Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Aloha Sisters and Brothers of Hawaiian Airlines,

In April, we informed you that we would begin meeting with Hawaiian Airlines to continue limited issue, expedited negotiations. We have made good on that promise, and are working on a contract that will recognize and honor the work you do, and the value that you deliver to this company. 

Your committees have already made encouraging progress on many priority items. However, there are still a few issues that require more work. These issues include economics, benefits, job security, and scope.

To resolve these remaining issues, we are planning a high-level executive meeting between the IAMAW and Hawaiian Airlines in Las Vegas, scheduled for the week of July 19, 2021. We are hopeful that we can come to an agreement on the remaining items and deliver a final Tentative Agreement to you.

In closing, thank you for your support and solidarity. Together, we can secure a great contract on your behalf and avoid the need to enter into Section Six negotiations.

In Solidarity,


President & Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

David Supplee,

President & Directing General Chair,
District 142,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

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Here’s How JetBlue Ground Ops Can Get Pay, Benefits, Positions Back

Here’s How JetBlue Ground Ops Can Get Pay, Benefits, Positions Back

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Here’s How JetBlue Ground Ops Can Get Pay, Benefits, Positions Back

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There’s no substitute for full union rights and collective bargaining when company executives try to cut pay, jobs, and positions.

But, that doesn’t mean non-union workers are completely helpless. They can still organize. And, when workers organize, companies take them seriously.

This spring, JetBlue announced plans to enact pay and benefit freezes that will hit more than half of the 2,500 workers targeted by the airline. The carrier also announced that it would eliminate hundreds of lead and training positions just after Christmas. However, JetBlue Ground Ops Crewmembers can use classic union negotiating tactics to get them back. Even though they are non-union right now.

The changes come during an unprecedented surge in demand for air travel and while most airlines, including JetBlue, are aggressively working to attract new hires.

The exact level of cuts is unclear since JetBlue is not making public exactly how much money it hopes to take from employees. But, according to Frank Giannola, District Director of Membership Services at the IAMAW, the losses will be painful and come as many front-line workers are already struggling.

“These cutbacks will take millions of dollars worth of wages and advancement opportunities away from JetBlue Crewmembers,” Giannola said. “These guys are breaking their backs right now, dealing with passenger loads that are every bit as high as they were in 2019,” he said.

“They’ve already lost parental leave – during a pandemic,” Giannola said. “Now they’re going to lose all the future income that they would have made as leads. Promised raises did not come in, and I can’t imagine the company will want to restore the pay that was lost while raises have been frozen.” 

JetBlue also announced that “non-union” employees would be “safe” from furloughs until September 2021. 

However, laying off non-union, non-contracted workers is unnecessary since JetBlue can simply fire these employees whenever they want. In addition, merely firing extra employees allows the company to bring in fresh new hires later, at lower wages and without back pay or administrative and retraining costs.  So, it’s no surprise that JetBlue won’t spend the extra time and money on non-union layoffs when non-union terminations are so much cheaper and easier. 

While the chances of restoring these losses may look bleak for non-union employees, Giannola says not to count Crewmembers out too early. “I’ve known JetBlue Crewmembers for years,” Giannola says. “These guys have a lot more fight in them.” 

Giannola says there are options for Ground Operations Crewmembers who want to get their pay, parental leave, and lead and training positions restored. “They can absolutely get these things back,” Giannola said. 

Step one is allowing the company to see that there’s a renewed interest in authorizing a union vote over these pay and position cuts, Giannola said. “As union members, it would be impossible to cut pay, positions, and benefits in the first place,” he said. And reversing the losses would be sure to be a significant focus during union negotiations. 

Electing a union, getting a contract negotiated, and having it ratified might be the perfect long-term solution, but Giannola stressed that near-term victories are possible. The very act of talking about cuts in the context of union organizing should be taken as a negotiating tactic in and of itself.  

“These executives are desperate to avoid having more union employees,” he said. “If they have to choose between parental leave and a few dollars an hour in pay, I know exactly what they’d choose,” he said. “If they see Crewmembers authorizing a union vote over these issues, they might just make these issues go away.”

Giannola explained that a classic union-busting move is to willingly increase pay and benefits in an attempt to take the heat out of union organizing efforts. Thus, JetBlue could very well reverse the cuts if they think that doing so might slow down a union drive.

“We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way,” he said. 

JetBlue Ground Operations Crewmembers can have a union authorization card mailed to them by texting their name and mailing address to (954) 298-9138 or by visiting IAMJetBlue.com


Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

141 Report: GSAP Rollout at American, PA State Council Conference

141 Report: GSAP Rollout at American, PA State Council Conference

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Obie O’Brien (left) and Rich Howell (on right) with Congressman Connor Lamb (D-PA, 17th Dist.) Obie is the President of the Pennsylvania State Council of Machinists, and Rich is the Vice President. 

141 Report: GSAP Rollout at American, PA State Council Conference

Safety First. The culture of working safely drives everything we do as a union. Dave Lehive welcomes back Dennis Spencer, District 141 Safety Coordinator at American Airlines to update us about the rollout of the GSAP safety reporting system at American. 

Asia McClain, a GSAP Advocate from Local 561 in Kansas City, Missouri, joins the conversation to share her views on how the implementation of this important safety program is going and how it has improved safety at her station. 

Front-line workers have filed over 100 GSAP reports since the program began at American on March 29, 2021. There are 100 safety advocates from the IAM/TWU Association throughout the American Airlines network who have received training on GSAP protocols. Dennis is still recruiting advocates and conducting training sessions to make sure there is a trained GSAP advocate at every airport. Asia praised the program as an opportunity for workers to voice safety concerns and how it prevents managers from “shutting you down and not listening.” 

Having the FAA and neutral parties reviewing problems at ERC meetings has already improved the safety culture at Kansas City, and both guests agreed that while there’s a lot of work to do, GSAP will improve the safety culture for all members of The Association. “Members need to be informed about this program because it gives them a voice. Problems are looked at from every perspective,” said Asia. 

“No more sweeping things under the rug.” 

To learn more about GSAP or to file a report, go to https://www.unionsafe141.org/

In the second part of the video, Dave reports on the in-person gathering of delegates of the Pennsylvania State Council of Machinists for their conference in York this week. They welcomed John Fetterman, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Attorney General who spoke about voting rights, and several members of the Pennsylvania congressional delegation, who participated both in-person and virtually. 

Hasan Solomon, IAMAW National Legislative Director, spoke at the conference about the ongoing fight to protect labor rights and the importance of passing the PRO Act, the most important labor reform legislation in a generation. In his signature style, Brother Solomon reminded everyone that “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

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The Machinists and Aerospace Union was instrumental in bringing United Airlines back to JFK. Local 1322 Committee Chair Ivan Miranda talks about the return to the airport, and how a Ramp Lead negotiated recall rights at the New York / New Jersey point station.

141 Report: Happy Homecoming at JFK

Few guests of the 141 Report have been as happy as Local 1322 Committee Chair Ivan Miranda. He talks with Dave about the return of IAM members at United to John F. Kennedy Airport after a five-year absence.

A 24-year veteran of Continental Cargo and United Airlines, Ivan describes “the joy to be home” that 50 IAM members feel since their return to their jobs at JFK Airport in Queens, New York. In the fall of 2015, they were forced to transfer to other area airports when United consolidated flights and closed JFK, a decision the airline now calls “a mistake.” 

There was no mistake in the contract language that protected the recall rights of every IAM member who wished to return to JFK. Ivan says that in the last 2 months, the homecomings keep everyone “happy to come to work.”

