Tentative Agreements at AA Released

Tentative Agreements at AA Released

March 11, 2020

Association Concludes JCBA Review

TWU-IAM Association representatives have concluded reviewing the final JCBA documents and have authorized the company to print and mail full-text contracts to all members. Each member will receive the contract pertaining to your classification. Also included in the mailing will be a letter from TWU-IAM Association Director Sito Pantoja and TWU-IAM Association Vice Director Alex Garcia.

Voting will take place on Thursday, March 26. Specific information regarding voting locations and times will soon be available on TWU local and IAM local and district websites along with the Association website.

For your consideration, please view the letter, full-text contracts and highlight booklets at http://www.twu-iam.org.


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The Right To Be Paid Overtime

You deserve to be paid fairly for your work, including overtime hours.

The federal Fair Labor Standards Act requires that employees, unless specifically exempted—such as managers, certain sales employees and professionals—must be paid overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a week. The overtime rate must be one-and-one-half times your normal rate of pay. The FLSA also prohibits the overtime requirement from being waived, even by agreement of the employer and employee. Or more simply put, it is illegal for your boss to force or intimidate you into giving up your overtime pay, although a recent Supreme Court decision limited this condition for government employees.

The law does not set any limits on the number of hours workers older than 16 years can work during a week.

The overtime law is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor. Your employer can be criminally charged for violating the overtime provisions of the FLSA, and it also is illegal for your employer to fire or discriminate against you for filing a complaint about an FLSA overtime violation.

There is a two-year statute of limitations on recovering back pay, unless the FLSA violation was deliberate and willful, in which case the statute of limitations is three years.

If you think you have been denied overtime pay, you can file a complaint with the nearest office of the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor. The complaint may be filed in person, by letter or by telephone, but it also must be made in writing. For information about various wage-and-hour and other workplace problems, visit the Interstate Labor Standards Association website.

Prepared by the AFL-CIO, www.aflcio.org/

Military Duty

With the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, more and more reservists are being called to active duty. Today, because of dramatic reduction of military personnel during the 1990s, nearly half of U.S. military Members are reservists, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. Some reservists may be on active duty for six months or longer and are unsure of their rights concerning their job and benefits.

The federal Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA) establishes the rights of reservists and the National Guard to return to work at the end of their service. The USERRA applies to all employers regardless of their size and protects those serving in the U.S. reserve forces of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and the National Guard.

While on active duty, employees must receive all benefits available to other employees on comparable leaves of absence. Employees also may use accrued vacation while on leave but cannot be forced to do so.

If you are a permanent employee, the USERRA requires employers to reinstate you to your former job after active duty or to a comparable position with the same status, seniority and pay. To be eligible for reinstatement, you must:

  • Give advance notice prior to leaving;
  • Be on active duty for less than five years (excluding certain service required by a declared war or national emergency);
  • Not be dishonorably discharged or separated under other than honorable conditions; and
  • Report back to work in a timely manner after discharge.

When you return to work, you are entitled to the same status, pay and benefits as you would have received had you not gone into active duty. If you cannot perform the job, your employer must use reasonable efforts, such as training, to enable you to upgrade or refresh your skills to become qualified for that position.

Although federal law guarantees reservists and the national guard their jobs, it does not require employers to continue to keep paying for health insurance. Some large companies keep paying the insurance for reservists and the National Guard, but many small companies do not. If you are a reservist or National Guard member who loses health care insurance, you can pay for health care insurance under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), which provides health coverage continuation rights to employees and their families after an event such as reduction in employment hours. If your military service is for 30 or fewer days, you and your family can continue coverage at the same cost as before your service. If military service is longer, you and your family may be required to pay as much as 102 percent of the full premium for coverage.

You also may pay for the care yourself or use Tricare, a Defense Department agency that provides insurance for Members of the military. However, only 40 percent of hospitals and 30 percent of doctors nationwide accept Tricare, according to the Defense Department.

Your employer cannot consider your time on active duty as a break in employment for pension benefit purposes, and your military service must be considered service with an employer for vesting and benefit purposes.

The law does not require employers to pay a worker on active duty, but many employers do pay the difference between a worker’s regular salary and his or her military pay.

A Federal employee who is a member of the National Guard or Reserves is entitled to 15 days (120 hours) of paid military leave under 5 U.S.C. 6323(a) each fiscal year for active duty, active duty training, or inactive duty training. An employee on military leave under section 6323(a) receives his or her full civilian salary, as well as military pay. This leave accrues at the beginning of each fiscal year, and all Guard or Reserve Members, including those on extended active duty, should be credited with 15 days of paid military leave on October 1 of each year.

You also can find more information on:

National Mental Health Association tip sheet for reservists returning home from active duty to their civilian jobs.
Benefits for reservists.
Re-employment rights of merchant seamen.
Reservists’ rights to health care.
Tax relief for civilian mariners.

Prepared by the AFL-CIO, www.aflcio.org

Local Lodge 1487 Celebrated their Annual Bowling Night to Benefit Guide Dogs of America

Members of Local Lodge 1487 in Chicago, IL celebrated their annual Bowling Night to benefit Guide Dogs of America. In addition to benefiting the IAM’s preferred charity, several prizes were awarded in a raffle to benefit the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League. Sam Gonzalez, Trustee, invites all members to participate in the fellowship that these events provide. The next event will be a Golf Outing scheduled for August 15th. Find out more information at www.iamlocal1487.org