voter Guide

Association Update: JCBA Voter Guide


March 23, 2020

As we move closer to the ratification vote for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements with American Airlines, we wanted to provide the members with a sample of the information that will be provided over the next few days via US Mail or by AA Company email.

In the unlikely event a member does not receive the voter information by US Mail or AA Company email, the following phone numbers will be available for a replacement PIN. A replacement PIN can only be provided to a member if the original PIN has not already been used to cast their vote.  Once a replacement has been issued, the original PIN will be inactive.

TWU Fleet                  520-991-9670

IAM Fleet                   800-396-8481

TWU MLS and M&R 817-938-8787

IAM MLS and M&R  727-415-6628

Only the above phone numbers should be used for a replacement pin, if necessary, and will be available from 9:30am to 7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, March 26.

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IAMAW District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Calls for Immediate Action to Save Airline Jobs

IAMAW District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Calls for Immediate Action to Save Airline Jobs

IAMAW District 141 /////

Sisters and Brothers,

In recent weeks, many of you have contacted your local union representatives, Assistant General Chairpersons or me directly to express your fears of possible pay cuts, furloughs or the likelihood of your carrier going bankrupt or completely out of business. You have good reasons to be concerned.

The airline industry is facing an existential threat from a global pandemic. The spread of the Coronavirus across continents has resulted in a decrease in demand for air travel by two-thirds worldwide, with at least one airline going out of business. For over two months, airline workers have worked on the front lines of the crisis, and you have adapted to reductions in flight schedules, last-minute policy changes, and have worried about how to best protect your personal health and safety. The worst part is the unease that comes from not seeing a clear end to this crisis.

As airlines announce more cuts in service, IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja said today that “US carriers are contemplating further capacity cuts or shutting down operations altogether, which only a month ago was unimaginable.”

The President of the United States and members of Congress are discussing how they can best help the airline industry, which is the backbone of our nation’s economy. There are several ideas being considered, and we support any action that helps workers quickly and directly. As workers, we need to unite and say with a clear and strong voice that the need is great and immediate.

I urge you to call your representatives today at 202-224-3121 and ask them to take any action necessary to save our airline jobs.

Click here to send a message to your Federal Representatives:

Please act today to protect your job and those of thousands of airline workers and millions more who depend on our industry for their livelihoods. Many of you are applying for voluntary leaves and reductions in schedules, which shows how committed we are to get through this crisis together. I ask that we work with our elected officials to make sure no one gets left behind.

Thank you for your activism and solidarity.



Mike Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


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URGENT: Tell Congress to Save Airline Jobs

URGENT: Tell Congress to Save Airline Jobs

IAMAW Transportation Territory ///

Dear Sisters and Brothers, 

In response to the unprecedented destruction of demand for air travel due to COVID-19, US airlines are considering draconian measures to combat the novel coronavirus pandemic. US airlines have slashed capacity by up to 65 percent worldwide due to a drastic decrease in demand for air travel caused by COVID-19 and are mulling a complete shutdown.

US airlines have seen sharp declines in revenue caused by decreased demand. Carriers are bleeding and US airlines could be out of cash by the end of May.



“US carriers are contemplating further capacity cuts or shutting down operations altogether, which only a month ago was unimaginable,” said IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “I call on Congress to act now and help the US airline industry and its employees survive this crisis. We need every airline worker to contact their elected officials today and demand the same.”

Currently, US Lawmakers are considering whether or not to provide emergency financial help for airlines, worth billions of dollars. This help is urgently needed. As union members, we need to act fast to protect our industry and make sure that lawmakers take immediate action. 

Here’s how you can help now:

1) Call your members of Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to take any action necessary to save our airline jobs.


“This is the worst crisis ever seen in the airline industry, by far,” continued Pantoja. “We need immediate action. Hundreds of thousands of good middle-class jobs are at risk, as are our nation’s airlines through no fault of their making. Every airline industry job is in imminent jeopardy. Do not wait. Contact your representatives immediately to save our industry and our jobs.”

All IAM members must act today and call their elected representatives and demand action be taken to save hundreds of thousands of US airline jobs.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (District 141) Legislative Department works to keep lawmakers and public decision-makers informed about the things that are important to aerospace and airline workers. You can become a supporting member of the IAM141 MNPL by signing up for recurring donations of any amount today. Every dollar helps.

District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Responds to United Statement Re: COVID-19

District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Responds to United Statement Re: COVID-19

Dear United Member,

 I’m sure by now most of you have had a chance to read the communication put out by Oscar Munoz and Scott Kirby last night. I want to start off by commending both men and their teams for keeping the IAM completely informed with the dire financial outlook of, not only United Airlines, but the airline industry in general. They have made it clear that their number one goal is to do everything possible to limit the impact on United’s workforce, which includes approximately 28,000 IAM members. With that said, it’s important you know the financial situation is significantly worse than the days and weeks following 9/11.

 Oscar and Scott stated that March is typically United’s busiest month of the year. But this year, in just the first two weeks of March, one million fewer customers have boarded United aircraft compared to March, 2019. United is also currently projecting that revenue in March will be $1.5 billion lower than last March, and the months ahead look grim as well.

 I want to share something with you. When Oscar and I came into our respective positions, weeks apart in 2015, he approached the Union and committed to do right by IAM members. He expressed his desire to enter negotiations early to improve the wages of IAM members at United.

 Our response was, “wages are important but more critical than money is that IAM members’ work is protected. We need real job security and to not worry which station was next to be outsourced.” He heard us, understood IAM members’ needs and he and his team negotiated in good faith. We were able to gain the security IAM members so very much deserve. Oscar’s word was good and I am grateful for that.

 The IAM’s current relationship with Oscar Munoz and Scott Kirby is solid and there exists a level of trust between both parties that we value. It is because of this relationship that the IAM will have input on any decisions that are made that will impact IAM members at United.

 I want to emphasize that the IAM’s ONLY priority is to protect IAM members’ interests during this very uncertain time.

 As more information becomes available, I will relay that to you.

 God bless, stay safe and protect yourselves and your families by following the CDC guidelines.


Sincerely and Fraternally,



Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141



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