Last week, they welcomed one of their own, former JFK Ramp Services Lead Agent Mike Klemm, who now serves as District 141 President and Directing General Chair. Ivan credited Klemm, “the big man behind the scenes,” and District 141 negotiators who ensured that JFK retained recall rights in the New York/New Jersey “point” in every contract with United. These contractual protections made possible a smooth transition for workers when faced with the ever-changing nature of the airline business, and their return to the jobs they held close to home as circumstances changed. 

District 141 Assistant General Chair Mike Cyscon accompanied Klemm on the station visit. Cyscon has been working with Ivan and 4 newly appointed Shop Stewards at JFK to make sure they have the resources and support they need. One of the most experienced AGCs in District 141, Ivan described Cyscon as “a good mentor” who “always has my back.”

United is currently operating 8 daily flights from 2 gates in Terminal 7, but Ivan expects those numbers to increase. He is looking forward to welcoming more transfers and returning Machinists Union members to join him at JFK in the big comeback for the airline and the entire New York region post COVID.

Most importantly, he says: “We’re home!” 

United Airlines Negotiations Update

United Airlines Negotiations Update


IAM District 141, United Airlines Agree to Expedited Contract Talks

2 July 2023

IAM District 141 and United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and agreed to enter into an expedited collective bargaining process that, if successful, would lead to seven new contracts covering approximately 23,000 IAM- represented workers at the carrier.

The expedited process, which was utilized in 2016 and led to industry-leading contracts for IAM-represented workers at United at the time, is structured to narrow the scope of issues to be negotiated, based on membership priorities. The goal is to reach industry-best contracts in a condensed period of time. In 2016, the expedited negotiations process took only five months, compared to the industry average of about 15 months. Traditional negotiations between the IAM and United have historically exceeded the 15-month industry average.

“District 141 is pleased to report that all priorities identified in the recent survey by IAM-represented workers at United are on the list to be negotiated with the Company,” said IAM District 141 President and Directing General Chairman Mike Klemm. “We are excited to get this process going and bring back the improvements that IAM members at United Airlines fully deserve. IAM members at United continue to answer the bell, day in and day out, to ensure that United Airlines remains atop the airline during the most difficult and uncertain times the US aviation industry has ever known. Simply put, IAM-represented workers at United Airlines deserve to be compensated as the industry’s best.”

Both IAM District 141 and United Airlines reserve the right to terminate the expedited contract negotiations process and enter traditional collective bargaining under what is known as Section Six of the Railway Labor Act, the federal law that governs contract negotiations in the airline and railroad sectors.

The two sides are in the process of scheduling future negotiations dates and the membership will be advised of those dates when they are finalized.


Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141 

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

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United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines announced a plan to reduce the carrier’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050. In a statement released earlier this week, CEO Scott Kirby said that the program would combine several strategies to reduce the airline’s carbon footprint, including partnering with other major companies and purchasing mass quantities of renewable fuels.

Air transportation makes up more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Working with the airline, more than a dozen leading global corporations will collectively contribute towards the purchase of approximately 3.4 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) this year. With its nearly 80% emissions reductions on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel, this is enough SAF to eliminate approximately 31,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions or enough to fly passengers over 220 million miles.

United has made the airline industry’s single most significant investment in SAF and has purchased more SAF than any other airline in the world. World Energy, a long-term partner of United, will supply the SAF to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which makes it conveniently accessible to United’s operations.

United has a track record of promoting eco-friendly practices. In 2017 the airline was ranked #1 among global carriers in Newsweek’s2017 Global 500 Green Rankings, one of the most recognized environmental performance assessments of the world’s largest publicly traded companies. In 2016, United was the first major airline to regularly use biofuels and invested more than $40 million towards developing sustainable jet fuel sources. Additionally, United has invested millions in purchasing electric ground service equipment and other vehicles. 

The Machinists and Aerospace Union has been a leading voice in calling for greener, more sustainable aviation, including the greater use of eco-friendly fuels. Efforts by the union also include upgrading and better managing the life cycles of aircraft. 

Learn more about how the Machinists & Aerospace Union has promoted a more eco-friendly aviation sector HERE>



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