Sisters and Brothers,
Working almost around the clock since Monday, the leadership of the House of Representatives and the US Senate engaged in negotiations to produce a historic $2 trillion stimulus bill that provides significant relief to our nation’s health care and transportation workers.
The Senate voted 96-0 last night to adopt the bi-partisan agreement, and it now moves to the House, where it will be introduced by Speaker Pelosi tomorrow and it is expected to pass.
Your actions since the beginning of this crisis, and your quick mobilization this week to contact elected officials in Washington made the difference for every working person in our country. Thanks to you, we are more certain of our future.
Once it becomes law, the CARE Act will secure the airline industry and our jobs for the next 6 months as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and will provide loan guarantees to rebuild our nation’s aviation infrastructure for the long term.
Key highlights for airline relief include:
- $25 Billion in grants to airlines for payroll assistance. Before Labor’s input, the bill only had a loan program. These grants are EXCLUSIVELY for the continuation of payment of employee wages, salaries and benefits. Before Labor’s input, this provision did not exist.
- No condition to open Collective Bargaining Agreements and enter concessionary negotiations to receive grants or loans. Before Labor’s input, the Treasury Secretary had the power to impose unlimited conditions for receiving federal funds. Your calls helped us close this major loophole.
- As a condition to receive federal grant funds, a carrier must refrain from conducting involuntary furloughs until September 30, 2020. Before Labor’s input, this important provision did not exist.
- Prohibition on stock buybacks and dividend payments until September 30, 2021, and limits on executive compensation and “golden parachutes.” Neither of these requirements existed before our Labor negotiators insisted on them.
I also want to remind our Brothers and Sisters at American Airlines that the ratification vote for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement will close tonight at 8:00 Eastern Standard Time. You can find information at the Association Website if you have questions or are having difficulty voting. Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard.
Thank you again for your dedication and professionalism. In these most difficult circumstances, you are showing up every day to get our customers where they need to go. We are not out of the woods yet, by a long shot, but if we continue to speak up, show up, and take care of ourselves and each other, we will overcome this crisis.
Please make sure you take time to unwind, and try to get enough rest. Our EAP Representatives are always available at
In Solidarity,

Mike Klemm,
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers