Hilton Rosemont, Chicago O’Hare
2020 District Lodge 141 Local Committee Chairperson’s Conference – Event Cancelled
I hope you are all keeping well under these very difficult circumstances. As you are aware District 141 Committee Conference was scheduled to be held in early May here in Chicago. In light of the unprecedented events surrounding our industry, our members and our communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic we requested and were granted dispensation from our General Vice President to cancel this year’s conference.
We always look forward to having all our committee people and chairpersons together every year but know you will understand the difficult decision that was made.
All registrations and donations that were made via Eventbrite will be refunded back to the individuals and the Hilton Rosemont advised me that as soon as they release the space then all room reservations will be canceled and all monies paid in the form of deposits etc will be refunded. (This may have already happened)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. On behalf of Mike and the entire Executive Board, thank you and please be safe.
Ann Clifford
Assistant to the President & Directing General Chairman- Michael Klemm
Director of Meetings & Events
IAMAW, District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Office:847-640-2222 ex 119
Cell: 650-554-1024
Fax: 800-630-2640
2020 District Lodge 141 Airline Worker’s Convention
Cancellation Expected
IAMAW District 141 Events & News

Machinists Union: Defending Workers’ Rights is the Top Priority in JetBlue-Spirit Tie-Up
Machinists Union Says Defending Workers’ Rights is the Top Priority in JetBlue-Spirit Tie-UpOrganizing8 July 2022JetBlue Airways and Spirit Airlines this morning announced that the two airlines plan to merge to create the nation’s fifth largest carrier. Spirit...

Spirit / JetBlue Merger Statement
Spirit / JetBlue Merger Statement28 July 2022 To our Sisters and Brothers of Spirit Airlines, This morning, JetBlue Airways and Spirit Airlines announced plans to merge to create the nation's fifth largest carrier. Spirit Airlines shareholders yesterday rejected...

“CONTRACT NOW!” Union Solidarity Actions Around the Nation As Talks Stall
CONTRACT NOW!: Machinists Union Members at Sister San Francisco Local Lodges 1781 and 1782 Member Appreciation Solidarity Day pose with Contract Now! signs. Talks with United Airlines have stalled over the issue of job security, according to union negotiators. In...

Machinists Advocate for Middle-Class Jobs, Trade Adjustment Assistance at Global Supply Chain Forum
Machinists Advocate for Middle-Class Jobs, Trade Adjustment Assistance at Global Supply Chain ForumLegislative Goals25 July 2022Since late 2021, the economy has suffered debilitating setbacks primarily due to wrinkles in the global supply chain. As a result, President...

Message from JetBlue Organizers: Personal Time Has Value
Remember who you're really working for: Managers think that our jobs should be the most important things in our lives and that everything else should come second. They think that we should put aside things like family, building memories, and just doing nothing at all...

United Airlines Negotiations Update: Contract Negotiations Break Down
IAM141, United Airlines Contract Negotiations Break Down18 July 2022 IAM District 141 and United Airlines management met briefly last week in Chicago, IL, to review United management's "comprehensive" job security proposal. According to the Company, its proposal was...

United CSRs in California: Important Information Re: MAP Devices
ATTENTION All California CSR's: Important Information Re: MAP DevicesDistrict Lodge 141, along with Local Lodge 1782, addressed the MAP Device Protection Program. United attempted to implement a policy that seems to require that United Airlines' workers who have been...

Letter from JetBlue Crewmembers: JetBlue Outsourcing at LGA and BOS – What’s Next?
Primeflight supervisor working in LGA bagroom, June 11 2022. JetBlue is moving it's assets in LGA to Terminal B in preparation for it's 'de-facto merger' with American Airlines. JetBlue is also seeking to merge with Spirit Airlines in a hostile takeover. JetBlue, as...

July Helping Hands: Cultural Awareness
EAP Peer Volunteers: For July we address Cultural Awareness. Culture is defined, and why being culturally aware is important and how to develop cultural awareness are covered. All of us can benefit by increasing our knowledge of other cultures, their practices, and...

IAM Awards Scholarships at Aviation High School Graduation
IAM Awards Scholarships at Aviation High School GraduationService to the Community11 July 2022Aviation High School recently held its annual graduation ceremony, the first in-person event since the pandemic. 480 students received their high school diploma, with many...
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