This is why we're Fighting

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LAST CALL FOR THE CENSUS: Stand Up and Be Counted

LAST CALL FOR THE CENSUS: Stand Up and Be Counted

The US Census Bureau announced this week it will end all operations to gather data for the 2020 Census at 11:59 PM Hawaii Standard Time on Thursday, October 15, after the Supreme Court agreed to suspend an order from a lower court that extended the timeline for the...

Supreme Court Nominee has Troubling Anti-Union Track Record

Supreme Court Nominee has Troubling Anti-Union Track Record

The IAM Legal department is raising concerns about Amy Coney Barrett’s anti-labor record as a federal circuit judge."As a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Law School, I know Amy Coney Barrett very well. Her positions and her approach to the law are actually a...

Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka after Hurricane Delta strikes Louisiana: The entire labor movement offers our heartfelt prayers to the people of Louisiana, who continue to show amazing strength in the face of too many natural disasters. Hurricane Delta...

Airline Relief Update From GVP Sito Pantoja

Airline Relief Update From GVP Sito Pantoja

As many of you are aware of by now, President Trump yesterday terminated negotiations with Democrats on a federal relief stimulus package, only to change course hours later to demand the House and Senate immediately approve $25 billion in new aid for the airline...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter